I think of myself as a stupid, spoiled brat. Often. Then I want to die.. Later I'll narcissistically think that the world is much too bad to deserve my presence. And I'm way too good to deserve this world. And then I'll want to die. Again. Really all my thought patterns lead to suicide/death. So I'm not even entertaining them anymore. I know the answer. Don't torture yourself. Whatever you decide.
And I think.. simply feeling grateful and appreciative of the things you have doesn't necessarily lead to loving life or happiness. I'm appreciative. I'm grateful. And still… I'm on this forum, so. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. About your feeling of should/could be happier today.
Well.. I'm afraid happiness cannot be commanded or bossed around. That bitch is totally random and unpredictable. You simply can't force it. As I said. Don't beat yourself up. You HAVE to feel shitty over YOUR problems, who else will? If you can't then, who else will/can? Who will consider them? Someone nice, like you, who thinks about others misfortunes? Yeah, maybe. But to what extent? It'll only be brief and unhelpful.. So I see it as a kind of responsibility we have. Something we owe to ourselves. Of course you'll put yourself first, consider your problems first. It's yet another survival bs programmed into our brains. You are very much normal. And I wish you well although, I don't know you.. but it sucks to hear ppl put themselves done like this.
This is a harsh world we live in, so why is it so wrong to not be delusional about this fact. Just think about it. One of our sources of happiness is.. feeling thankful that this world chose someone else to torture over us. To look forward to in life we have.. ? a feeling of hope that we will never be the next person in line to be tortured. How fucked up is that?
Whenever I think about it. That feeling of gratefulness starts to feel disgusting to me. I can't explain. Either way this life is hard for everyone, even if you feel like your problems/feelings are small. Again. How fucked up it is that you are supposed to be jumping up and down with glee because what? Rejoice, at least, you are NOT being skinned alive? Cmon, that's just taking the piss. That's the bare fucking minimum life should've had for all of us that unfortunately find ourselves alive.
Life, in this instance, is like a parent that emotionally abuses their child then says you should be happy you have a roof over your head and that I feed you and don't give you any harsh beatings. Parents not beating their kids is the bare minimum, isn't it? Hope you get what I'm saying. I'll stop myself cus I'm going off the rails like I always do.