

ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
therapy for trauma: $276 per month
therapy for OCD: $120 per month
injection for chronic migraines: $270
ketamine for PTSD: $350 per month (discontinued because of the cost despite it significantly reducing suicidal ideation.)

$1016 just for being fucked up.

thank god my insurance covers some doctor visits and meds or I would be more of a mess than I already am.

I wish my family could get on board with me CTB because holy shit it costs so much just to keep my miserable life dragging on. The guilt is eating me alive, I don't even contribute to society, I literally make people's lives worse.
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Aug 6, 2020
Hey, sorry you're feeling really bad at the moment.

I find this idea of contributing to society interesting. What does this mean exactly?
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Jan 20, 2020
Wow, that's your copay? Is it possible to find new or better insurance?
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
Wow, that's your copay? Is it possible to find new or better insurance?
No it's completely out of pocket, my insurance doesn't cover any of those treatments as my therapists are out of network, ketamine isn't covered by insurance at all, and my migraine treatment is considered to be 'cosmetic' so it's out of pocket as well.

I actually have decent insurance through my dad's work. It covers my doctors and meds and my siblings' healthcare as well. As a family, the deductible is $7,000 each year and once we've paid that in medical bills, it covers 100% of in-network providers. (The hard part is finding in-network providers.)

Hey, sorry you're feeling really bad at the moment.

I find this idea of contributing to society interesting. What does this mean exactly?
I mean I'm on disability because I'm too messed up to function and I really wish I were out doing something meaningful. I don't feel that I have a purpose and I really want to be able to do volunteer work or contribute to the community in some way.

I'm 23 tomorrow and I've not even finished 12th grade. I'm useless and my existence is pointless.
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Aug 6, 2020
I mean I'm on disability because I'm too messed up to function and I really wish I were out doing something meaningful. I don't feel that I have a purpose and I really want to be able to do volunteer work or contribute to the community in some way.

I'm 23 tomorrow and I've not even finished 12th grade. I'm useless and my existence is pointless.

Ok well accessing support doesn't mean that you're a "drain on society".
The support systems are in place for people that need them.
I feel that the small minority of people that play or abuse the systems give everybody else a bad name.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow :)
PS: what's stopping you from volunteering?
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Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
No it's completely out of pocket, my insurance doesn't cover any of those treatments as my therapists are out of network, ketamine isn't covered by insurance at all, and my migraine treatment is considered to be 'cosmetic' so it's out of pocket as well.

I actually have decent insurance through my dad's work. It covers my doctors and meds and my siblings' healthcare as well. As a family, the deductible is $7,000 each year and once we've paid that in medical bills, it covers 100% of in-network providers. (The hard part is finding in-network providers.)

I mean I'm on disability because I'm too messed up to function and I really wish I were out doing something meaningful. I don't feel that I have a purpose and I really want to be able to do volunteer work or contribute to the community in some way.

I'm 23 tomorrow and I've not even finished 12th grade. I'm useless and my existence is pointless.
I'm surprised you get two different types of therapy instead of it all in one. Is it helping?
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
I'm surprised you get two different types of therapy instead of it all in one. Is it helping?
Yes it's helpful! But it's only because my main therapist doesn't specialize in OCD, only PTSD.

There aren't any therapists in-network with my insurance that treat ADHD, BPD, EDNOS, OCD, and PTSD. Most therapists that my insurance would cover just treat anxiety and depression and wouldn't take me on as a client because they aren't educated enough in, say, eating disorders, to feel that they're able to work with me.

(Not to mention most therapists are not open to taking clients with BPD.)

Ok well accessing support doesn't mean that you're a "drain on society".
The support systems are in place for people that need them.
I feel that the small minority of people that play or abuse the systems give everybody else a bad name.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow :)
PS: what's stopping you from volunteering?
My agoraphobia mostly, but all the volunteer programs I was interested in are closed down because of the pandemic.

Thank you:) that really means a lot to me. ♡


Sep 7, 2020
No it's completely out of pocket, my insurance doesn't cover any of those treatments as my therapists are out of network, ketamine isn't covered by insurance at all, and my migraine treatment is considered to be 'cosmetic' so it's out of pocket as well.

