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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
I do hate it, I cannot stand pro-lifers and how they force their insensitive life valuing beliefs onto everyone else, they say things like wanting to die is something that one must try to "recover" from and insist that suicide must be the "last resort".

These views automatically imply that existence was something worth having, positive and desirable in the first place which to me it could never be. I don't understand what makes people believe that everyone values existence like them, I find it insensitive when they force these views, as to me wanting death is all that feels rational, I'd always prefer to not exist than to suffer in this cruel, meaningless existence.

The problem will always lie in existence itself, not the thoughts of suicide, it's so disgusting to treat wanting to die like an illness, that view just shows a complete lack of awareness. But anyway there's no value in the futile and torturous burden of existing as a human, existence truly is nothing more than meaningless suffering.

I wish I never existed more than anything and suicidal people should always have their wish to die respected rather than being insulted by pro-lifers, not everyone wants existence and that fact should be accepted. Suicide for me is the way to find safety from unnecessary suffering, it's suffering prevention, death is the only relief not the "last resort".
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Coconut blue

Coconut blue

May 13, 2024
same. i rlly hate my parents for giving birth to me. they gave me an existence i never wanted and now im forced to suffer for who knows how long bc i dont have the courage to ctb
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What the hell I'm doing here?
Apr 9, 2024
Here's a good one I heard some time ago when I was arguing about existence is suffering and pro creation brings more pain to living beings: "But if we won't make children, there won't be humans anymore".

Or: "If we didn't create you, you wouldn't exist"
LMAO or what?

Thanks for creating me so I will suffer because of physical pain, all kind of abuse, either from words or physical assault, wars, politics, a system of survival which literally works as, either with us or against us, and on top of it, fear of death, existential. But yeah, thanks for creating me!
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May 12, 2024
Death is natural state, just look to the lifeless universe, life violent the law of universe.
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