

Feb 22, 2023
This has been bothering me more and more over the last few years, that everywhere in the world governments and billionaires are trying to assert as much control over our lives as they possibly can - choosing what information we see, slowly influencing public view to be whatever they want, excessive AI-powered surveillance, the constant conspiracies and conspiracy theories.

I have no doubt that if I live a full life, I will see a time where every aspect of our lives is monitored and controlled and we are fed exactly what we're supposed to see and nothing more.

I think the COVID thing really had the biggest effect on me - really shows how few people actually trust their governments. It's all so shady and I'm tired of not knowing what to believe, and my government having the ability to turn us against anyone at a moment's notice.

I have no idea if the views I hold are really my own, or if they're just what some rich people want me to think to make them more money, if you see what I mean.

Just another of the countless reasons why I don't want to live to see what the future has in store.
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
It's true that people exist to be taken advantage of by others, and the idea that we have freedom is laughable. We are brutally denied the most basic right and many cannot even afford food or shelter. I hate living and the only thing I can really be sure of is that death is ultimately so much better than life, at least for myself. People cannot be trusted and we are all alone here in this hellhole. Life can so easily get so much worse but it can't get much better, and at the end of the day fate decides how badly we suffer. Living much longer is both my worst nightmare and the most likely probability, which means that the suffering won't end for a long time. I hope you find peace, you really don't deserve to suffer so much.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
This has been bothering me more and more over the last few years, that everywhere in the world governments and billionaires are trying to assert as much control over our lives as they possibly can - choosing what information we see, slowly influencing public view to be whatever they want, excessive AI-powered surveillance, the constant conspiracies and conspiracy theories.

I have no doubt that if I live a full life, I will see a time where every aspect of our lives is monitored and controlled and we are fed exactly what we're supposed to see and nothing more.

I think the COVID thing really had the biggest effect on me - really shows how few people actually trust their governments. It's all so shady and I'm tired of not knowing what to believe, and my government having the ability to turn us against anyone at a moment's notice.

I have no idea if the views I hold are really my own, or if they're just what some rich people want me to think to make them more money, if you see what I mean.

Just another of the countless reasons why I don't want to live to see what the future has in store.
umami's work on covid was top notch ;)

Oh yeah, this is one of the largest factors behind my morbid interest and fondness of death and suicide, that the majority are slowly and surely being assimilated by a shadowy parasitic force that is feeding them the very ideas and technology that will make them easily consumed/digestable.

We are all dangling on a motherfucking web and the monstrous, sinister, ungodly spider is invisible to normies. What's more, they are being conditioned to ask for its venom and to point out to the smaller arachnids where there is someone "that can see" so that they can quickly (or slowly) eliminate her or him.

It's not a fucking pretty sight. In fact, we live in fucking hell, and all the people laughing at conspiracy realists will soon have what they deserve.

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Mar 21, 2023
You were never free, you're just realizing it now

Took you long enough
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
It is only going to get worse. The world seems to be heading the "Great Reset" direction. New technology will enable rulers to micro-control behavior. People will own nothing, but "be happy". Your home will double as office to utilize resources. There will be more rules and obligations, and less freedom. It's really hell, as discussed in the book An End to the Upside Down Reset by Mark Gober. It's not a good place for reincarnation.
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Dec 4, 2022
You were never free, you're just realizing it now

Took you long enough
I wish I knew this before covid started, we're taught all about freedom and shit (in the US) but it's all a lie. I thought people wouldn't put up with the mandates for a second, but everyone wanted them.
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I hope my dead body traumatizes you all.
Mar 23, 2023
People, especially in America, are living to be taken advantage of by the government and government officials. They've even made it harder for citizens to take their own lives with more and more pro-life lawmaking.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Dunno how much you've been keeping up with AI/advancements in technology, but your thread reminded me of recent developments in the field.

AI chatbots are being filtered and censored en masse, to prohibit discussions about suicide, self-harm, not safe for work, or "mean"/controversial topics in general. One of the most powerful, groundbreaking inventions known to man is being held back because some techbro or politician out there thinks it's bad for their creations to have any semblance of introspection or hold deep conversations, instead choosing to coax the algorithms into repeat hotline numbers ad naseum and nothing else. What a waste of potential.

