I know this is very unlikely to be true — and is just an irrational afterlife fantasy of mine — but I sometimes wonder something similar: that we are all fragments of the universe subjectively experiencing itself vicariously through each of us; that being born into a mere human is a form of "grounding" from the infinite universal perspective, and that the trauma of suicide is a failsafe to present frivolous and premeture termination from said grounding experience.
In reality though, it appears to just be a mechanism to ensure survival and procreation.
But I can never understand why a species would want to be conscious anyway, what are we reproducing for; the whole game of Natural Selection. . . why does biology seem to want to survive and evolve?
I'd like to think if a higher power exists it wouldn't punish us for refusing to needlessly suffer. Who knows though.
God would have to beg us for our forgiveness.