

Apr 19, 2021
I just had a talk with my sister. She was saying that I have built my character well but yet I should think of ways to make money and make a family.

I told her I think life is programmed the way it is, and we have no choice to make our life better. She said that she agreed with my point, life is really programmed but still we need to build our life up.

I really don't understand if everyone knows life is programmed, everything is destined to happen, and we are bound to suffer, then why everyone is chasing life like a monster?!!
I really need to understand this! If everyone knows life is going on, why do we make families and bring more children to life and suffer ? I really need an answer for this.

I can't stand this pointless life anymore. I really want to leave. I hope I manage to do it soon.
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BLOOD COUNTESS. ashes ashes, we all fall down
Jun 2, 2021
I just had a talk with my sister. She was saying that I have built my character well but yet I should think of ways to make money and make a family.

I told her I think life is programmed the way it is, and we have no choice to make our life better. She said that she agreed with my point, life is really programmed but still we need to build our life up.

I really don't understand if everyone knows life is programmed, everything is destined to happen, and we are bound to suffer, then why everyone is chasing life like a monster?!!
I really need to understand this! If everyone knows life is going on, why do we make families and bring more children to life and suffer ? I really need an answer for this.

I can't stand this pointless life anymore. I really want to leave. I hope I manage to do it soon.
i agree with you. life is stupid and pointless., i was forced here against my will and i dont feel like participating. and when i try to do the shit i actually want to do, something always tries to divert me from it into bullshit streams instead. i hate it and i just want it to end forever. i totally feel you my sweet


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Jan 17, 2021
You only get to experience the "destiny" thing if you also do the chasing, even if it's bad. The chasing is a part of the destiny, not something separate.
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Mar 22, 2020
Oh dear, I can relate so much.
My family and ex friends used to be quite annoying and told me things like: "Hey, why don't you get a job and start saving ,pmey! You should have a car and your own house by now and what about getting married? Man, you need a wife and children. That's life" and I was like "WTF bruh?"

I've told them quite a few times to go f*ck themselves and now they've finally stopped bothering me and are quite surprised because I live in my own apartment and I'm a single "happy" man (you know, I can be quite depressed and unhappy from time to time thanks to my suicidal thoughts lol) in his 30s!!

I don't understand how these people in spite of knowing we're all gonna die, even the universe will but...they just want a good job and a family so that they can leave "copies" of themselves behind.

Just ignore them and do whatever you want, hun! You're already lovely the way you are!!!!

Hugs and love,

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The 't' is silent
Jul 15, 2020
Our species is a result of 4 billion years of evolution. 4 billion years of natural selection finding positive and negative reinforcement mechanisms based on pleasure and pain in order to perpetuate life. Religion is part of that and comforts a few billion people. But even among the average atheist, life is valued enough and the suffering is bearable. Nietzsche had the concept of amor fati, Sartre developed his version of existentialism, Camus came up with absurdism.

I was supposed to go through all of them 2 years ago, but I kinda stopped at Kierkegaard.

Anyway, making money and building a family is how most of us are conditioned to find pleasure. I think your sister meant well, that's what would make her happy, and she wants the same for you. But maybe that isn't exactly your thing and you just need to find your own passion. Or it could be your thing, and if you're happy, it doesn't really matter that there's no deeper point, just enjoy it!

Welp, I tried
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Jul 12, 2020
I don't understand this way of thinking because it applies to death too. If life is programmed, if we can't do ANYTHING to change that and we are still alive... Does that mean that we can't die either until our destined date comes? Then why are you bothering that much about "living a pointless life"? Thinking about death is pointless too. After all you are chasing something too, even if it's the end.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Because when you don't suffer a lot your biological instinct is stronger than your suicidal thoughts, if you have any.

By you I don't mean you personally since you're here, I mean people in general.

I've come to the conclusion that suicidal people are in fact more realistic than the average Joe, contrary to what people think.
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Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
I question that long ago but i got an answer. Its the same as questioning about free will.

We cant choose our gene, family, body, etc

What we get to choose is what come after that, things like our food, what to study, pick friend, where we wanna go, etc

We got to decide from limited choices thats given to us

Same as how voting work. We only choose from limited candidate thats already been prepared/given to us.

Like election. If you dont vote its a lost. But even if you vote its not fully your choice either. But at least you tried.

Basically its like the movie Hunger Games
i guess that movie inspired by the world system? Lol

People breed because they need offspring to continue their 'legacy' or their family tree also its peer pressure, reproductive drive, social aspect, etc
I just had a talk with my sister. She was saying that I have built my character well but yet I should think of ways to make money and make a family.

I told her I think life is programmed the way it is, and we have no choice to make our life better. She said that she agreed with my point, life is really programmed but still we need to build our life up.

I really don't understand if everyone knows life is programmed, everything is destined to happen, and we are bound to suffer, then why everyone is chasing life like a monster?!!
I really need to understand this! If everyone knows life is going on, why do we make families and bring more children to life and suffer ? I really need an answer for this.

I can't stand this pointless life anymore. I really want to leave. I hope I manage to do it soon.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Life literally is pointless, we didn't choose to be here, we suffer for the sake of it and then we die. Individual human lives do not matter. Everything is determined by random factors such as luck, we have no control over anything really, I agree.

We can work hard and try to improve our lives and try to control it but we cannot really. Life can go against our plans. I guess as humans some people see a purpose in their lives, such as religion and they don't have much bad luck so they are able to bear life. Our brains are programmed to stay alive and survive and work through our problems. Many people want to have children to bring up the next generation of family, as humans many of us feel a need to procreate.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
You'll notice that the longer you stay detached from this "rat race" the harder it is to get back into it.

Then the years roll by and people wonder why you don't want to partake in work/family/houses. It's because at that point you'll have to work twice as hard just to catch up.

In the next decade I don't see myself jumping back in, I don't have the will power, and just like OP it seems pointless to me anyway. I just hope I can maintain my health and hopefully remain connected to others.
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