

New Member
Sep 3, 2024
For the past few days suicide has started to feel like a viable option for me now, and I dont feel like I can talk about it to anyone.

It feels like if I tried to talk to someone they would carry the burden of trying to make me feel better even if it most likely won't work and it would make then feel worse about themselves. Also, they wouldn't be able to understand my position anyways

I need someone to talk to that struggles with the same feelings that I do, I'm tired of feeling this alone
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Evelyn Lane

Evelyn Lane

Aug 2, 2024
A fun idea: go for a walk and approach some stranger in real life and talk to them about your suicidal thoughts. I felt tempted to do that a few times.

They can't do shit to you since they don't know you, but you still get to reap the benefits of human interaction. :D
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Apenas um homem que perdeu tudo em troca de nada.
Aug 26, 2024
Nos últimos dias, o suicídio começou a parecer uma opção viável para mim, e não sinto que posso falar sobre isso com ninguém.

Parece que se eu tentasse falar com alguém, essa pessoa carregaria o fardo de tentar me fazer sentir melhor, mesmo que isso provavelmente não funcionasse, e isso a faria se sentir pior sobre si mesma. Além disso, ela não seria capaz de entender minha posição de qualquer maneira

Preciso de alguém para conversar que esteja lutando com os mesmos sentimentos que eu, estou cansado de me sentir sozinho
I go through the same thing, every day feels like it's my last day and every minute is more painful
Nos últimos dias, o suicídio começou a parecer uma opção viável para mim, e não sinto que posso falar sobre isso com ninguém.

Parece que se eu tentasse falar com alguém, essa pessoa carregaria o fardo de tentar me fazer sentir melhor, mesmo que isso provavelmente não funcionasse, e isso a faria se sentir pior sobre si mesma. Além disso, ela não seria capaz de entender minha posição de qualquer maneira

Preciso de alguém para conversar que esteja lutando com os mesmos sentimentos que eu, estou cansado de me sentir sozinho
Tell us a little about what you did to get here


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Welcome to SaSu! You need a few more posts then you'll have access to the chat and PM. You're not alone!

I'm sorry you have to go through this.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
You are on a forum full of people who struggle with suicidality. If you're going to be heard and understood by anybody, it's people here on this forum.

I think by the time someone makes it to a suicide forum, it's not so much about "trying to make them feel better" as it is about supporting them as best as possible, reinforcing that they're not alone, and trying to help them get through the moment.

I mean, if anybody can "feel better" as a result of coming here, great. But to me (and some members may disagree with me on this), the goal here is to be supportive of a person's choice while also helping people survive where and when we can.

When somebody is so far deep and down in suffering as you and the rest of us are, "trying to make them feel better" is kind of like pushing someone to run a marathon before they're even able to walk. They've gotta walk, first. They've gotta survive the moment, first.

"What can I do to get through today?" Never mind tomorrow. You can deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. Focus on today.
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Aug 23, 2024
For the past few days suicide has started to feel like a viable option for me now, and I dont feel like I can talk about it to anyone.

It feels like if I tried to talk to someone they would carry the burden of trying to make me feel better even if it most likely won't work and it would make then feel worse about themselves. Also, they wouldn't be able to understand my position anyways

I need someone to talk to that struggles with the same feelings that I do, I'm tired of feeling this alone
We can talk if you want, DMS always open 🙂
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Impulsive & Irrational
Aug 31, 2024
I feel the same way. Since the time I started to prepare to ctb, I purposefully distant everyone from me. Even my roommate's cat. Start to cancel things, delay meetups etc. Feels like, not that I am not able to describe, just no longer want to express anymore.
I was on a call with my close friend yesterday. I don't know why I got so irritated, we almost got into an argument. The moment he asked me "Are you okay? Is everything alright?" I was filled up with tears. I had to hang up, and I broke down for the next hour. I was able to pretend "things are on the right track" so well from texting.
Part of me still wants to talk to people, I guess I still have a little hope that I can be better. But most of me has given up. I've seen so many posts of sad and regretful people watching their close friend ctb. All I want is peacefully fulfill my goal, and worry about as least as possible.
I still have the impulse to help strangers tho. How weird.

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