in hell out soon

in hell out soon

Apr 27, 2020
I'll be brutally honest here, I have nobody else to talk to about these things. No one who understands completely - the ones that do are so personally involved that it hurts them more than it could ever help me.

Not being able to talk about these things for days... weeks, and knowing this could be indefinite?

I may as well just die.

it would've been messier if I hadn't had this site. I'd have given into my urges and jumped in front of a train, or a lorry, or off of a bridge. Desperation does that. Especially when depression logically convinces you of the best courses of action you have at hand. This forum has shown me more peaceful ways that won't bring anyone else into it.

so good job, pro lifers and over zealous assholes - you just nearly added yet another body to your count. Let us have our space to vent before you lose even more of us.

And yeah if and (hopefully when) I do go, it'll be peaceful. It's still on the horizon. But it almost came a lot quicker because of people who don't actually give a shit.

they pretend to, of course, to make THEMSELVES feel better. To make themselves look like good citizens. But all they do is hurt people who need and seek help.

As edgy as it probably sounds they will never understand it's our choice. It's more than can be said for some of us.
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
I panicked when I couldn't acess SS. thank god it's still here
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in hell out soon

in hell out soon

Apr 27, 2020
Me too. Been asleep most of the time last few days and was gearing up to throw myself into traffic if I couldn't find the place again.
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Lady black

Lady black

35 male, central Europe, German speaking
Oct 22, 2018
Yes it was really hell. And I wish everyone of that stupid ass holes, that are against such sites, that they suffer so much, that would kill themselves, but would get in mental hospital forever
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Sep 28, 2020
Same the other day when it was down for so long, I've panic so much,
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I don't like life
Oct 15, 2020
No one who understands completely - the ones that do are so personally involved that it hurts them more than it could ever help me.

That's a pretty eloquent way of summarizing the situation. That's how I feel too. That's why I'm here.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
I'll be brutally honest here, I have nobody else to talk to about these things. No one who understands completely - the ones that do are so personally involved that it hurts them more than it could ever help me.

Not being able to talk about these things for days... weeks, and knowing this could be indefinite?

I may as well just die.

it would've been messier if I hadn't had this site. I'd have given into my urges and jumped in front of a train, or a lorry, or off of a bridge. Desperation does that. Especially when depression logically convinces you of the best courses of action you have at hand. This forum has shown me more peaceful ways that won't bring anyone else into it.

so good job, pro lifers and over zealous assholes - you just nearly added yet another body to your count. Let us have our space to vent before you lose even more of us.

And yeah if and (hopefully when) I do go, it'll be peaceful. It's still on the horizon. But it almost came a lot quicker because of people who don't actually give a shit.

they pretend to, of course, to make THEMSELVES feel better. To make themselves look like good citizens. But all they do is hurt people who need and seek help.

As edgy as it probably sounds they will never understand it's our choice. It's more than can be said for some of us.
Wow this resonates so much. Harm reduction is a thing too.
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Jan 18, 2021
The thing that pisses me off the most is that these people won't even acknowledge the points this website makes on why they're fucking wrong. If for some reason, suicide is bad as everyone claims, then please do tell me why because I sure as hell want to fucking die right now
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Nov 14, 2020
Omg i kept trying my best to search up wat happen to this website..i really love this website..because i feel like i am not alone..i was so worried i missed an update that u guys might have change another url or something. Just wish this site will be up for ppl that really want to vent it out or talk abt it..


Apr 10, 2019
There is a telegram group guys if you struggle - I lost SS, panicked n stuck my head in the telegram group . Instantly got the new url :happy:
Thank fuck for the community! :heart:
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Jul 19, 2020
FT26 already contributed to the death of a member by harassing them on Twitter. I wonder if they have any idea just how many more lives would be lost if they got their wish and this site and all others like it disappeared. I doubt they've ever considered that this site, for many of us, is one of the only things that keeps us going.
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Feb 20, 2021
I just joined recently and I wish I found this place sooner


Feb 18, 2020
I panicked for a brief moment when SS went dark.
At that time if I remember correctly I started a thread about CO and I was looking for some answers.
I'm thankful that SS is backup but at the back of my mind I'm always feeling anxious about the site going down again.
I think the admins need to look at other options regarding hosting. What I mean by that is maybe they should look into other countries such as Russia, Armenia and others who tend to be less strict when it comes to regulations of web hosting. I've posted a infographic couple of weeks ago showing the list of countries and domain providers that one can host questionable websites. The admins need to find ways to adopt network redundancy. So if this website goes down, then they'll have a mirror or a copy. We as users will not even notice when this site goes down.

I believe euthanasia and assisted suicide should be accepted and offered by our governments with no strings attached. It should be available to everyone regardless as to whether they have physical and or psychological issues. Maybe at most have them wait for six months to a year to decide whether they want to proceed or not. At least I think this is fair.
There are tons of social issues that society and governments have come to accept and celebrate even, so then why is suicide not one of them? It is my own body and I get to do whatever I want with it! No one should tell me I have the right to live or die...that is completely my decision.
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