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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
Sorry but suicide is a valid personal choice not an illness to "recover" from or "heal" from, having a section called recovery is so insulting, the term "recovery" is only valid in being used like if someone has a broken bone or is bedridden because of some physical virus, not what is literally a human right and a decision which is very rational.

What does "recovery" even mean, from what I gather according to this website one is "healed" if they want to be enslaved in a repulsive flesh prison that can potentially torture them to unlimited amounts all while they are destined for nothing but to die in agony from old age in this reality where chance so senselessly determines everything. I literally find it so repulsive when in discussions about suicide, people use the word "help" and act like suicidal people are in need of such, no sorry but wanting death is having awareness, in my case it's being aware of how truly undesirable existence is.

There's no illness in wanting death, existence is the problem no matter what, it's insane to me how they act like people need "help" if they want to escape from decades of meaningless suffering in an existence where one is just waiting to die anyway.

There is literally no limit as to how much one can suffer in this existence yet people act like suicidal thoughts are the problem and are something irrational that needs "healing", it's insane honestly. A lot of the time I'm not even sure if these pro-lifers really lack that much awareness or just want to insult others on purpose but anyway I cannot stand anything related to "recovery", like if people want to continue existing then that's up to them but just call it wanting to exist, not something that offends those with awareness.
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Apr 17, 2024
that's not this website, that's the world
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May 14, 2024
Although I do share your disgust with life, I see no point in existence as well, I think you are taking it too far with criticizing the one site that helps people have conversations they cannot have in the real world. The website has been criticized in the media for only encouraging suicide, the creators had then to cover themselves by having a recovery section so nobody can say that the website doesn't encourage recovery.

You may not like the section but if the section helps the creators cover for themselves, then who cares, skip the section like I do.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
70+ replies and locked within a few hours. Calling it now.
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I was wrong
Sep 19, 2023
Whether suicidal thoughts automatically = mental illness or not, they tend to correlate at the very least. Nothing offensive or wrong with having a mental illness, just like there's no shame in having a physical illness. I'm mentally ill.

What does "recovery" even mean, from what I gather according to this website one is "healed" if they want to be enslaved in a repulsive flesh prison that can potentially torture them to unlimited amounts all while they are destined for nothing but to die in agony from old age in this reality where chance so senselessly determines everything. I literally find it so repulsive when in discussions about suicide, people use the word "help" and act like suicidal people are in need of such, no sorry but wanting death is having awareness, in my case it's being aware of how truly undesirable existence is.

Without giving an exact definition, recovery would likely include not viewing your body as a repulsive flesh prison, no longer being tortured, no longer feeling - or at least a reduction in - agony. It might also involve not finding existence wholly undesirable, even if everything is not better. But that's bad, right? In your view, it's better to keep feeling torture and pain but also not going through with cbt.

You say you can't understand how some people enjoy life, and I get that, but can you at least accept the premise that some people enjoy life, even if you don't understand why?
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Dec 14, 2023
For a lot of us, wanting to CTB is a very, very painful state to be in. I'd argue that it's indeed not an illness, but a completely normal reaction to dire circumstances that feels utterly hopeless, and wanting to recover from that is just as valid as wanting to recover from a broken bone. It's like as if you are walking around with a toothache in your mind 24/7, unable to think of anything else except for maybe very brief periods of time. That type of suicidality has nothing to do with not wanting life, it's about not wanting this life, these circumstances, this suffering. I cannot speak for other people, but if said help was avaliable I'd without a doubt take it over killing myself. I'd imagine that's true for a lot of other people. I actually envy those who feel able to use the Recovery section here.
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Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024
Ok one this site is a pro choice forum which means people can choose to live or die,secondly what is wrong with having a recovery section? I'll admit i don't use it myself probably never will but people have their own free choice to recover if they very much want to

You i get it,you see no way back idk your story only your suffering so I can't comment much but you can't enforce the whole "suicide is the only option" onto someone else

Honestly it's posts like this that really border into the pro-death narrative some people believe you have,i don't think anyone is disagreeing of argueing with your decision to die FC but shaming others for wanting to be happy of "get better" isn't exactly fair no?

