i understand sort of in that it's distressing to those who haven't fully internalised how terrible the world can be, or have but value persistence in spite of pretty much anything, that people do choose suicide as a way out. the 'suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem' 'maxim' has such a strong hold on people. sure, some problems may be temporary if you wait them out, or face and solve them (which itself is almost inevitably distressing and draining) but things like, to give obvious examples, being faced with the prospect of becoming or continuing to be a wage slave for 50-60 years, which itself is pretty much eternity in a human life, and on its tail end if you get that far still being squeezed for money, bills, in many cases having to work upwards of 70-80 years old..
i think non-suicidal people who demonise this site can't imagine people dying on their own terms, or thinking about/planning death rationally. like they must be mentally ill and/or so distressed they can't think straight, or having intrusive thoughts and the like (not that the general public is good with understanding intrusive thoughts or the term itself, but i digress). which i think feeds into the idea that those already on this site are influencing those who come on here, latching on to their thoughts or using what problems/explanations they come with to convince them that they should ctb. honestly it's a little hard to imagine what it would be like if that were happening.. like one of those challenges kids fall into where they have to do things that get progressively more dangerous? i'm not sure what to say except that isn't happening here - thanks to the no minors rule, for one, but also the fact that encouraging, helping, or asking for encouragement is literally against the rules of this site. also, i've seen people come on here after they've seen someone ctb or after losing someone who ctb'd, and they've received plenty of support (as they deserve) from other people here.
strangely, there are people who would support assisted suicide for terminally ill patients, but not even try to understand or respect why someone could be suicidal, and i'm not too sure what the difference is; is it that they're already going to die and so their life hasn't been lost as a direct result of the decision? in that case, what is being valued? is there some sanctity of life? if anyone has answers i would love to know