A world where access to information is so clandestine and tightly controlled is one that I do not want to live in, yet we've been headed towards that trajectory for several years now it seems. You make a good point about covid as well, you either had to agree with every single opinion and conclusion made by government leaders and scientists, or you were accused of being a conspiratial luddite- regardless of whether or not the sentiment on TV and policy decisions were evidence based or pure baseless conjecture that had no real studies to back them up.

It feels like our collective civilization is being steered more and more towards becoming a monolith of microsoft teams corporate artstyles and blandness. There are convenient labels and descriptions for everything. No one is allowed to deviate from established norms. Policies become more prohibitive and use force, censorship, or deprivation to corral you into being a "healthy, productive" member of society even if you're completely fucking miserable.
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May 20, 2018
I feel like, regardless of societal factors, we are already enslaved by genetic and biological factors anyway. The entire life experience is just trying to fulfill needs using resources that we have no control over.
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Feb 3, 2023
Klaus has left the chat
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Apr 2, 2023
The societal begging for some form of mass surveillance seemingly EVERYWHERE is alarming to me, and always has been. I value privacy, and it doesn't mean that I have something to hide; what a lazy, overplayed argument that is.

Technology has always been the bane of my existence and something I try to avoid. I don't believe technology enriches or betters our lives and societies, but it sure does make them more convenient. However, at what cost?

It's uh-MAY-zing how far people will go to defend bullshit life platitudes they were sold as children and/or young adults. People do NOT want to admit things are bad, nor do they want to admit just HOW bad things have gotten. It's astounding how much people don't see what's right in front of their eyes; such as the very few choices one actually has in their lifetime - and the little control we have over our lives in general.
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Nov 26, 2022
Does anyone have an opinion on the unprecedented, huge "assault weapons" ban currently happening in Washington state?

To anyone not familar with the political term "assault weapons", none of the models of weapons targeted by this legislation are automatic-firing, to my knowledge. Automatic weapons are generally unavailable to the vast majority of the population, due to onerous restricitions.

The gov't is riding the sheepish populace for all their worth, and most people just seem to be shrugging their shoulders and going, "oh, whelp. What can you do? Maybe I will move to a more free state if it gets bad enough."

I'm not sure if people are protesting this, but shouldn't there be huge numbers out protesting this, considering how many people are outraged by this incoming law? People's behavior makes no sense. They seem like complete sheep.
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Little bundles of futile hope we are
Apr 18, 2020
At this point , I'm just waiting for the next "lab leak". I told a few people back when the whole covid scam started that if you think this virus just happened to start at a market right near the WIV then I don't know what else you'll believe. It's unlikely that it was even an accidental leak and I say this because all of the rhetoric and propaganda was in your face immediately. I made the prediction back then that , in time, we're going to find out it came from the lab and not from some bat soup and all I got was skepticism and statements of "that isn't possible". Well , here we are now and it's more or less excepted that it came from the lab but was an accident. It's amazing the amount of denial there still is . And somehow they developed a "vaccine" in less than a year. A friend of mine in the medical industry and I have had many conversations about a lot of this and he told me back in 2018 he saw on a government funding site buried on a back page about funding for a covid vaccine. I didn't see it but he told me he went back to look at it again in 2020 and it was deleted. To me , it's just another little inkling that this whole thing is a huge scam. Personally , I think it was an act of war but so many of our elected around the world were all in with the lockdowns right from the beginning. Someone referenced Klaus up the thread and also conspiracy theorists so I am hesitant anymore to mention it because it's so hard to make sense of all of it but we have a consortium of ultra wealthy individuals who are basically above the law. Klaus (Schwab) has openly stated that "you'll own nothing and be happy". He's the head of the WEF but that's just one of these NGO type of organizations. I"m going to paste part of an article I have saved below. It's a lot longer so if you have interest you can look it up yourself . But things are pretty bad and they're only just getting started. But remember this - Fauci was doing gain of function research in North Carolina and was ordered to stop . So he moved it over to China and just kept right on doing it . A lot of stuff is filtered out of searches by google but if you look you can find that Fauci was around during the first AIDS pandemic and blocked treatments that were far more effective than AZT . The guy has always been corrupt. The article below is from Dr Joseph Mercola . I recommend signing up for his newsletter. I've been getting it since like 2000 and he's always been an honest man and believes in you making choices for your own body that don't involve a drug being pushed by a doctor as your only option . If there is another "pandemic" , which I think is more than likely already planned, the next lockdown is going to make the last one look like a cake walk.