Look ik we aren't going to agree on this but i don't believe anyone here is stopping you from dying heck if i could mail you N rn (which I believe if I'm correct is your preferred method) I would…actually i'm lying id keep it for myself unless i had spare

Point is if people want to try and recover thats their choice if not their choice we shouldn't step in the way or force or pressure someone either way

Dont tell someone death isn't the only answer but don't rob them of thag choice either
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annihilation anxiety
Apr 19, 2024
I don't consider myself to be mentally ill but I do think I have serious cognitive impairments.
The bar for being mentally ill is EXTREMELY LOW. Context is irrelevant to diagnosis, all that's looked at is your state of mind. If you've been unusually sad for 2 weeks (with things like changes in sleep, appetite, irritability) you now meet the criteria for depression and are thought to be mentally ill (what may account for this doesn't matter). Have a phobia? You're mentally ill. It's so bad that if you go to a therapist or psychiatrist because you want help with your problems you WILL be given a mental health diagnosis. That is truly absurd. When I think about the people that have been in my life almost all of them could qualify for multiple diagnoses under the current system. They're just normal people.
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
Things you hate

People who procreate
Recovery or daring to attempt it
I suspect Aliens
Probably the atmosphere, food and water, as that sustains life
Suicide, unless it meets your criteria
People who have compassion and try to help others
Anyone who posts on any forum without including the phrase 'flesh prison' in their post
Anyone who uses different words to you
And on
And on
And on

Things you like

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Reactions: Parmelia, todiefor, Saturn_ and 15 others


Jun 3, 2024
Wanting to die is a part of mental illness for a lot of people, and yes mental illness is something people can recover from. There's also people who simply don't want to be in this state and desperately wish to enjoy life but are struggling to find the support system that can help them. I think that part of the forum deserves to exist just as much as this one.
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Dec 14, 2023
I don't consider myself to be mentally ill but I do think I have serious cognitive impairments.
The bar for being mentally ill is EXTREMELY LOW. Context is irrelevant to diagnosis, all that's looked at is your state of mind. If you've been unusually sad for 2 weeks (with things like changes in sleep, appetite, irritability) you now meet the criteria for depression and are thought to be mentally ill (what may account for this doesn't matter). Have a phobia? You're mentally ill. It's so bad that if you go to a therapist or psychiatrist because you want help with your problems you WILL be given a mental health diagnosis. That is truly absurd. When I think about the people that have been in my life almost all of them could qualify for multiple diagnoses under the current system. They're just normal people.
Felt. I once almost got a bipolar diagnosis because I recieved a text in the middle of a doctors appointment, which I replied to and the doctor thought that I typed "very fast, you may be manic".
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Trust in my self righteous suicide
May 26, 2024
I wouldn't go so far to say existence isn't the problem, I'd prefer to exist if I could help it, and hope to be reborn after I ctb. And I don't think for most people wanting to die is awareness, it's a response to awful circumstances. I would prefer to live but I want to die because my life has gotten unbearable with little hope of getting better.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
This is the most different FC post ever.

Though, as much as I wish I could say that the term recovery is stupid in all cases, it isn't because, in the end, most people aren't like us. I like to categorise suicidal people in two groups. One group is the suicidal people who are suicidal because they've failed to be a normie (i.e. they failed to gain love or they got heartbroken or they feel guilty over not being a productive wagie and so on). The second group is basically just the suicidal people who aren't suicidal because they're a failed normie (they tend to be people who want to ctb to avoid a lifetime of exploitation from work for example). The reason why I categorised suicidal people into these two types of groups is because recovery is technically possible for the first group (as they can recover if they become a normie) whereas recovery for the second type of suicidal people is just nonsense and incoherent.

You most likely assume that everybody here is in the second group of people but that isn't the case. Your second paragraph is exactly what recovery is but some people are okay with that because being enslaved in a physical body that deteriorates is the norm and some people are okay with that. Like I said, these are the failed normies and being in the norm is exactly what they want.

Your case is different than those from a failed normie's case because you're suicidal as you don't want to suffer... as you don't want the norm. Suffering is the norm. My case is like yours as well. I also don't want to suffer. I don't want life itself. For me, to recover means to die because death is the only antidote to life. However, this doesn't apply to all suicidal people.