I actually have decent insurance through my dad's work. It covers my doctors and meds and my siblings' healthcare as well. As a family, the deductible is $7,000 each year and once we've paid that in medical bills, it covers 100% of in-network providers. (The hard part is finding in-network providers.)

I mean I'm on disability because I'm too messed up to function and I really wish I were out doing something meaningful. I don't feel that I have a purpose and I really want to be able to do volunteer work or contribute to the community in some way.

I'm 23 tomorrow and I've not even finished 12th grade. I'm useless and my existence is pointless.

I spent my life being a single mom. I don't care what I would have had to do to afford those treatments for my child but I would have done it happily. Just so you know I'm sure your parents don't mind. If you are in the USA- if your disability was prior to 18 look into adult disabled as a child. You would get disability benefits based on your parents work record and would be a substantially higher amount that what you get now. DO you like animals? maybe volunteer at a local no kill shelter. They always need people to walk the dogs and play with them and kitties too.

Happy early 23rd. My son died in a car accident at 25 he quit 12th grade needing 5 credits. I don't view his lack of a diploma as him being useless or worthless. If you feel a diploma will help you feel more satisfaction can you enroll on a online school?
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
I spent my life being a single mom. I don't care what I would have had to do to afford those treatments for my child but I would have done it happily. Just so you know I'm sure your parents don't mind. If you are in the USA- if your disability was prior to 18 look into adult disabled as a child. You would get disability benefits based on your parents work record and would be a substantially higher amount that what you get now. DO you like animals? maybe volunteer at a local no kill shelter. They always need people to walk the dogs and play with them and kitties too.

Happy early 23rd. My son died in a car accident at 25 he quit 12th grade needing 5 credits. I don't view his lack of a diploma as him being useless or worthless. If you feel a diploma will help you feel more satisfaction can you enroll on a online school?
I am so, so sorry to hear about your son's passing. I know nothing I can say will really mean much, just know that I mean it when I say I love you and hope the universe grants you moments of everyday peace.

Thank you for saying that. My mom tells me she'll figure it out and works really hard (she was a single mom, too) and doesn't want me to worry about the cost. My dad is sort of a jerk and literally only talks about money and how he loves me (through gritted teeth) but now he's never going to be able to retire and whats the point of all these shrinks if it's not even making me functional?

My agoraphobia keeps me inside, mostly. I want to go to school but the thought of it is so triggering and I just hate myself and feel stupid and overwhelmed until I cry.

I've never heard of that kind of disability! I get SSDI based on my work record. In my paperwork it says I was disabled when I was no longer able to work, I didn't know there was anything else available.
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May 27, 2020
therapy for trauma: $276 per month
therapy for OCD: $120 per month
injection for chronic migraines: $270
ketamine for PTSD: $350 per month (discontinued because of the cost despite it significantly reducing suicidal ideation.)

$1016 just for being fucked up.

That is very expensive. Suicidal individuals are constantly implored to get help, but when they try to seek assistance, like you, they are charged so much. It is understandable why there are many out there who refuse to seek help.
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May 25, 2020
I replaced all medication by alcohol, maybe it's not the best choice but it's less expensive.

In all of this list, which ones really help you and which ones are you forced to do (law or prescriptions)?
In my experiences, therapists are not here to help you, they are only money vampires and sometime law force you to give them money for nothing. If you need to talk to someone, find a friend (no need to know him irl, there people are talking to venting), or speak with an AI. Not judgement here, and it's less expensive than pseudo therapy done by thieves without morale kind.


Sep 7, 2020
I am so, so sorry to hear about your son's passing. I know nothing I can say will really mean much, just know that I mean it when I say I love you and hope the universe grants you moments of everyday peace.

Thank you for saying that. My mom tells me she'll figure it out and works really hard (she was a single mom, too) and doesn't want me to worry about the cost. My dad is sort of a jerk and literally only talks about money and how he loves me (through gritted teeth) but now he's never going to be able to retire and whats the point of all these shrinks if it's not even making me functional?

My agoraphobia keeps me inside, mostly. I want to go to school but the thought of it is so triggering and I just hate myself and feel stupid and overwhelmed until I cry.

I've never heard of that kind of disability! I get SSD based on my work record. In my paperwork it says I was disabled when I was no longer able to work, I didn't know there was anything else available.

thank you so much. I just can't wait to be reunited with him.

