
Aug 22, 2020
My brother has mental health issues. He can be a violent pyschopath at times. He can't do any complex work. And he didn't finish his A/L. He has a diploma in "horticulture and landscaping" and he does work related to that.

Throughout my childhood, I was bullied to such extreme degrees that I reacted by chasing people with large boulders and bricks. Yeah, I know.

The teachers all said that I have mental health issues and I need to be taken to a doctor. I went to my first psychiatrist at the age 12, and I didn't like it. I was given medication which I googled and found were given to OCD patients (something I found while searching about this is was that David Beckham has OCD). I have no idea why I was given this medication. I guess that doctor that I have a compulsive need to react to my bullying. The teachers always told me to ignore all the name calling. "Into one ear, and out the other". I've been on and off medication several times since then, and I've been to several psychiatrists.

Lately I've been thinking...

I don't really have any mental health issues. I was mild mannered curry boy, raised in england by nice british people. I had a hard time readjusting to curryland. Had to relearn how to write in curry. And I was bullied because I was an outsider, ugly, fat, and most importantly... WEAK.

Most people often forget that the reason people are bullied is actually because they're physically weak. If you can beat someone up and make them cry for hurting you... then you're not gonna get bullied. I think that's one of the reasons why supposedly ugly men who are not tall can get girlfriends. Because they're phsyically strong and they intimidate other men.

I think my mental state was cause by a combination being unattractive + fat + the outsider + physically weak. I remember after my weightloss, this guy who hadn't seen me in over a year said I went from looking like "Someone who'd get beat up" to "Someone who does the beating".

So my mental state isn't an issue, but rather an adoption. My mind didn't develop properly because of some genetic defect, but because of societal defects.

Which is to say... I'm not functioning wrong at all.
I'm functioning as I should.
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Reactions: Busdriver, KuriGohan&Kamehameha and GenesAndEnvironment


Mar 22, 2020
I can relate to your words even though I suffer from bipolar disorder.
High school made me more suicidal than ever. My depression's origin comes from those days.

I wasn't exactly bullied. Just ignored by almost all of my classmates. You can't imagine how alone I felt.
However, the people who befriended me told me I was a badass. It was amazing feeling "the normal and cool" guy. I had realized that I was quite a decent human being but I had adopted this role of the insociable guy because of my damn and annoying classmates.

Anyway, I'm glad you're not functionning wrong at all.
I wish I could feel the same but my mood changes are just terrible.

However, I have all the conditions to be a happy and normal person! You know, good job, nice family, some girls around, a lovely dog, etc.
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Nov 5, 2020
I feel similar. Apart from some minor adhd I dont think i have any mental illnesses or disorders. I am just a weak/stupid person who made wrong decisions in life.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Kind of relatable. I always managed to fall between the cracks, "falling through the cracks" really define my life very, very well. No real singular problems, just some marginal errors that added up with time. And now it's suicidal NEET incel no friends mode until I die.
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Reactions: SuicidalCurryBoy and KuriGohan&Kamehameha