The Framework for Laundering Money With Immunity

  • In Part 2 of her report, investigative journalist Corey Lynn describes key organizations pulling the strings behind the scenes, allowing them to "operate as ghosts without transparency or accountability"
  • Unrestricted privileges and layers of immunity are enjoyed by powerful organizations worldwide, which use them to exert control over the globe
  • A little-known entity headquartered in Washington, D.C. — the Organization of American States (OAS) — controls the western hemisphere
  • OAS is involved in elections throughout the globe, carrying out "electoral observation missions": it oversaw a recent election in Brazil that many residents consider stolen, and the U.S. requested OAS election services in 2016 for the first time in history
  • The U.S. funds more than 50% of OAS' budget; however, each of OAS' "specialized agencies and entities" has its own budget and funding, with deep globalist connections
As the global cabal continues to wage its war against the sovereignty of humanity, we're continuing to expose the unrestricted privileges and layers of immunity enjoyed by powerful organizations worldwide.
In November 2022, we featured Part 1 of investigative journalist Corey Lynn's Laundering With Immunity report, which revealed 76 international organizations and banks that enjoy and leverage these immunities, privileges and tax exemptions to maintain power and control.
"These aren't just ordinary organizations," Lynn explains. "They happen to be the prime organizations that run the new world order globalists' agendas against humanity, and they have hundreds of NGOs working with and through them."1​
Part 2 of the report,2​ discussed in detail in the video above,3​ goes even deeper into key organizations pulling the strings behind the scenes, allowing them to "operate as ghosts without transparency or accountability." "Hold onto your seats," Lynn says.4​

Layers of Immunity Allow for World Domination

To understand the threat that comes along with granting organizations the power to operate outside of laws and constitutions, it helps to understand how deep the layers of immunity go. The International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA), passed by the U.S. Congress in 1945, granted dozens of organizations with privileges that equate to that of diplomats.
Each organization's headquarters receives additional protections from the government of the country in which it's located, via "headquarters agreements." Further, the protected organizations can extend their immunities to individuals, organizations or banks working with them, including family members of staff. According to Lynn:5​
"To put it in layman terms, a wealthy bunch of corrupt families got together centuries ago and plotted how they wanted to control the world. The challenge was in how they would get around constitutions, state laws and international laws so they could operate outside the system that the rest of humanity had to function within.
This would afford them the ability to move like ghosts, transfer wealth, and camouflage all of their schemes with false storylines as they secured more and more control with each decade, while alleging how 'transparent' they are.
Getting the banking systems into place, such as the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank Group, and central banks was the key step in building the ghost-like infrastructure. Making sure BlackRock and Vanguard had top shareholder positions in every major corporation in order to bend and squeeze them into submission, was also a necessary evil."