Your dad should be more compassionate. No wonder you feel badly about it. Don't listen to him. Your mom does it out of love and doesn't regret it at all, I'm sure. The bond a loving mom especially shares with her child is something I can quite explain, it's that deep. Your child grew in her womb, you share nutrients in that womb and a blood supply, you were 2 heart beats as 1 and you would take on the entire world for your child if it would bring them a smile. They have found that moms of sons have their sons dna in their brain. I think we are just touching the surface of that maternal child bond.

At what age did they decide you became disabled? At going to be 23 tomorrow you shouldn't have much of a work record. Is there a paper trail- doctors therapists prior to 18 yrs of age? If so call social security and ask about adult disabled as a child benefits. I would assume since your dad is so money talk he makes the higher income- they would use his income to base your benefits.

I honestly don't know how it works. I spent 16 1/2 -18 1/2 in and out of psych and several CTB attempts. At 18 1/2 I was diagnosed with cancer. At 20 I had my son, I was 21-22 or so I got a check in the mail for 10thou. I called my mom and said what and why do I have this? she said go cash it. I was like no if it isn't really mine I will have to pay it back or end up in jail or something. So I called around to track it down from dept of treasury to SSDI adult disabled as a child benefits. Apparently at some point in my cancer treatment my mom went through the VA agent orange, and ended up applying for some benefits which didn't catch me until I was 21-22. I did get a monthly check based on my dads work record for a couple of years. I started my cleaning service when I was ohh about 25 and was doing very well. I got the benefits closed out. I became ill in 2013 and can no longer work at almost 42 and instead of using my work record from 25-42- they used my dads and still said adult disabled as a child. My dad made amazing money and his benefits are higher than my work record would have provided. I say its part of a govt shut up payment due to my cancer & birth defects most likely is from his agent orange exposure in vietnam. When I first tried to close the benefits when I had a booming residential and commercial cleaning at service at 25 it was hard to do. They said my doctors have determined I am indefinitely disabled. I was bringing in ohh about $3500 a week back than. I fought with them to close it.

I can understand your agoraphobia making it hard to go to school. Maybe if you end up feeling better at some point look at online schooling? You could take a GED course online and probably take the GED test online to. Adult education in your area and possibly vocational schools would be able to provide you with free online courses or free online study material for a GED.. Especially with covid so much has gone online. Nothing to rush into- but since you commented " I'm 23 tomorrow and I've not even finished 12th grade. I'm useless and my existence is pointless " I see you would feel more accomplished having your diploma. If you don't CTB and are 28 and get your GED who cares what age you are at least you ended up finding that courage to get it and can feel that sense of accomplishment. I actually got my GED at about 25 maybe 26. I wanted to show my son it was important to get your diploma. I somehow got chosen to receive a year paid vocational school. When they called me up for that award my son who was 5 or 6 than jumped up and down yelling thats my mommy! I was so happy he saw that and was so proud of his mom. Since I was so busy with my cleaning service I didn't take advantage of that year of free school so the 2nd runner up got it. At almost 49 I do regret not having the time to take advantage of that free year of schooling. did my residentials starting 9am-4pm spent 4pm-7pm with my son than went out to do my commercials until 2am. Despite being born into hell, my depressed anxiety teen years with at least 4 CTB attempts that I can think of.. I managed to make a successful business at 25. I would take Joey on the weekends to clean some of my commercials and a couple of my residential accounts. Sorry to ramble off on this thread it just brought back some happy memories of my son when he was younger...
That is very expensive. Suicidal individuals are constantly implored to get help, but when they try to seek assistance, like you, they are charged so much. It is understandable why there are many out there who refuse to seek help.

@Sampervivum adding you in because you commented " In my experiences, therapists are not here to help you, they are only money vampires"

I have decent insurance. After my son died I did try to get help. I called around no where took my insurance. I called insurance they texted me a list of providers who "accept" my insurance. I called the list and none took it. I was told by more than 1 place at some point they did take it- insurance companies aren't quick to remove offices who no longer accept it. The insurance lists are rather old. I had a list of over 40 places I called. I'm trying to deal with the death of my child and it was hard enough to wash my face when I woke up let alone all those calls to be told nope we do not take your insurance..

