

Nov 22, 2023
I'm pretty sure people hate general advice like this. I've gotten fed up with being given phone numbers to the suicide hotline for example. I'm sure you mean well, but everyone here has heard these words before. Many times, even. The problem is deeper than one inspirational message away.

For me, if I don't die, how else will I see my recovery buddy? He died. I wonder if he has consciousness. I wonder if dying will enable me to see him again.
Yeah they do, general advice sucks..
No one calls suicide hotlines..
It's just the government "action-faking"
@tiger b @RainAndSadness @penguinl0v3s
I have had the opportunity to speak to a lot of veterans and people living normal lives..
Everyone is a step from giving up, but just put off because of their religious beliefs.
People say not to take life seriously, that it's about the soul not the body...
But I call BS...
Even though it's correct to some point but the main issues comes from people's wrong doing..
Parents molest children cause of wrongdoing
Marriages split up because of wrongdoing
Soldiers go to war because of the government wrongdoing
People kill each other because of false information or someone else wrongdoing.
People suffer from rape because of the wrongdoing of someone else.
People suffer from long term illness because of wrong doing...
Almost all our problems is from the wrong doing of fellow human beings
Yeah they do, general advice sucks..
No one calls suicide hotlines..
It's just the government "action-faking"
@tiger b @RainAndSadness @penguinl0v3s
I have had the opportunity to speak to a lot of veterans and people living normal lives..
Everyone is a step from giving up, but just put off because of their religious beliefs.
People say not to take life seriously, that it's about the soul not the body...
But I call BS...
Even though it's correct to some point but the main issues comes from people's wrong doing..
Parents molest children cause of wrongdoing
Marriages split up because of wrongdoing
Soldiers go to war because of the government wrongdoing
People kill each other because of false information or someone else wrongdoing.
People suffer from rape because of wrongdoing of someone else.
People suffer from long term illness because of wrong doing...
Almost all our problems is from the wrong doing of fellow human beings
@penguinl0v3s @tiger b ...
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May you find peace in living or dying
Oct 24, 2023
Well that's it guys and girls, pick up your mat and walk! Problem solved, close the forum.

I think you lack knowledge about my situation, and many other people's here.

What you say about depression is not always true and there are physiological reasons why that is.

The first thing you say is just lie to oneself. This is like believing a useful lie. There is psychology behind that - like in Bandler and Grinder - but I doubt you've gone that deep. So don't try and school me.

Then you follow that with quite an understatement. My parents were 'bad'. Thanks for the japery. It made me cackle.

Now you can funnel pop-psychology to yourself and if it works, great. I've chewed up and spat out that, and more but miracle cure it is not. Hell, I could get fortune cookies better than what you just spewed out.

I think you knew what you were doing. Noone could be that dense not to read the room.

As Maximus Farticus said, when he felt the hand of death upon him, "Fuck off".
My honours degree in psychology tells me that sometimes people honestly are unable to recover.

OP's pop psychology is bs. If people want to reduce suicides we need to do it by developing mental health literacy and applying in to people's lives *before* they get to these forums.

It's silly to come preach ignorant pseudopsychology to a forum that has essentially made up their minds...

It's a stark reminder of the ignorance that is widespread which has resulted in my wish to die. Comments like OP's make me less hopeful...

If OP came on here and instead said "I'm sorry society has failed you, let's try to improve society" instead of "I'm sorry society has failed you, but you just have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps", I might be a bit more sympathetic...
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tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
High chance the person was a troll. Look at the clickbait title and things they said. They knew what they were doing. Posts I responded to changed a fair bit. Fair enough about shaping one's own argument, but really that was justification, it's the first post that should have been changed.

I get the possibility of someone really wanting to help with the 'it worked for me, so it'll work for you'. But anyone who thinks all depression is totally about hopelessness - did people read that part? - sorry, go away and learn, or at least be less dogmatic and learn here. But they are gone already, draw your own conclusions from that.

The mindset advocated in the first post about being a main character in one's own life and being in love with oneself - that's going to not allow a backwards step in discussion. Saying the only mistake was to post in a certain section is, in my view, missing a lot.

If some think my reaction was harsh fair enough (I thought I was being quite mild hahaha), and I'll be quicker to use the ignore button in future, but I should at least thank the op for unwittingly teaching me something about myself. Blah blah.
My honours degree in psychology tells me that sometimes people honestly are unable to recover.
From my own knowledge and studies, going back 20 years, I profoundly believed the opposite, sometimes with arrogance. It was a useful thing to believe in terms of motivation, it was helpful in the short term, there are all sorts of 'interesting' techniques and ideas. NLP and hypnotherapy were the two I delved into the most, and yes I found they did 'help'... sometimes.