I often think that a different term should be used instead of recovery or, at the very least, have it acknowledged that death can be a way to recover from life... because it is for some suicidal people
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Mi Mi

No One Special
Mar 18, 2024
Things you hate

People who procreate
Recovery or daring to attempt it
I suspect Aliens
Probably the atmosphere, food and water, as that sustains life
Suicide, unless it meets your criteria
People who have compassion and try to help others
Anyone who posts on any forum without including the phrase 'flesh prison' in their post
Anyone who uses different words to you
And on
And on
And on

Things you like

Is that really necessary
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Things you hate

Where did you get the idea of her hating animals from? She has said time and time that animals are significantly better than humans. I think that she likes some animals
Things you like

She doesn't even like attention. She has stated time and time again that she doesn't even want people to read her venting posts. She literally wishes to be forgotten after she has died as well. She doesn't post for attention... she gets attention inadvertently from her controversial views. She writes on this site primarily to vent. She doesn't think about gaining attention at all
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Dec 14, 2023
Anyone who sees a psychiatrist or psychologist for any reason whether voluntarily or forced to by what amounts to a human rights violation will be given a diagnosis. That's what they do. That's how they make their money. In the USA the process is corrupt and mental health professionals (really scammers) abuse the process badly because they get away with it. But to funeral cry's original premise, I don't think people on this site view wanting to die as a mental illness nearly as much as the mental health community does. Many people here want to die and are more understanding and sympathetic to others who want to. That's why we're all here. I resent in my situation how the medical industrial complex wants to make it a mental health issue when it is clearly not. They focus only on the fact that I express a desire to die but ignore completely the very real and obvious reasons why. Ignore the fact that I am badly disabled. Ignore the fact that I am in constant physical pain. Ignore the fact that I can't possibly survive on a disability check income any longer. Ignore the fact that my disability just continues to get worse. Ignore the fact that I am nearly unable to walk and may soon not be able to at all. They act like they can just prescribe some SSRIs or some other kind of garbage and all will be well. You know they know better. It's just corrupt and willful malpractice.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
So the recovery section should disappear and no longer be accessible to the people who use it by their own want and volition just because you don't like it? The people who come here because they want to recover, not because anyone is forcing them to, should no longer chose to? Forced recovery never works. Voluntary recovery by a person's own desire very much can. Yeah, let's get rid of it so those people lose a resource that they willingly sought out just because you don't like it. That's the same idea as forcing people into recovery just because someone doesn't agree with the idea of suicide as being a reasonable option.
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Mi Mi

No One Special
Mar 18, 2024
Was this whole post necessary?

And on that point, we shall disagree.
Don't be krass
You could easily skip the post
But you decide to engage with someone you feel wants attention
You answer my question with a question
If you're gonna be a ass be one
But don't get smart with me when you're dead wrong...no pun intended..
I just think it's sad the one corner of the world where we all suffer you decide you wanna be a bully
Just leave her be
We're supposed to support each other
But while I'm here if you want a problem
I can be that
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I hate to break it to you FC, but for some people, suicidal ideation is something to recover from. Suicidal ideation can be a result of all sorts of things and some people are suicidal despite also wanting to live. You're just outright spewing pro-death rhetoric at this point.
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Abandoned Character

Abandoned Character

Mar 24, 2023
It's selfish of you to think your experience of the world is a reflection of everyone else's. Others choosing to exist and working to alleviate their suffering does not make you a victim.

Your desire to not give recovery any room to exist is a testament to how fragile your ideaology is. Much like a radical evangelical burning heretical texts that threaten the hegemony, you want to purge all content could make you consider the possibility of enjoying life. Aversion of self-inquiry is not a rational pursuit. I wouldn't be such an asshole if you were actually venting, but you're being inflammatory so I find it to be warranted. Your feelings are obviously valid, but your attempt to admonish a group of people under generalizations and hateful rhetoric is cause for backlash.
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Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024
Where did you get the idea of her hating animals from? She has said time and time that animals are significantly better than humans. I think that she likes some animals

She doesn't even like attention. She has stated time and time again that she doesn't even want people to read her venting posts. She literally wishes to be forgotten after she has died as well. She doesn't post for attention... she gets attention inadvertently from her controversial views. She writes on this site primarily to vent. She doesn't think about gaining attention at all
Ok but if she wants no one to read them why keep posting them and not keep them in a journal on her phone or something? I'm not saying they do it for a attention but i find this arguement somewhat flawed
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Don't be krass
You could easily skip the post
But you decide to engage with someone you feel wants attention
You answer my question with a question
If you're gonna be a ass be one
But don't get smart with me when you're dead wrong...no pun intended..
I just think it's sad the one corner of the world where we all suffer you decide you wanna be a bully
Just leave her be
We're supposed to support each other
But while I'm here if you want a problem
I can be that
My recommendation is to not bother with the user who you're replying to. She isn't worth your effort and energy. She's just massively annoyed at FC because FC hates those who procreate... and the person who you're quoting is a parent. The person who you're quoting won't change their views at all so it's best to not bother engaging with them. The reason why I ask you to do this rather than her is because you're the sensible one here whereas the other person is just as closed minded as FC is. It's best to agree to disagree with people like those and not give them any attention because they don't deserve it
Ok but if she wants no one to read them why keep posting them and not keep them in a journal on her phone or something? I'm not saying they do it for a attention but i find this arguement somewhat flawed
I don't know the full reason but my guess is due to her autism. Autism can cause a person to be repetitive and this is most likely a case of that. She's most likely stuck in this repetition because of her autism. This is difficult for neurotypical people to understand hence why she gets accused of doing it for attention but it's most likely just due to her pathology instead. She once found this site beneficial but she doesn't anymore and perhaps she can't escape the repetition anymore
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Oct 4, 2021
I'm still trying to work out why so many people are so quick to distance themselves as far as possible from the concept of mental illness. 🤷
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Mi Mi

