
Jul 22, 2021
Yes but this evolution changes (over time) how individual animals are?
I was specifically addressing your question about dead animals evolving.

To simplify, evolution changes species over time. Natural selection doesn't change individual animals, it determines which are more likely to have offspring that in turn survive to have offspring.
Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021
30 replies on a suicide forum post about apples...
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May 11, 2022
I was specifically addressing your question about dead animals evolving.

To simplify, evolution changes species over time. Natural selection doesn't change individual animals, it determines which are more likely to have offspring that in turn survive to have offspring.
So does this mean that, technically, we share cells that dinosaurs had (or something else from that era) because there is a long direct line of births from animals that were around 65 million years ago?

30 replies on a suicide forum post about apples...

It's not about apples. It's about evolution. I just used apples as an example.


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
The fundamental thing I think I'm having problems with is this tbh:

An animal can't evolve while it is alive because that would mean evolving into a new animal.
Evolution doesn't work like in Pokemon.
Instead, I think I understand that animals evolve 'between' generations.

But how can an animal evolve while it's dead?
Wooo woo there buddy, we aren't scientists here. These questions are too much. Too inquisitive, too advanced. My brain hurts. Don't do this to us.


May 11, 2022
Wooo woo there buddy, we aren't scientists here. These questions are too much. Too inquisitive, too advanced. My brain hurts. Don't do this to us.
Are you mocking me?
Look, I'm just trying to get this stuff straight in my head.


May 20, 2018
Apples are pro-life scum which just keep reproducing and feeding other organisms
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Are you mocking me?
Look, I'm just trying to get this stuff straight in my head.
Evolution is just the passing of genes. Think about it. Dog breeds were made selecting which dogs would have offspring. They selected muscular females and males, or slender females and males, or females and males with spots, and over time these genes would become more dominant in each generation, until you have a generation where all dogs are muscular, or slender, or spotted.


May 11, 2022
Evolution is just the passing of genes. Think about it. Dog breeds were made selecting which dogs would have offspring. They selected muscular females and males, or slender females and males, or females and males with spots, and over time these genes would become more dominant in each generation, until you have a generation where all dogs are muscular, or slender, or spotted.
Yes but which environmental factors caused domesticated wolves thousands of years ago to slowly evolve into the chihuahuas we have today?
Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022
Yes but which environmental factors caused domesticated wolves thousands of years ago to slowly evolve into the chihuahuas we have today?
I'm not 100% wolves became dogs, but they do have a lot in common. So, bazillions of years ago those wolves that were slightly less aggressive figured out that wherever there were people there was food. Those people figured out where these wolves followed them around they had a warning system. Wolves, in the wild, only live something like 5 years. Wolves that hang around people lived longer because food was more reliable, and they didn't have to fight for it, or expend energy hunting. Wolves that were too aggressive were kicked out of the human herd or killed, that's how the friendly genes were selected.

Dinky little toy dogs were designed by people, and bear no real resemblance to original dogs. In fact, dogs are the only species where there is that much variation in a single species…


May 11, 2022
I'm not 100% wolves became dogs, but they do have a lot in common. So, bazillions of years ago those wolves that were slightly less aggressive figured out that wherever there were people there was food. Those people figured out where these wolves followed them around they had a warning system. Wolves, in the wild, only live something like 5 years. Wolves that hang around people lived longer because food was more reliable, and they didn't have to fight for it, or expend energy hunting. Wolves that were too aggressive were kicked out of the human herd or killed, that's how the friendly genes were selected.

Dinky little toy dogs were designed by people, and bear no real resemblance to original dogs. In fact, dogs are the only species where there is that much variation in a single species…
Since all species are thought to have been born from a common ancestor, didn't little dogs like the chihuahua eventually evolve from wolves tho?
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
So does this mean that, technically, we share cells that dinosaurs had (or something else from that era) because there is a long direct line of births from animals that were around 65 million years ago?

I think he said it jokingly, he made fun of me. I mean we are in a suicide post and we are talking about apples and somehow there is a contrast, an opposition that one does not expect and this makes his comment funny in the face of the evidence of the number of comments that carry the thread.

I don't think there's any bad intentions, I say it in case you took it wrong. Maybe the tone wasn't understood, I don't know. Or maybe I misunderstood it, you know. But take it with humor, please don't suffer.
Crec que ho ha dit en to de broma, a mi m'ha fet gràcia. Vull dir que estem en un post de suïcidis i estem parlant de pomes i d'alguna manera hi ha un contrast, una oposició que un no s'espera i això fa que el seu comentari faci gràcia davant l'evidència del número de comentaris que porta el fil.