But what is useful isn't necessarily true, or even helpful in every situation. Everyone truly is different.

Dr Eric M Berne talked of birth and death being the easy bit, the gap in the middle consisted of games, the purpose of which is to 'pass time'. Seen in that light, this thread has served its purpose. Onto the next...
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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
So keep living cause it could be worst....that's dumb no offense
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Just chillin'
Nov 26, 2023
Yeah they do, general advice sucks..
No one calls suicide hotlines..
It's just the government "action-faking"
@tiger b @RainAndSadness @penguinl0v3s
I have had the opportunity to speak to a lot of veterans and people living normal lives..
Everyone is a step from giving up, but just put off because of their religious beliefs.
People say not to take life seriously, that it's about the soul not the body...
But I call BS...
Even though it's correct to some point but the main issues comes from people's wrong doing..
Parents molest children cause of wrongdoing
Marriages split up because of wrongdoing
Soldiers go to war because of the government wrongdoing
People kill each other because of false information or someone else wrongdoing.
People suffer from rape because of the wrongdoing of someone else.
People suffer from long term illness because of wrong doing...
Almost all our problems is from the wrong doing of fellow human beings

@penguinl0v3s @tiger b ...
I somewhat agree with this. From what I've seen, a good number of people suffer from physical illnesses or genetic illnesses that make their lives hard. Nothing or no one has to happen for a person to feel depressed; sometimes it's just the way it is. We should try helping those who think they can get better or have hesitation, but if there's an ill person who can't keep going, they have every right to die in peace.
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Lost cherry

Lost cherry

Oct 21, 2023
This post annoyed me. Thank you for your "help" . But you dont know nothing. You dont know our stories. You dont know our feelings. If we want to ctb, that means that we cant recover. Maybe people tried therapy, maybe tried a lot of things and we are just tired, and nothing help us. Your post cant change nothing, because this is not enough. "Ignore and live" wow, thank you so much for your advice, you will save all of us with this words. We dont want to ignore anything anymore because we cant and u just dont understand this. And live? How ? Live life like some empty girl, who is depressed and loneliness and who feel pain every day? I dont want. I am not alone ( i have dog, family, friends) and everyone loves me. But i feel alone . Because i cant live without love and my ex. Some people maybe have bigger problems than me, and maybe my story is not serious for u. But u dont know how i feel. So, i dont need your advice , because if i decided to do ctb, i was thinking before my design, I talked with people, and my soul is screaming every day and my heart is broken. And i know that never be better. This is just empty stories from people who cant understand us , just like therapy. If doctor gives u some medicines for anxiety and depression, this is not good for you too. You are not better. You think that you are better because of medicines and this is placebo. And after years and years of therapy, some people are more suicidal. This is manipulation. I can do with my life whatever i want and other people just need to accept this. I hate the way like other people talking about suicidal people. We are normal too. We are not crazy. Accept this like normal things. People are "sad" because they dont want to allow ctb because maybe this is traumatic for them. But if we are keep living with sadness and pain, this is ok. You know why? Because people are selfish and no one cares!


Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
This site is for people with depression, s*****de, mental health issues, and anything about that.
How ironic. A site discussing the topic of suicide because nobody else will let us, and yet you can't even say it.

In the case that you are still here and reading this, I'm not against you wanting to help, and you are entirely correct that not everyone on this site wants to or is planning their death. Please, if you truly want to help—and I say this to everyone reading who truly wishes to help—you can start by treating suicide like it isn't a swear word.
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Sep 27, 2023
I know it's hard, but try to ignore and live.

As "Marcus Aurelius" said when tucking in your child, imagine them dying at the moment.

No matter what you are going through, think on something worse.

Think of losing it all.

Think of being indebt.

Think of losing all your loved ones.

The essence of life is suffering.

Fuck the people, live your life on your own terms.

Be in crazy love with yourself, think of yourself as a form of an higher human being that needs to be protected and anything you that you do you are the best.

I know that parents can be bad, friends can hurt you, you can lose your job, you can lose everything.

Depression is not caused by anything but hopelessness.

Get knowledge about your situation...just live guys.

I was once down for years with depression, trauma, low self esteem and addiction

I didn't go to therapy, I just see my self as a work in progress.

You are different guys, you see what others can't see, you have a third eye.

Prove the monster wrong.

It doesn't get better, you just emulate a better mindset and identity

I love you all ♥️.
The fact that you thought you might get banned makes me believe you lack the clarity most of us have. You don't understand so instead you try to inspire and there isn't anything wrong with that but it isn't going to change my mind mate