

electric angel
Feb 9, 2023
Oh I get pissed about it all the time. Just have to remember most of it is fake, that and severely cherry picked greatest moments of their life.
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Feb 2, 2023
I've felt like this since the beginning of Facebook in like 2006. It is not healthy to see these people with seemingly happy lives when I can't have that.
It's the same situation as how they blame supermodels and beauty standards for body dysmorphia and anorexia.
Being forced to watch others enjoying life doing things you can't is not good for mental health.
Of course Facebook is even more disgusting now with all the fake news and ads

death song

Jan 24, 2023
Yes it bothers me a lot seeing all those happy, shiny people and their perfect spouses, houses cars etc. I am not jealous of them, I just feel like a loser because I once had all that and blew it all with a series of bad decisions. Now I am old, lonely and alone and struggling financially.
I still follow Facebook though as I get to read a lot of interesting topics that I like. Just try to skip over a lot of the "perfect" people and their posts from their vacation in Tuscany or wherever.
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Infinity Weaver
Aug 2, 2022
Yes it bothers me a lot seeing all those happy, shiny people and their perfect spouses, houses cars etc. I am not jealous of them, I just feel like a loser because I once had all that and blew it all with a series of bad decisions. Now I am old, lonely and alone and struggling financially.
I still follow Facebook though as I get to read a lot of interesting topics that I like. Just try to skip over a lot of the "perfect" people and their posts from their vacation in Tuscany or wherever.
I'm still amazed how some people can book vacations in far-flung places, while their neighbor (me) sits at home all year, barely making ends meet.

Me? I lost it all - home, belongings, pets - in a house fire. One thing I really miss is my gaming computer. I can't afford to buy a new one. Usually I take it in stride, but from time to time I'll feel a little pang of longing whenever my friends bring up the games they play, or the AI art they generated, or the server they threw together from spare parts. That would've been me, just a few short years ago.


Unlucky me, who lives life in pain
Mar 7, 2023
You are absolutley not selfish at all. I can completley relate to that, and from what I can see, so can most of the people on this thread

Heart Failures

New Member
Oct 8, 2023
It is not for no reason it is dubbed Fakebook. What they are portraying is an image of happiness. It is even worse on Instagram.

The truth is, the VAST MAJORITY of us are struggling. You are most definitely not alone.
As per the title.

Too upset to elaborate.

What are your thoughts on seeing others happy?

Am I selfish?

Can you understand?

Sending love x.
People present the image of happiness, very often to hide the emptiness and hopelessness they feel inside.


Mar 12, 2023
Facebook is a bad place , people only show happy times , if they would show all the bad things happening too them , or the bad stuff they do. That would represent the reality a little bit more.

The hypocrisy is unbelievable on that network. Ive been long gone from that shitty network and will never be back.

Cancelling your account is a very good thing for your mental health.
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Embodiment of failure/Doom poster/Compassionate
Sep 14, 2023
Yes same. I avoid anything positive especially threads like this that remind me of such.


May 27, 2020
First of all: this post is not intended to invalidate the way that you feel at all.

...Social media platforms and those who use them regularly are generally false, or at least the content which they share is not very accurate. For example: you may be viewing the profile of a so-called "influencer" who uploads an image showing their expensive apartment; the apartment itself is situated on a hill overlooking a sunny, clean city. Your first thought in response to this may be that they are living a very happy life, and that all of their needs and wants are satisfied, but one image alone does not give the full picture - pun intended. This same person could have many awful things going on in their life - massive debt, arguments, pressure to gain views and so on. They do not show you any of this though - the honest and darker side - because it would unlikely gain many views.

Why do (some) social media users behave this way - why do they need so many views? For the average social media user this is done to gain popularity - a temporary dopamine boost when others flock to their content such as a photo of them on a beach which, in reality, was taken at a landfill. They give themselves an illusion of a relationship with strangers by giving you an illusion of their life. For social media "celebrities", though, it is usually to make profit instead; if you look at any Instagram or YouTube celebrity they have "drama" such as physical fights, or fallout's with friends (hired models); unlike ordinary people they can actually get away with creating this kind of negative content, because it is manufactured and so can done in an entertaining way - plus their high status might bring the Halo Effect into play.

In short: not everyone on social media is being truthful. People only share what they want you to to see, and it is not for your benefit. Every video is edited, and every image is doctored. Be careful.
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Sep 27, 2023
Actually i love watching happy people. It make me realise that life is not that bad for everyone, its just not for me. And i already accepted it. I guess i was an horrible person in some kind of previous life thats it.