

Dec 14, 2023
In my country they have guidelines on how to write about it. They're not allowed to mention specific methods, if someone (like a celebrity or a random person found dead) has passed by CTB they usually don't mention a cause of death, they just write "no crime is involved". Sure, I can buy that. What bothers me though is the god damned info boxes that they put under those articles. They honestly feel insulting. Just read an article about the Sarco case and sure enough there was one. It's always the same shit. Let's break it down because why the hell not:

"Here are places to turn to if you feel bad"
If you feel so bad that it's unbearable or if you have thought of suicide contact 112 or the nearest psychiatric emergency room - This is the part that I have most issues with, obviously. Partly because they send cops and cops are rarely, rarely pleasant to suicidal people here. I've had my door broken down (when I wasn't suicidal, someone just told them they thought I was) and that is illegal. When I called to report them the asshole just said "You should be grateful we saved your life" and when I said that my life wasn't in danger in the first place he just went "How were we supposed to know that?" Because I was standing there, literally yelling "Please stop" and they choose to ignore it. I've been threathened, several friends of mine have been assaulted (young women, by multiple adult men) and when one of them tried to defend herself - because you know, it's a human reflex...- they got her a court sentence for violence against an officer. And then there's the emergency room. What a fucking blessing that is. You get to lock in all of your belongings, they have the key. Then you get locked in behind multiple doors - which is also illegal btw - and sit there for anywhere in between 4 and 16 hours, listening to people screaming, crying and getting assaulted by staff members until you're finally getting to see a psychiatrist with a serious case of small dick energy who clearly hates your guts without even knowing you and be sent home with a prescription for the same anxiolytic that you already have a prescription for. You get yelled at, insulted, neglected or a combination of the three. It feels fucking unethical to advice vulnerable people to pursue that. Someone who feels so bad it's unbearable should be wrapped up in a fucking blanket, get a huge portion of ice cream and listened to. How exactly is abuse and confinement going to help?

Number to suicide hotline - often times completely useless in my experience. If you do get through - which you almost never do - they just repeat everything you say back to you and tries to make you think positively.

Number to a helpline for children - these I have no experience with, other than prank calling when I was little. Can't say if they're good or not.

Number to "fellow human on duty" hotline - never dared to call after a friend did and reported on how rude the person who answered was. He seemed to enjoy hearing her in pain.

Number to "priest on duty" hotline - called several times and basically all they say is "You can call again, we are open all night" great. I am calling now. How is it going to help to know that I can call later? Added benefit of that if you get sick of them you can just ask something about Jesus (they're not allowed to bring up religion without the caller directly initiating it) and they just start to ramble. Decent distraction.

Number to healthcare guide hotline - these are just nurses you can call to ask where you can get healthcare. Because everyone seems to assume that the problem on people not getting help is that they either refuse it or don't know where they can get it.
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Reactions: Forever Sleep, LifeQuitter, pleaseiwanttogo and 2 others


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I also hate the news articles about suicide. I saw one about the sacro pod on another SS post and I felt so much rage at society for how they see suicide. It makes me hate humanity so much and it makes me hope that I cause as much damage to society as possible. I think that humanity is a curse and I hope that humans go extinct one day as I loathe this species
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
They annoy me too for other reasons as well. They'll often say how phenomenally gifted the person was. What a bright future they were deprived of. But it's like- how can you possibly know? Even if they had succeeded in life and done materially well, they may not have been happy still. I actually doubt all that many people suicide on impulse and after some short depressive phase. I imagine plenty of people struggle for a long time before making that decision.

Or, they'll go the other way. They had long-term mental illness and ideation but no one can believe they killed themselves. 'There weren't any signs.' Really?
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