Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
I'm sick of everything in it, every mentality. The more I learn, the more messed up it all seems.

I don't want to work myself to death every day of my life to be able to afford crumbs, but that's what we're told "successful" people do.

We're constantly fed "facts" that aren't even facts, meant to radicalize and politicize everything. You can't just let people live the way they want anymore, you have to religiously support everything we're told or else you're "basically hitler". You can follow everything you're "supposed" to, but have one single wrong opinion and you're demonized and outcasted from everyone.

All people exist for anymore is capitalism. Everyone I know is depressed and anxious constantly. I feel like even twenty years ago was better and people just saw each other as other people... now everyone's just social media personas. I truly think technology and late stage capitalism is the downfall of humanity.

I just want to live away from it all, I'd love to forage and hunt all day and work hard doing that instead of some meaningless job I waste my entire life at. But I've been told my whole life that that's "unrealistic" and people have made me feel hopeless. I think the only way out for me is death
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Global Mod
Jun 24, 2023
while it seems unrealistic that's not true but no matter what you have to work for it. work doesn't just equate to money it more equates to your time and how you've allocated it.

and no matter what you have to work for money because that's just how society works and it's a fair trade off in my opinion. you contribute your skills to earn money to buy things you need for stuff you're truthfully working towards. you'll need a gun or a bow to hunt and someone made that via work so you trade currency as it's "valuable" to the product producer. if everything you want is capable by your own hands then i do think it's less unrealistic than you may believe. most the time though you'll have to work towards it with money and time.

it's not always capitalistic it's just a fair exchange for other people's work.


May 5, 2024
I just want to live away from it all, I'd love to forage and hunt all day and work hard doing that instead of some meaningless job I waste my entire life at. But I've been told my whole life that that's "unrealistic" and people have made me feel hopeless. I think the only way out for me is death
If people all around the world could do it 10 000 years ago, so can you.
It's tough work and quite risky, but capitalism won't stop you from going to a remote area, sharpening a stick, and try your luck.

A more attractive approach might be a hybrid one, where you work, while educating yourself in survival skills. You could then go out in the wilderness with modern supplies, for time limited periods. After that, you could decide how to proceed as you get more experienced.
This is not a bad idea. If it sounds interesting, go for it!
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Jan 25, 2024
I know exactly how you feel, I don't see a point in going on any longer, I despise almost everything in this world, I don't think this is for me at all. That's one of the reasons why I've been isolating myself as much as I can for years. I used to fantasize about going to live in the forest or something, but I realize that's unpractical, now I just want out. I don't see a point in having to struggle to ''make a living'' since I'm not sure I even want to live anyway, I don't have the will to do this. I only see ctb as a way out.
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Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
it's not always capitalistic it's just a fair exchange for other people's work.
Yes this is the natural way that it has to work with our current level of technology. However, I'd say what's going on around the world right now is anything but a fair exchange. With the top 10 wealthiest people owning 10 TIMES more wealth than the combined total of 3.5 BILLION people, no one could argue otherwise in good faith. And they've been steadily lowering the top marginal tax rate for over 30 years now yet wages have remained largely stagnant for everyone else. Don't get me wrong, I know what you were saying I just wanted to put this out here.
If people all around the world could do it 10 000 years ago, so can you.
It's tough work and quite risky, but capitalism won't stop you from going to a remote area, sharpening a stick, and try your luck.
People 10,000 years ago were free to roam and search for food. If you tried to do that today, you would certainly get repeatedly arrested or get killed by over-zealous land owners. Primitive camping on public land can be extremely dangerous and hunting licenses can be expensive. They have done an excellent job at keeping us trapped in their economic system. Your best option is to buy your own land and if you miss 2-3 years of tax payments, they will take it from you by force and will sell it off to the highest bidder. Taxes on 10+ acres of land can be devastating in some places--- even in isolated rural areas. I'm speaking from an American point of view but I imagine the situation is largely the same in other countries.
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May 5, 2024
People 10,000 years ago were free to roam and search for food.
If you go to remote areas, you're essentially free to roam for food.
I'm not in the US, but I guess Alaska, Canada, and South America offers many truly remote places, where no one will interfere.

I recommend having a look at the South American rainforest, and how people live there. It's far beyond government and capitalist control.
The capitalist trap is largely self imposed.
Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
If you go to remote areas, you're essentially free to roam for food.
I'm not in the US, but I guess Alaska, Canada, and South America offers many truly remote places, where no one will interfere.

I recommend having a look at the South American rainforest, and how people live there. It's far beyond government and capitalist control.
The capitalist trap is largely self imposed.
I agree with Alaska. It used to be legal to move to Alaska and set up a homestead claim until they abolished that law in the 1980's. It's illegal to hunt on many state owned lands but you're far less likely run into law enforcement. I'd chose southeast Alaska--- more rain and less snow.

It would probably take 3 days before I died in some fantastical way if I went to the amazon rainforest.

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