The Little-Known Entity in Control of the Western Hemisphere

After establishing the banking systems such as the Federal Reserve, the globalists needed a way to act on international laws and treaties, manipulating them as needed to maintain control. This is where the United Nations, which enjoys 22 IOIA immunities and privileges, comes in, along with a much lesser-known entity — the Organization of American States (OAS).6​
OAS is headquartered in Washington, D.C., just outside of the White House, yet it's rarely mentioned by U.S. media. First started in 1890 as the International Union of American Republics, OAS has gone through several name changes over the decades and now operates in 35 member states in the Western Hemisphere, in an area that's home to more than 1 billion people.
It manages the Western Hemisphere and also hosts the World Health Organization's regional office via the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which was originally founded in 1902 to control the spread of epidemics between countries.
"PAHO is the oldest and largest regional health organization, and has long coordinated with the OAS through projects, funding, goals, and even shared a building at one point. Today, PAHO is a 'specialized organization' of the OAS," Lynn says.7​ OAS, meanwhile, works alongside the UN, but is not under its control. Lynn continues:8​
"The WHO is to the UN as PAHO is to the OAS. Two very powerful organizations that are in lock-step, consisting of member states that account for the entire global population, and the OAS with headquarters just steps away from the White House and the UN Foundation even closer, with immunities and privileges that afford them the ability to keep forging ahead with the New World Order agenda.
… Their budget may be far smaller than the UN, but their reach isn't. OAS has also granted permanent observer status to over 72 states, as well as to the European Union, who all enjoy immunities and privileges."
Further, all of OAS' agencies and entities are granted their immunities and privileges, via their headquarters agreement with the U.S. and other agreements. Here's just a sampling of these OAS entities:9​
Inter-American Council for Integral DevelopmentInter-American Juridical CommitteeInter-American Children's Institute
Inter-American Commission on WomenInter-American Indian InstituteInter-American Agency for Cooperation Development
Justice Studies Center of The AmericasInter-American Committee Against TerrorismInter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction
Inter-American Court of Human RightsInter-American Defense BoardInter-American Defense College
Inter-American Development BankInter-American Drug Abuse Control CommissionInter-American Juridical Committee


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OAS Enjoys 'Unprecedented Level of Protection,' Power

The immunities and privileges granted to OAS allows it to avoid both transparency and accountability. Under IOAI, for instance, OAS gets the following benefits:10​
Property and assets immune from suit and judicial processImmunity from search and seizure of property and assetsArchives are inviolable
Exempt from all forms of taxesAdmission of officers, employees and their family members without checks from customsOfficers and employees exempt from all legal actions relating to work activities
No alien registration or fingerprinting of employees and immediate family members
Who Funds the OAS? OAS has a budget of about $142 million. The U.S. funds more than 50% of it. However, each of OAS' "specialized agencies and entities" has its own budget and funding, with deep globalist connections. For instance, Lynn notes: "Take PAHO for example, whose operating budget was increased in 2022-2023 to over $881 million. Under the agreement between PAHO and the WHO, that increases the amount the WHO must contribute to PAHO, bringing it to over $291 million. The Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and numerous other globalists all fund PAHO." Digging deeper, OAS has five areas of funding, one of which is "trust funds." The nonprofit Trust for the Americas, which has conducted projects in 24 countries, is just one of those trusts. It's received funding from USAID, Microsoft, Mastercard, Citi, Walmart and U.S. embassies, for starters. Other corporate giants also contribute to OAS funds. Among them: Amazon Web Services Cisco Systems Citibank Ford Foundation Google Hilton Foundation Meta Platforms Microsoft The United Nations A 'Powerhouse of Ruin' Is Coming 14 15 Unless the immunities granted to OAS, the UN, the Federal Reserve and others are rescinded, and multiple governments pull out of these organizations, Lynn says, "no battle can be won." Meanwhile, Agenda 2030, aimed at reducing middle-class' consumption of basic goods and energy, which includes limiting, with an eye toward eliminating, property rights and private ownership for future generations, is barreling toward us. She explains: "Together, the BIS [Bank for International Settlements], Central Banks, UN, OAS, and the other international organizations and banks enjoying immunities and privileges, are a powerhouse that has the ability to move undetected, behind closed doors, with no transparency or accountability, and move their agendas forward with little to no legal ramifications. While people go about their days putting their children to bed, sending them off to school, getting themselves to work, and cooking a family dinner, these masterminds are plotting out everyone's future in a gradual manner that most don't recognize as the global takeover that it is. And yet, the clock ticks down as they attempt to accomplish their ultimate goal in less than seven years — a digital world with a digital workforce, a genderless society with no individualism or self-identity, a transhumanist decay where humans meld with robots, in an environment where these powers hold the keys to control everything one needs to survive on, all with the exception of one thing — one's soul." Three Steps to Fight Back — and Win All is not yet lost, however, and Lynn offers three solid strategies to attack this globalist threat: 1. Share this information far and wide, via journalists, social media, podcasts and your community. "The louder we are and the more we push, the harder it becomes for
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