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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
Most of time, it seems that "mother nature" wants to perpetuate sentient life just so there can be suffering in the universe. All of our existence is marked by so much needless pain that comes for free, meanwhile we must work hard to earn happiness or at least minimize our suffering, and to make things worse we have no choice about whether being born or not. I don't want to work hard for something I didn't ask for, and even if I did want that there is no guarantee that I'll be happy by doing whatever I can to be successful in this joke called life. Every day there are billions of humans and other animals suffering around the world for whatever reason there is, and we can't do anything about it because aside from being unpractical, if we do that we'll be making other beings suffer as well. A simple example is an animal hunting another animal. If we save the animal being hunted, sparing it from suffering, the hunter will starve. Why do all things have to be this way? Why is pain and suffering are the rule while happiness is the exception? Why can't we all be happy and thrive? Even a bigger and better question, why did we had to exist and be able to experience those things? It would've been much better if sentient life didn't exist! I hate nature and all of its stupid processes that create consciousness! I don't want to tolerate this for more than necessary to get my hands on SN so I can at least avoid more pain, but that sounds like so much work right now!
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Aug 12, 2019
Nature I think transcends the good and evil definitions. It is chaos. When you walk into the forest you see that beauty of it. Birds are singing their songs and feeding their young lings, water might murmur somewhere near, sound of rustling leaves as the slight wind moves the trees etc. But then the bear comes out and he sees you, the lunch, and lunges at you and tears you apart. And this is it. Destruction and creation. You can enjoy the sounds and the look of ocean but you will be terrified being around a erupting volcano. Just like those things same is true for the humans. As a male one can see female body and think that it is one of the most beautiful things in our universe and then that female has a period or goes through childbirth and suddenly you are like eeeeeeeeewww. Why is it like that? I have no clue. Is there some order to these things? I don't know that either. You and I are currently alive during this period of time in human history. If we were born earlier maybe we would have lived on a farm somewhere, working hard for our food but also appreciating our life outdoors and then maybe some army would come through our village and burn our whole village down and raped and killed us. Both the good and the bad things happen to everyone. To some pain happens less then to others. Just like that one tree that people pin stuff on, write on or cut but the rest of the trees deep in the woods live without humans messing with them.
My pain is a product of my choices I made in this life and product of my genetics and mistakes of my parents who didn't think this through. These are all the things that could have been controlled and fixed by not bringing me into the world and yet because of my parents I am here. Partly it is not my fault that I am unhappy and partly it is.

You asked a question why can't we all be happy and thrive? I think humanity is trying to take the step to ensure that but we are still very early in the stages regarding that. For example in order to defy the ilnessess we invented medicines and are continuing to invent medicines to fix the issues that happen naturally but we still don't have cures for a lot of diseases nor are a lot of the cures available because they are expensive. I do see us trying to fix those things but the truth is no matter how hard we tried the pain will always be there but it is still worth it to try to minimize it.
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Oct 23, 2018
Probably indifferent causality, beyond that I don't know the why of it. Just know it is and I happen to be here in the now. Since we are of nature means we are obligated to compete. Our societies even mirror that zero sum game. To gain is to deprive someone else. Some one is destined to suffer for the luxury of putting petrol in your car. Or sticking chocolate in your gob or voting one way or the other.

The reason we don't thrive in a state of happiness is that is not societies focus at all. The fact we stupidly measure success based on GDP is proof of that. Does not help pain is profitable in many sectors. Just look at the arms industry and the behaviour of the tobacco lobbyists and chemical giants. Does not help that a multitude of fictions are creating suffering. Some of it down to spurious math with no real world equivalent. Alongside other fictional entities being used to justify various atrocities. Add in shareholder value being reliant on infinite growth on a finite planet. That growth often having no ethical considerations at all for people or environment. That often behaves like a psychopath that renders your worth down to that of a disposable plastic spoon. Some people are starving because of economic forces at work and not lack of available resources. Throw in tribalism and ideology that denies reality, it is all a recipe for misery and continued conflict. Maybe we are just terminally stupid and will go extinct because of it?

