I think he said it jokingly, he made fun of me. I mean we are in a suicide post and we are talking about apples and somehow there is a contrast, an opposition that one does not expect and this makes his comment funny in the face of the evidence of the number of comments that carry the thread.
I don't think there's any bad intentions, I say it in case you took it wrong. Maybe the tone wasn't understood, I don't know. Or maybe I misunderstood it, you know. But take it with humor, please don't suffer.
Crec que ho ha dit en to de broma, a mi m'ha fet gràcia. Vull dir que estem en un post de suïcidis i estem parlant de pomes i d'alguna manera hi ha un contrast, una oposició que un no s'espera i això fa que el seu comentari faci gràcia davant l'evidència del número de comentaris que porta el fil.
No crec que hi hagi mala intenció, ho dic per si tu has pres malament. Potser el tò no s'ha entés, no ho se. O potser ho he entés malament jo, ves a saber. Però prent'ho amb humor, si us plau, no pateixis.