My mom moved in with me 2 months after my son died. At his 1yr anniversary mark exact day I was being interviewed by child protective services. My younger son was 17 than. My mom was going through depression and because I wasn't waiting on her hand and foot catering to her- she made me out to be a neglectful abusive person. Brought up how I was a drunk teenager and she was afraid of me- 30 years ago! She uses a wheelchair by choice, she can walk. Not well because she has sat on her bum for ohh 15 yrs or so because my step dad waited on her hand and foot. She can't save a dime and she thought making my home out to be abusive and neglectful they would help pay her deposits to get into this assisted living facility she was wanting to go to. Due to her age 65 at the time and how she made me sound her therapist got child and adult protective services involved. Both cases were closed as nothing was going on other than my severe depression over the death of my son. The child abuse worker said we can get you counseling would you accept it? I said yes I would but if it's far away I may cancel appointments because I never know how destroyed I am 1 day to the next. She said oh don't worry we have 1 that comes to your house I'll get it all set up. I thought FINALLY I can get help. She called me about a week later to let me know- I'm so sorry. Because you have insurance you cannot participate in the counseling program I was trying to get you in. She said she had her office calling everywhere they could and agreed- no where takes my insurance. She also said you can't even participate in the sliding scale fee places because you are insured. I am so sorry but it is for sure a for profit business.

I can't afford to pay full out of pocket. I know they will want to see me more than once a month. I can't really afford once a month. My primary care doc has been dealing with my depression. I am truly lucky to have an amazing pri care. He talks to me and I am comfortable telling him things. He has had me on at least 8 anti depressants and many different sleeping pills. He's tried the best he could. If I had access to a therapist I might be able to get the proper medications, assistance to find a way to get out of the dark place I have been in since my son died. Find a way to rebuild my relationship with my younger son and not necessarily live happily but live with less pain. You bet when I CTB I will have an email out to local news about the inability to get help. Bring attention to these money whores that force people to CTB due to not being able to get help.
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
thank you so much. I just can't wait to be reunited with him.

Your dad should be more compassionate. No wonder you feel badly about it. Don't listen to him. Your mom does it out of love and doesn't regret it at all, I'm sure. The bond a loving mom especially shares with her child is something I can quite explain, it's that deep. Your child grew in her womb, you share nutrients in that womb and a blood supply, you were 2 heart beats as 1 and you would take on the entire world for your child if it would bring them a smile. They have found that moms of sons have their sons dna in their brain. I think we are just touching the surface of that maternal child bond.

At what age did they decide you became disabled? At going to be 23 tomorrow you shouldn't have much of a work record. Is there a paper trail- doctors therapists prior to 18 yrs of age? If so call social security and ask about adult disabled as a child benefits. I would assume since your dad is so money talk he makes the higher income- they would use his income to base your benefits.

I honestly don't know how it works. I spent 16 1/2 -18 1/2 in and out of psych and several CTB attempts. At 18 1/2 I was diagnosed with cancer. At 20 I had my son, I was 21-22 or so I got a check in the mail for 10thou. I called my mom and said what and why do I have this? she said go cash it. I was like no if it isn't really mine I will have to pay it back or end up in jail or something. So I called around to track it down from dept of treasury to SSDI adult disabled as a child benefits. Apparently at some point in my cancer treatment my mom went through the VA agent orange, and ended up applying for some benefits which didn't catch me until I was 21-22. I did get a monthly check based on my dads work record for a couple of years. I started my cleaning service when I was ohh about 25 and was doing very well. I got the benefits closed out. I became ill in 2013 and can no longer work at almost 42 and instead of using my work record from 25-42- they used my dads and still said adult disabled as a child. My dad made amazing money and his benefits are higher than my work record would have provided. I say its part of a govt shut up payment due to my cancer & birth defects most likely is from his agent orange exposure in vietnam. When I first tried to close the benefits when I had a booming residential and commercial cleaning at service at 25 it was hard to do. They said my doctors have determined I am indefinitely disabled. I was bringing in ohh about $3500 a week back than. I fought with them to close it.

