I'm so sorry for what you're feeling - your post resonated with me.
I hate that I always feel watched I hate caring what other people think.
10 years ago I had been felt watched as well, and feared judgement from people. I no longer care what most people think, but still fear getting punished for being myself. And I actually get punished for it at work.
I feel like I'm an attention seeker for venting.
I don't think you're an attention seeker, but at least on this forum, venting is okay and thank you for posting this thread. Your post helps people, including me - it reminds people they're not alone.
(And I think I'm one of the worst attention seekers on this forum.)
I'm so disgusted in myself. Why do I care so much about people it hurts. Sometimes I wish I could isolate myself for the rest of time. To have solitude forever. It's just a lot easier not being around or talking because I always mess things up. I want to stab myself over and over and over
I used to hate myself so much, too. In my case, I had to care about people in order to avoid conflict.
And self-hate was extremely painful, so I cut myself in my arm. I don't recommend self-harm of course, but it was my only solace.