- Jun 2, 2019
- 239
I feel so empty and exhausted, like in my core exhausted. One of the major fears I had that was pushing me to ctb I discovered is unfounded. For years, I have labored under the impression that I was expected to give 10010% effort towards therapy and "getting better." So I did, because I wanted to do the right thing. And I want to be able to process things. The problem is that I need therapy, but I've been traumatized by therapy and it's been weaponized against me as a child, so how tf do you deal with that? Anyway, I found out that because I have other services besides a therapist, I shouldn't have any issues with the government cutting off my disability. However, instead of making me feel relieved, I feel even worse. After a few days of thinking I realized that my ideas of what I thought was expected of me were a product of trauma, things that my mother and the place I previously lived ingrained in me. Where I used to live, the government is incredibly cruel and makes you work full-time to keep benefits so that most people won't be able to keep up and end up getting cut off. They'll generally only approve you for disability if you're dying and will literally kick you off once you're not actively dying anymore, even if you are still very ill. I was not approved for disability until I moved despite a over a decade of hospitalizations, therapy, and psychiatry. But now that I'm approved, I feel guilty all the time for being so worthless and unable to contribute anything meaningful or useful to the world.
So now my problem is that I have no idea what life is outside of therapy and aggressively seeking treatment. Tbh, I feel quite similarly to how I did after I got out of the cult and learned what had actually happened to me and my friend. When I'm not distracting myself, I feel like I'm standing on the precipice of an abyss in my mind and I can't decide whether or not to let it swallow me whole. The foundations of who I am and what I believe are crumbling in the same way. I don't know how to explain what that is like to someone who hasn't experienced it other than saying it is like not being sure of anything anymore, not knowing who you are, what your beliefs are or why you have certain beliefs, not knowing what direction to go in or where to even begin, and struggling with general, deep existential crisis.
What can I even salvage, if anything? I can't work, let alone take care of myself on my own, and I don't know what meaning, if any, there is to be found. The only things keeping me going right now are my pets, this site, studying language, and video games. I'm not capable of going to school for many reasons, but a big one aside from the fact that I can barely leave my house on my own is that I cannot maintain consistent effort on anything for longer than a month or so, if that. I can't function in even a remotely "normal" way and now I have to either fix this crisis on my own somehow or just ctb. I don't even know what I want. Is it even worth it to put in the effort? Knowing that I probably won't ever reintegrate from trauma? That I'm just going to have this monologuing, arguing and screaming constantly in my head? That I'm just going to have endless waves of crippling depression that I can't do anything about since I can't do therapy and the meds are as good as they'll get? I don't know what the point is. I don't know anything anymore.
So now my problem is that I have no idea what life is outside of therapy and aggressively seeking treatment. Tbh, I feel quite similarly to how I did after I got out of the cult and learned what had actually happened to me and my friend. When I'm not distracting myself, I feel like I'm standing on the precipice of an abyss in my mind and I can't decide whether or not to let it swallow me whole. The foundations of who I am and what I believe are crumbling in the same way. I don't know how to explain what that is like to someone who hasn't experienced it other than saying it is like not being sure of anything anymore, not knowing who you are, what your beliefs are or why you have certain beliefs, not knowing what direction to go in or where to even begin, and struggling with general, deep existential crisis.
What can I even salvage, if anything? I can't work, let alone take care of myself on my own, and I don't know what meaning, if any, there is to be found. The only things keeping me going right now are my pets, this site, studying language, and video games. I'm not capable of going to school for many reasons, but a big one aside from the fact that I can barely leave my house on my own is that I cannot maintain consistent effort on anything for longer than a month or so, if that. I can't function in even a remotely "normal" way and now I have to either fix this crisis on my own somehow or just ctb. I don't even know what I want. Is it even worth it to put in the effort? Knowing that I probably won't ever reintegrate from trauma? That I'm just going to have this monologuing, arguing and screaming constantly in my head? That I'm just going to have endless waves of crippling depression that I can't do anything about since I can't do therapy and the meds are as good as they'll get? I don't know what the point is. I don't know anything anymore.