
Jan 6, 2021
Oh sorry, I forgot to mention he's super rich?

I wouldn't go for the option either though, but it's worth a consideration.


Feb 24, 2020
No being gay sucks and makes u less of a man and a loser thats my opinion. Also I am short so I don't think girls want a 165cm short manlet. No one takes me srsly nor respects me my career will be also affected if I even finish uni at all. I am living life on hard mode. Fuck this shitty place. I have been suicidal for a long time I just can't get a method. Sn ordered but never reached cuz it's illegal for private use. No place to hang. So either train drowning or jumping.
No, being gay does not make you any less of a man or a loser.

Nobody gives a shit about height anymore, and if somebody is so shallow to then they are not the person for you. There are 7.8billion people on Earth, in the end, statistically, many them will love you for who you are inside and out.

You've already achieved more than most do by lining up a career and going to University, praise yourself for that. I applaud you my friend,

Just stating facts bro, you have so much worth.
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
Oh sorry, I forgot to mention he's super rich?

I wouldn't go for the option either though, but it's worth a consideration.
If he was interested in a sugar daddy, he would have mentioned it. I'm sure he just wants to find a man he can connect with and build a healthy, long lasting relationship. You can't get that from a creepy, intolerant, rich bastard.


Nov 26, 2020
I think it takes having something to live for. And it sounds like you do-- you have concrete things that you want to accomplish in life, and that's awesome. Even if you don't feel like it, 20 is soo incredibly young. You have all the time in the world to get an education, move out of your country and live a better quality of life. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but if you want something out of this life that's so achievable, please hold onto that. And perhaps find some coping mechanisms to make it bearable in the meantime.
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Jan 6, 2021
Yeah you could be 47 and still not know yourself, and what you want out of life.

That'd suck!

You got this


Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
I've seen the questions. How do you hang yourself? What's the easiest way?

The real question for me is : How do I live?

Because I really want to.
I feel you <3

I am 20 year old gay man wanting to start a family, live the most boring life imaginable. I am having a chance to go to university and maybe then migrate to better country in which a person with my *circumstances* is able to live like a normal human.
We have a lot in common. A LOT.

The goal however is hard to achieve due to my stupid sensitivity.
Your sensitivity is a gift <3 if the environment does not value it, it is not your shortcoming.

Everything around me is a trigger. I see people holding hands. I see REAL friendships. I see families. And as I see this, I wonder how could they have something I do not. Something that should be taken for granted. I am suffering for long 20 years of my life and I've never been happy. I experience severe depression if I see this "trigger", which as you may guess is pretty often.
I feel this very hard.

Everyday it's getting harder and harder. And I am asking myself, while looking at my suicide poison in a sealed bag: Why am I still fighting?
I feel this too. Wow your words so resonate with me. I'd like to suggest making a plan for living? What do YOU need to be happy? Without thinking about social norms. You want a boring predictable life with a loving partner? <3 cool. Then explore what steps you can take to make it happen? Like literally make a list. Work on it when you can.
In the meantime, find your tribe- people who nurture you and love you and protect you. It helps. Reach out when you can while knowing that you may be met with harshness.
In terms of sexuality alone, it can def def def get better. Just sending you a bucket of love and hope and strength <3 You deserve to have every desire fulfilled!
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21 year old gay boy
Jun 16, 2020
Hello all, sorry, I fell asleep. Thank you all for the kind words. I am not sure If I can handle another three years alone on university. It will be very hard.

Tennessee Williams said: "I've got the guts to die. What I want to know is, how you got the guts to live?" I guess I will just have to wait and see...
I feel you <3

We have a lot in common. A LOT.

Your sensitivity is a gift <3 if the environment does not value it, it is not your shortcoming.

I feel this very hard.

I feel this too. Wow your words so resonate with me. I'd like to suggest making a plan for living? What do YOU need to be happy? Without thinking about social norms. You want a boring predictable life with a loving partner? <3 cool. Then explore what steps you can take to make it happen? Like literally make a list. Work on it when you can.
In the meantime, find your tribe- people who nurture you and love you and protect you. It helps. Reach out when you can while knowing that you may be met with harshness.
In terms of sexuality alone, it can def def def get better. Just sending you a bucket of love and hope and strength <3 You deserve to have every desire fulfilled!

This is so kind. Thank you very much. I hope you will find hapiness too.
I'll just ignore the homophobic comments and try to answer this thread's question: HOW DO YOU LIVE?

Well, I've started feeling like giving life one more shot so here's what I do:

-Know what my life goals are. For instance, I don't want a family so if I ever date seriously someone, that person will have to think like me.

-I'm conscious about the fact I will always be suicidal. This helps me lots

-I have hobbies. This is literally saving my life. You know, gaming, learning languages, working out, etc.

And that's basically the way I live. I might have not added some other stuff which is necessary such as money or obvious things.

I'm kinda humble. Don't need that much stuff to be happy, just a stable mind lol.

Hugs and wish you the best, pal.

PS: Ignore comments from people with a mentality from previous centuries. It is not worh wasting your time on them.

Hobbies? But that seems so little for me to live for? I am kind of shocked this works for you. But I am glad for it :)

I love reading and I used to work out before the gyms got closed..

Wish you the best.
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Jan 22, 2021
All that rubbish about gay people is why I'm staying in the closet. Good for you op but don't come to England because they hate anything gay, even the happy sense of the word
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