nobody acknowledges the fucking work i put in. I worked so hard to be as well as I am today but the fucking stuck up hospital psychiatrists think that what they see is the worst state people are in. IF SOMEONE SUFFERS BUT THERES NO PSYCHIATRIST AROUND IS IT MENTAL ILLNESS? THEY SAY IM THE PROBLEM EVEN THOUGH I PUT IN ALL THE WORK. But they don't see that and then dont even fucking beleive me belive me how bad it was or how much IVE IMPOROVED ON MY OWN. they treat me like shit so I treat them like shit. bunch of selfish pricks.
Edit: this was supposed to be in response to flippy but seems quite unhinged on rereading. I have done a lot of work in accepting and helping the different parts of me. The bulk of this work was done on my own which means because there's no paper records none of the psyciatrists believed my description of my OWN FUCKING HEAD which I understand better than ANYONE. anyway. What you went trhough sound similar to what i went through. Except the psychiatrists dont think I have bipolar, they think al my problems are caused by a fucking personality disorder. Which is just another way to blame me for my own suffering. But because my mood changes faster that it's 'supposed to' for any mood disorder they're like 'oohhh noooh I guess you have borderline personality disorder'. But I tell them it's not ego syntonic so can't be the case. And then then respond with 'personality disorders don't have to be ego syntonic'. THATS THE DEFINITION OF PERSONALITY DISORDER YOU FUCKING POINTY NOSED PRAT. Then I say we should consult a psychiatry reference book and they say I'm getting too obsessed and then call me a narcissist for daring to disagree with them. pricks prick pricks pricks buncha fucking pricks.
@oliviahurts ! Don't feel bad! I and a lot of us here, have at least the occasional "unhinged rant". So as far as I'm concerned, fill up your boots!
I'm really sorry that you've had the, sadly, "par for the course" attitude from psychiatrists. It sounds to me that you are smart, probably very smart if you are a bit of a coding ninja from what you've said, and I don't have any reason to doubt that. When people are smart and skilled, sadly they run into the "blaggers" or "grifters" who have convinced a few key credulous people that they are a wunderkind. I suppose they assume "you" or "I" are playing the same game so they arbitrarily attack our point of view, because they think it makes them sound more "credible".
With this in mind, I'm not surprised that you have been able to educate yourself on a few things regarding your illnesses. This provokes a similar response from "professionals" to the "grifters" you've encountered (at least possibly, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
The bottom line is, smart people, and there are an abundance on this forum, ask questions.
If you can understand C++ and make it sing and dance, why shouldn't you be able to understand the IDC-10? The problem is, if you "misapply" the methods in your code, it will very obviously not work, or not produce the intended results. It won't be a matter for debate unless you are UbiSoft of course but that's a bad example. But if psychiatrists misapply the idc-10 most people won't be paying enough attention to notice.
Right now "borderline personality disorder" seems to be the diagnosis "de jour". If your only tool is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail. It's supposed to be a very rare condition, that is only diagnosed after years of observation. It can't, by their own diagnostic criteria, be diagnosed in half an hour by a psychiatrist, no matter how apparently skilled, or how much they just gosh darned like the idea.
The problem occurs from "psychiatrists" doing some impromptu improvisation with the IDC-10. They treat it as a sort of sushi bar, and "borrow" bits from one section on say "anxiety" or "depression". They make a big long list of references to things that aren't under the diagnostic criteria, perhaps only having one symptom relating to "personality disorders".
The idc-10 is very clear. In order to diagnose a "personality disorder" you MUST have several of the diagnostic criterion occurring frequently and essentially permanently, in a patient, and these pervasive criterion MUST be shown to adversely affect their personal relationships etc.
They seem to take one facet or feature of one part of your illness, and ride and flog it to a "personality disorder" diagnosis.
They extrapolate, how you are feeling "now" to how you have "always been". This seems to be particularly prevalent in the UK. I've read several baffled accounts of people diagnosed with bipolar suddenly finding themselves with a BPD diagnosis and finding it impossible to reconcile with their experience. I've known one person, in the middle of bipolar, psychotic mania, have their diagnosis changed to BPD because when they were mad as a marsh hare, they wouldn't do as they were told.
BPD is an expedient "diagnosis", which just so happens to have the added benefit of blaming the patient and allowing them to "justify" discharging patients, because "they need to change their behaviour and cooperate."
If you admit you've experienced abuse as a child then psychiatrists love that, they say "abused child always = BPD". There's no grounds for argument or appeal. If you were abused as a child you can only have a personality disorder as far as they are concerned. But here's the "grift" child abuse IS NOT a diagnostic criterion for a personality disorder!
There's perhaps a condition that "fits" the criteria for a personality disorder diagnosis. I know there are a few people on these forums who have that diagnosis. If they believe it accurately reflects their condition then that is fine. But I worry that they don't get the support they need. It seems in the main that they don't.
If these sorts of disorders are as hard to live with as they sound then it is absolutely fucking unforgivable that they are cast aside and blamed for their own illness and routinely described as awkward or difficult, attention seeking patients.
It is disgraceful that all the shit that they have endured and deal with has been formed into a bat to beat them with. In some cases they are subject to police prying into their medical records and are forced to sign "contracts" that say they will be refused treatment if they harm themselves or attempt suicide. What kind of excuse for treatment is that in a "civilised" country. It's barbaric!
It probably won't surprising you I have also had my diagnosis changed without being informed to BPD. This was after years and years of other apparently qualified people telling me that I definitely didn't have BPD as my symptoms didn't fit etc, etc. What was even more ridiculous, was that my "psychiatrist" insisted I had never been diagnosed with bipolar. This is a load of shit as it's on my medical records. But my insistence that the diagnosis had been made was used as "evidence" that I was basically lying about my medical history, THEREFORE: BPD.
So I've gotten into a long rant too here as this nonsense has personally impacted myself and other people I know! It makes me so angry that there are people who will twist and subvert the rules of their own profession and "science" to bully and abuse vulnerable patients.
I will never volunteer to visit a psychiatrist ever again. I don't care how bad it gets. I'm never going to let them push their pills or dumb "treatments" that only served to make me feel far worse. I'm lucky now that the last psychiatrist seemed to agree that I do have bipolar, not bpd. But in a sense it's a moot point as I will never be seeking further "treatment" for it, the damage caused last time was far too severe.