No One Special
Mar 18, 2024
My recommendation is to not bother with the user who you're replying to. She isn't worth your effort and energy. She's just massively annoyed at FC because FC hates those who procreate... and the person who you're quoting is a parent. The person who you're quoting won't change their views at all so it's best to not bother engaging with them. The reason why I ask you to do this rather than her is because you're the sensible one here whereas the other person is just as closed minded as FC is. It's best to agree to disagree with people like those and not give them any attention because they don't deserve it

I don't know the full reason but my guess is due to her autism. Autism can cause a person to be repetitive and this is most likely a case of that. She's most likely stuck in this repetition because of her autism. This is difficult for neurotypical people to understand hence why she gets accused of doing it for attention but it's most likely just due to her pathology instead. She once found this site beneficial but she doesn't anymore and perhaps she can't escape the repetition anymore
It just hurts me to see that behavior here
I don't reply to post I disagree with
And if I did I would respectfully
But as you said I'm sensible..Takes A Bow...😉😁
I will control my need to be protective
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
But while I'm here if you want a problem
I can be that
So FC is allowed to vent, but I'm not? Right.

I've already got too many problems, you're not one of them. But, feel free to block me if that helps you. I don't block, as I generally like to see the different views and opinions, even if I disagree with them. And I comment sometimes when I feel like it.
She isn't worth your effort and energy.
I agree.
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Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024
I don't know the full reason but my guess is due to her autism. Autism can cause a person to be repetitive and this is most likely a case of that. She's most likely stuck in this repetition because of her autism. This is difficult for neurotypical people to understand hence why she gets accused of doing it for attention but it's most likely just due to her pathology instead. She once found this site beneficial but she doesn't anymore and perhaps she can't escape the repetition anymore
I mean I'm autistic and are my threads repetitive… *slowly takes a glance over at all my threads* …erm ok fair point all the same i was never suggesting nor believe she was doing it for attention I'm just saying posting on a public forum is going to be seen by the public no?

Like if you don't want people to see what you say why not post them somewhere no one can see no? And maybe that is true maybe she found it helpful at 1st but has just become addicted (as you said people on the spectrum could be more ceptice to addictive behaviors) so yea i mean again i'm someone to post alot here
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Jan 1, 2024
Its sad you dont believe people should recover and that everyone should just die
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Apr 17, 2024
There's no illness in wanting death, existence is the problem no matter what, it's insane to me how they act like people need "help" if they want to escape from decades of meaningless suffering in an existence where one is just waiting to die anyway.

personally, i do think suicidality is a mental disorder
we are meant to live
that's why we have SI

and mental disorders are defects
so it's just natural selection
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
So seeking recovery and having a recovery section is another crime in FC's eyes. I use the recovery section a lot, I see others that use it too, it is a great section of the forum, why do you have to shit on it just like you do with everything else on this forum?

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

You have the privilege of being one of the few people that is incredibly polarising and is constantly shitting on this forum for the most absurd reasons while nothing happens to you. The amount of patience that everyone has to have just to deal with you is insane.

Do everyone a favor, get a diary and stop annoying the crap out of people that are suffering and just want a place where they can feel a tiny bit better.

Ffs, only you to complain about the only recovery section in the Internet that is actually caring, useful and where the mods have been doing amazing work creating megathreads for helping with sleep, a lot of info on resources, doing a better job than a ton of psychologists and psychiatrists ever could.

We get it, you don't like life, but please realise that this forum doesn't revolve around you and there are people here that would actually prefer to LIVE HAPPILY RATHER THAN DYING.
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