

It is always darkest before the dawn
Mar 26, 2021
things that are making me feel like yeah this good to go to sleepins for good

i could file claim for more money but i dont have to so i beat the clock

eating should not have to happen once a day let alone three times bye stomach telling me to do stuff

sitting on a bowl 3 to 7 a day so stuff can fall out of monkey suit bye bye

pubic hair, finger nails, toe nails, bra, struggling to see, or understand basic things because the brain is super cooked

shitty drivers never ever again

spelling was dumb to begin with and i don;t have to ever deal with that red line again

calculators giving me two answers alway never being ok with it

get angry or being manipulated with silence

disrespectful power tripper one must endure

being 49 and a woman, i am no longer of any value to men period, but that whole dance was useless , employers reject and i dont have to care ,
my invisibility because i am not fuckable anymore shows that a bullet has been doged for me and any poor child i might have left

getting old and seeing what that looks, got to skip nearly almost my favorite

i dont have ever look for a job again, taxes,

boredom gone, tired gone, dentist done, menopause skipped bonus,
fucking christmas and that is the grand prize of all because who give shit

never another birthday again
football and meat head bye
wanna be women

screaming infants and humans who have zero dollars and yet think having an infant and ignoring make them works

i dont think any fucking person that dosesn't have money should be allowed to have kids, i dont have to look at and think why ever agian

people taking about have a relationship with jesus , done doneski

you guys i am really look forward to never dealing again.
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Reactions: gtrfvr, Legrin, lobster salad and 5 others


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
Right there with you, sister. Eloquently and poetically put. You know what sounds good to me? Never going to another goddamn doctor's office and begging, "Help me, help me, I'm suffering so much," and then have them stare right through me and ask if I've ever considered losing weight. (Why, no! That never occurred to me! Here I've been trying to stay heavy but increase my density, so even though I weigh a lot I still look thin. Lose weight, you say! What a novel idea!)
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Reactions: Dead Meat


Nov 15, 2020
I can't argue with your points. No more work, no more corporate manipulation, no more bills, There was fun parts to life but theres a lot Ill be glad to be rid of.
fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
were you hot when you were young?