There are a lot of unknowns here.
Is there a different career using your education?
Can you defend against these accusations?
Most situations have options that have not been considered.
No, its a very specialized degree. I might be able to because it is someones word. I don't understand how that person convinced my classmates so easily. I already know that these accusations have been brought to administration before I even stepped foot on campus, because an administrator tauntingly hinted at it. I'm scared that enough students will hear these rumors and come together to bring the issue again to the administration. The disciplinary process at high education is not like the court of law. They can decide my fate however they feel like it. There doesn't need to be any damning evidence. Enough voices will probably get the admin to sway. My classmates can just fill out a complaint form against me and if enough people do it, I will be called in. Since I have lost the benefit of the doubt to administration, people can just make something up about me and my life will be over. Though I haven't even been directly addressed informally or formally, the paranoia and anxiety is almost too much.
Even if it is in fact impossible to get this career path, there are other ways to go that would get you a career and enough money to pay off your debts. There are many trades that don't take much schooling and pay incredibly well. That is one potential option.
Im almost 27. I have no girlfriend, my friends are slowly fading away and my parents are aging. I obviously would have to live with my parents and by the time I've paid off my debts, I will be too old to find someone and start a family. I would not be able to keep any friends due to the shame of failing to reach my dream career.