
Jun 6, 2023
I have done some research and I'm pretty sure I qualify for assisted suicide with Dignitas. The problems are these three:

1. I can't afford a membership. Their website however said, that if your economy is bad they could possibly arrange it anyways.
2. I can't afford to travel to Switzerland and my disability makes it very hard, but not impossible to travel. I could possibly save up.
3. Getting that doctors note is risky. Doctors are legally obliged to write notes, but my country is widely known for discriminating against mentally ill people - no matter if you have somatic conditions too. We have a harder time getting healthcare in general and asking a doctor for a note for Dignitas could easily be interpreted as "crazy person wanting to do crazy thing" thus making the police involved and noting it in your medical records.

I have a meeting with my neurologist tomorrow, were I plan to carefully explain my situation, except mentioning my plans on CTB. The info should be more than enough to make him understand that my life is unbearable without hope of that changing. He's pretty chill, pretty progressive, more caring than any doctor I've met in my life. If anyone in this God-forsaken country would empathize, it would probably be him. There's always a risk for backfiring, including him contacting my therapist who already threatened with police involvement, contacting the police himself or drop me as a patient all together.

Any thoughts? Is it worth the risk?
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Aug 23, 2022
You could do as you said, explain things carefully, don't mention CTB plans whatsoever and keep the focus on your PHYSICAL issues. How they are making your life unbearable, and try to avoid the mental aspect of things. Then maybe ask casually what his thoughts are on physician assisted death, VAD, MAID, etc. in situations like yours (maybe just don't say "assisted suicide" or any words like that) and that you've been researching it in other countries, or something similar. Then you could get a good feel for his stance and whether or not to ask…I think it can totally depend on how you word things, if it seems like you have the "mental capacity" to make these choices, don't seem suicidal, focus on the physical suffering, then you have a better chance.
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Mar 12, 2023
Yeah, what tiny dancer said. Like 'i heard about these things, do you think they're options?' And test the waters. It's bullshit that you gotta pussyfoot around to get a solution like this. Bullshit that you need to dance around the fragile eggshells of other peoples' consciences. And even more bullshit that it should cost more than a goddamn dollar. Good luck with this.
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Jul 3, 2019
I don't think this can be done cheaply; Dignitas costs £10,000 I think. Plus travel.


Time to do more enjoyable things _____Goodbye_____
Mar 22, 2022
No, do NOT tell your doctor (or other persons) anything about your wish to die ! You could end up in psych. ward.

For an application to one of the 6 VAD associations in Switzerland you need medical documents. This is necessary to process your application.

If you can´t afford a membership, you can´t pay the required amount of appr. CHF10.000,- for VAD + travel expenses.

By the way, there is not only Dignitas. Dignitas is known to be the most expensive and strictest VAD association.
There are associations that are more liberal.

Helpful search results:
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Jun 6, 2023
Thank you all for your kind replies!

I'll have the meeting in two and a half hours, and I'll tread carefully. Hopefully, we'll naturally progress to look at options for me and depending on how the call has gone, I'll just mentioned I've been looking at these clinics. If I feel that I can hold up an objective and reasonable apperance, without getting emotional, that is.

As for the price, Dignitas website mentions that people who live with a scarce income can get a partial or full reduction of both membership fees and VAD costs. Pegasos would be my first choice, but their website says they cannot provide a cost reduction. Travelling to Switzerland I have to pay for myself, but that price is doable after two - three months of saving (especially because I don't need a return ticket), it's the travelling itself that's the hard part since I'm not very mobile. The hardest part are the medical documents. I practically have none, because as I said - if you have any MI diagnosis in my country you're more often than not denied healthcare. My doctor sees me privately and pro bono, because he knows that.
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Time to do more enjoyable things _____Goodbye_____
Mar 22, 2022
It´s totally pointless to apply without medical documents. This is the most important part of the entire process ! And yes, in a few cases Dignitas reduces the price or makes it free. But this is only in very rare exceptional cases and in case of very serious illness. I would not rely on it. I helped people with the proposal for many years and never saw Dignitas do it for free. And even if they do the VAD for free, you're still left with the cost of the cremation, funeral, authority fees...etc. And don't underestimate travel costs. Switzerland is a very expensive country.
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May 27, 2023
Do NOT mention CTB plans! Psychiatrist have the authority and routinely exercise the ability to hold you against your will. DO NOT DO IT.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm sorry that you have to go through all this and life is so tiring for you. It's so horrible that there are no easily accessible ways to exit this world peacefully should one have the desire for that. I wish you all the best!
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i don’t know who i am
May 8, 2023
wishing you the best outcome from your appointment <3
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Jun 6, 2023
It´s totally pointless to apply without medical documents. This is the most important part of the entire process ! And yes, in a few cases Dignitas reduces the price or makes it free. But this is only in very rare exceptional cases and in case of very serious illness. I would not rely on it. I helped people with the proposal for many years and never saw Dignitas do it for free. And even if they do the VAD for free, you're still left with the cost of the cremation, funeral, authority fees...etc. And don't underestimate travel costs. Switzerland is a very expensive country.

I figured, that's why I need my doctor on board, in order to get documents in the first place. I realise there's a small chance of Dignitas agreeing to reduce the fees, but I figure it can't hurt to try. I looked it up, and a one way ticket to Switzerland would be roughly 120 euros, which is doable for me. Accomodation doesn't feel necessary, other expenses such as food and drink, I can bring some from home. The funeral and cremation could technically be paid by my church, since I pay church taxes specifically for that in my country and from what I can see that applies even if you die abroad.
Thank you all for the well-wishes and information. Sadly my doctor cancelled on me five minutes before the appointment. Because yeah. That's just on par with my life.
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Soon, my soul will fly away. I love you all
Jun 8, 2023
I don't know if euthanasia is legal in your country. If not, I wouldn't tell him. It might get you in trouble


Time to do more enjoyable things _____Goodbye_____
Mar 22, 2022
In my country you have the right to get copies of all medical reports, without giving a reason. The creamation must be in Switzerland. They will not transport your body to your country.
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