i agree with some of posts on this thread about being trapped in an always hungry animal body. even worse than that to me is that this brain is 86 billion brain cells that can produce unending constant unbearable pain. .
the worst is the pain and torture so bad that a few seconds of that unbearable pain makes every thing else meaningless.
it's really disgusting and torturous , 30 trillon human cells. and there are trillions of non-human microorganisms inside and on every human waiting to overtake the immune system to cause sickness disease and pain, parasites worms bacteria mites trillions of monsters
but we are constantly told how wonderful , beautiful , important the human body and life are. they constantly glorify to the trillionth power all these meaningless crap and addictions . while the extreme pain possible dwarfs all that supposedely so good and pleasurable bs.
the worst is the pain and torture so bad that a few seconds makes every thing else meaningless. this world is an evil abomination in that they purposefully criminalized every guaranteed suicide method that is a safety net to escape such incomprehensible pain. so they put everyone in danger of suffering extreme torture with no way out , all for no reason except to keep everyone enslaved and imprisoned. the technology is there a hundred ways someone aiding in suicide ,suicide booths and sarco , nembutal ,fentanyl , carbon monoxide cylnders, cyanide capsules all made into crimes just to make this world a torture prison . but everyone thinks it's ok these evil psychopaths criminalized everyone's escape from extreme suffering and excruciating pain. they made it a crime to move away from extreme suffering . and they have everyone thinking this is needed and just and right and good.