No crec que hi hagi mala intenció, ho dic per si tu has pres malament. Potser el tò no s'ha entés, no ho se. O potser ho he entés malament jo, ves a saber. Però prent'ho amb humor, si us plau, no pateixis.
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May 11, 2022
I think he said it jokingly, he made fun of me. I mean we are in a suicide post and we are talking about apples and somehow there is a contrast, an opposition that one does not expect and this makes his comment funny in the face of the evidence of the number of comments that carry the thread.

I don't think there's any bad intentions, I say it in case you took it wrong. Maybe the tone wasn't understood, I don't know. Or maybe I misunderstood it, you know. But take it with humor, please don't suffer.
Crec que ho ha dit en to de broma, a mi m'ha fet gràcia. Vull dir que estem en un post de suïcidis i estem parlant de pomes i d'alguna manera hi ha un contrast, una oposició que un no s'espera i això fa que el seu comentari faci gràcia davant l'evidència del número de comentaris que porta el fil.

No crec que hi hagi mala intenció, ho dic per si tu has pres malament. Potser el tò no s'ha entés, no ho se. O potser ho he entés malament jo, ves a saber. Però prent'ho amb humor, si us plau, no pateixis.
It's ok :hug:
How can they genetically sequence say, a dolphin, if each dolphin has different individual DNA?
It's like your DNA is different to mine, right?
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Oct 23, 2020
Ok, so I'm not a materialist but I'm versed on the basic evolutionary ideas they use to understand this type of thing.

They propose a chaotic world where intention doesn't exist behind biology but by natural selection it seems to exist. This means plants didn't evolve "knowing" that animals would eat their fruit and spread the seeds, but that those plants that by chance had the genes that produced seeds with something edible around would have much more success spreading their seeds and thus spreading their genes.

If someone is more educated in the evolutionary biology of apples feel free to correct or amplify what I said.
Kinda like males make more sperm than needed. I mean, millions go unused. That's basically a waste but it still happens.
Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022
Since all species are thought to have been born from a common ancestor, didn't little dogs like the chihuahua eventually evolve from wolves tho?
At some point, yes, I'd say they were.

Smart No More

May 5, 2021
These days you can't grow apple trees from the seeds in apples bought in stores. Sounds crazy but it's true. I mean, you can but you won't get the same type of apples the seeds came from. You actually need a root stock. Also most of the seeds won't germinate.

Interestingly you can graft a branch from various types of apple to one tree each branch will produce fruit/apples of its original root stock. The same can actually be done with cannabis plants and some people keep mother plants this way so that they can have multiple strains cloned from a single plant. Though it isn't commonly done that way it is possible and done by a few old timers.
The fundamental thing I think I'm having problems with is this tbh:

An animal can't evolve while it is alive because that would mean evolving into a new animal.
Evolution doesn't work like in Pokemon.
Instead, I think I understand that animals evolve 'between' generations.

But how can an animal evolve while it's dead?
So every animal born is slightly (very very slightly) different to other animals of its species. Sometimes the difference is useful in survival and sometime it is not. The animals born with the mire useful traits naturally have more success at survival and as a result produce offspring with the same trait where the others die off without reproducing so prominently. Its a very slow process due to the very small variables. There is no choice in its changes. They're chance mutations. Much like you see in a virus mutation. The environment shapes them and is a big factor whether they survive and thrive. It is all down to chance. In the case of pets however this is not how it works. Humans step in to speed up and influence the process. So many dogs kept as pets would be unlikely to exist or occur in natural selection/evolution. They have been chosen by breeders who look for desired traits and then breed them intensively. This too is done with much of our agricultural produce. Tomatoes were never naturally the size we're used to now. They were tiny things. Carrots weren't orange. They were purple. Humans have stepped in and changed many things that nature wouldn't have done and in so doing have proved the theories or evolution to be true.
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Your friendly neighborhood agent
Feb 21, 2022
It's ok :hug:

How can they genetically sequence say, a dolphin, if each dolphin has different individual DNA?
It's like your DNA is different to mine, right?
For the human genome, they actualy seqenced several different people and averaged them out, using that as a sort of template for reference. I imagine the same would be done for a dolphin, or any other animal, plant, etc.

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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
I love the flavor of apple seeds and other cyanogenic foods like apricot kernels. Tastes like Dr. Pepper!

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