hey man, i get what you're going through - i'm on the same boat. i know others saying stuff as "it gets better" is basically bs to us but… it kind of does. at some point you come to terms with the fact that not everything in your life aligns in the ways it should, but you can work on it. i don't know how old are you or on what stage of transition are you currently in, but believe me, at some point you start fully feeling like the man you are. even if you think your body says otherwise. you can get on HRT, get surgeries, train your voice etc. it takes toll on your mental health for sure, but one day you will catch yourself thinking that it got easier to deal with it.
the worst thing you can do is start denying your identity. this is YOUR life, not somebody else's. only you will get to live through it, so don't even try repressing yourself for the sake of people around you.
you are a real man, you have always been and will forever be. i like to think of myself as a "self-made man" lol, and that by being trans alone i learned way more about being a human than any cis man will ever be able to comprehend. take it easy bro and take care of yourself. remember there are people to whom you can always reach out, we are a community - we help eachother