Mar 16, 2023
Right Now my thoughts are at lightning strike as i am having hard time calming down, listening to c418 - (beginning 2) like attending my own self funeral, but it's peaceful and i can never complain to how good c418 is at extracting emotions from listeners, so what exactly brings me here? I will probably seek partner soon, just to exit this existence, kind of soul mate, someone i probably never met, what am i doing? Doing is already began, i am mostly just finishing it, finish the creation of life that i never asked for and one i suffer for, as for venting, i realized how little it would matter in the end, so to simplify how about non of this f matters in the end? It could but you see there is a barrier of laws that restrict you from speaking truth, okay, back to reality where majority of communications are controlled, are you serious? Yes you are, see? They already have so much power over us and what does it take to realize it?

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