It all seems insane to me. I would like to think science will progress us to a point where we shift focus to standards of living and a happiness index and quality of life driving policy. However, just look at how broken our political systems are and how empirical evidence is being disregarded in favour of a winning smile and adherence to ideology and lobbyists as the world burns. We all bleed and hunger the same but we don't focus on that. We are not unified in any meaningful way. Seemingly more defined by our differences. We can barely care about human beings let alone voiceless animals.

It is not entirely impractical though, best route to reducing suffering is education and lifting people out of poverty. Lots of effort try to do just that. That has a knock on effect of reducing the fertility rate and improving standards of living. But there are a lot of institutional barriers to achieving this. So sometimes you can only reduce suffering on the small local or individual scale.

All you can really do is either be killed by the misery of it all. Or try and minimise pain for yourself and existing people. Or try and enjoy the small things amidst the chaos and hardship. Partially hope that enjoyment forms a bulwark against inevitable suffering. As well as feed your passion and create positive memories for yourself and other to offset the fact that we live in a state of perpetual atrocity no one asked for. Only to be killed by this thing called life anyway.
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Divine Trinity

Divine Trinity

Pugna Vigil
Mar 20, 2019
Most of time, it seems that "mother nature" wants to perpetuate sentient life just so there can be suffering in the universe. All of our existence is marked by so much needless pain that comes for free, meanwhile we must work hard to earn happiness or at least minimize our suffering, and to make things worse we have no choice about whether being born or not. I don't want to work hard for something I didn't ask for, and even if I did want that there is no guarantee that I'll be happy by doing whatever I can to be successful in this joke called life. Every day there are billions of humans and other animals suffering around the world for whatever reason there is, and we can't do anything about it because aside from being unpractical, if we do that we'll be making other beings suffer as well. A simple example is an animal hunting another animal. If we save the animal being hunted, sparing it from suffering, the hunter will starve. Why do all things have to be this way? Why is pain and suffering are the rule while happiness is the exception? Why can't we all be happy and thrive? Even a bigger and better question, why did we had to exist and be able to experience those things? It would've been much better if sentient life didn't exist! I hate nature and all of its stupid processes that create consciousness! I don't want to tolerate this for more than necessary to get my hands on SN so I can at least avoid more pain, but that sounds like so much work right now!
Hunters are a necessary evil, without them herbivores would overpopulate and collapse their food system causing catastrophic effects for everything in the local ecosystem.

Everything in nature happens for a reason, and if the things we don't like didn't occur an even worse outcome would likely happen. I see nature's test as a test for a perfect system where there is no waste or suffering, and we are one of many guinea pigs.

Though I can't say the same for human conceptions, most of the time there's no justification for why we say or do what we do.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I've had similar observations. Nature is one big paradox generator, terrifying in its impartial perfection. You kinda have to wonder why. Why is everything struggling to survive, to evolve, to advance?

It all seems to be in response to entropy, an eternal struggle against the void. Ironic that so many here court death. Hardly surprising that survival instinct is such a big thing when we try to defy the paradox in an effort to escape.
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Sep 15, 2019
I too sometimes have difficulty in "appreciating the beauty of nature." I just see the brutality and the depravity of maintaining one's meaningless existence. I just look at the great white shark and it just totally encapsulates the living embodiment of brutality. It's just like the truest, rawest predator. Nothing gentle about what it does! And at the risk of sounding like a pervert, their mating rituals aren't exactly gentle either; consent isn't exactly a thing! But as others have pointed out, these guys have an essential role to play in their systems and they wouldn't exactly be doing a very good job if they were the slightest bit tender; their brutality is necessary.

Anyway, in some ways, I've come to gain some respect for life just in terms of its perseverance. Its ability to prevail against all odds. Its stubbornness in propagating itself. The lifeforce. Mad passion. It may not be pretty, but it sure is awe-inspiring. As a wise man once said, "Life, uh uh uh uh uh finds a way."