I can understand your agoraphobia making it hard to go to school. Maybe if you end up feeling better at some point look at online schooling? You could take a GED course online and probably take the GED test online to. Adult education in your area and possibly vocational schools would be able to provide you with free online courses or free online study material for a GED.. Especially with covid so much has gone online. Nothing to rush into- but since you commented " I'm 23 tomorrow and I've not even finished 12th grade. I'm useless and my existence is pointless " I see you would feel more accomplished having your diploma. If you don't CTB and are 28 and get your GED who cares what age you are at least you ended up finding that courage to get it and can feel that sense of accomplishment. I actually got my GED at about 25 maybe 26. I wanted to show my son it was important to get your diploma. I somehow got chosen to receive a year paid vocational school. When they called me up for that award my son who was 5 or 6 than jumped up and down yelling thats my mommy! I was so happy he saw that and was so proud of his mom. Since I was so busy with my cleaning service I didn't take advantage of that year of free school so the 2nd runner up got it. At almost 49 I do regret not having the time to take advantage of that free year of schooling. did my residentials starting 9am-4pm spent 4pm-7pm with my son than went out to do my commercials until 2am. Despite being born into hell, my depressed anxiety teen years with at least 4 CTB attempts that I can think of.. I managed to make a successful business at 25. I would take Joey on the weekends to clean some of my commercials and a couple of my residential accounts. Sorry to ramble off on this thread it just brought back some happy memories of my son when he was younger...
Oh I love you, please ramble as much as you'd like, I can relate to a lot of that and it made me feel less alone. I would hug you if I were there, you sound like a lovely and caring person and I'm grateful for your perspective and kind words. I love the thought of having that connection to my mom and you having it with your son, love really does survive any degree of separation from a person.

I've been in the mental health system and have an extensive paper trail since age 13. I worked part-time from age 16-19 when my mental illness became too much to cope with and I was forced to go on leave, then quit. I was determined to be disabled at age 19 and was granted disability after being denied my first application.

I really, really hope this is something that might work for me as my family is struggling and the guilt I feel is tremendous. My mother is a wonderful person and my dad loves me a lot but is bitter and has his own problems. I don't take it personally anymore, he's just an unhappy man.

Thank you a million times for the support. It means everything to me and has given me some hope.

I replaced all medication by alcohol, maybe it's not the best choice but it's less expensive.

In all of this list, which ones really help you and which ones are you forced to do (law or prescriptions)?
In my experiences, therapists are not here to help you, they are only money vampires and sometime law force you to give them money for nothing. If you need to talk to someone, find a friend (no need to know him irl, there people are talking to venting), or speak with an AI. Not judgement here, and it's less expensive than pseudo therapy done by thieves without morale kind.
My therapists have helped me tremendously. I've improved so much since starting therapy and have learned to understand myself better and cope in different ways.

Everything is helpful or I wouldn't be doing it, I'm not forced to do anything but require it due to the severity of my mental illnesses.

I'm very sorry you've had bad experiences with therapists, I have as well and was traumatized. It took a long time to find ones I trusted and worked well with.
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Sep 7, 2020
Oh I love you, please ramble as much as you'd like, I can relate to a lot of that and it made me feel less alone. I would hug you if I were there, you sound like a lovely and caring person and I'm grateful for your perspective and kind words. I love the thought of having that connection to my mom and you having it with your son, love really does survive any degree of separation from a person.

I've been in the mental health system and have an extensive paper trail since age 13. I worked part-time from age 16-19 when my mental illness became too much to cope with and I was forced to go on leave, then quit. I was determined to be disabled at age 19 and was granted disability after being denied my first application.

I really, really hope this is something that might work for me as my family is struggling and the guilt I feel is tremendous. My mother is a wonderful person and my dad loves me a lot but is bitter and has his own problems. I don't take it personally anymore, he's just an unhappy man.

Thank you a million times for the support. It means everything to me and has given me some hope.

I'll send you a virtual hug =) I'm so glad I was able to give you some hope. Since joining this forum when I am told I've touched someone in a positive way it actually takes away from pain from my sons death if even for a few minutes. We all want to feel valued. You are welcome to message me anytime. You are never alone, I speak for myself and many here - who are here for you as much as we can be. This forum has so many beautiful kind people. Sometimes I take a lot of medication and sleep because I dont miss my son when I'm sleeping. So if you pm me and it's one of those days I promise to reply as soon as I'm awake and on the forum.

You might qualify for the adult disabled as a child. It's worth looking into- you have nothing to loose they wont take away your current benefits for looking into it. Hopefully you can qualify and have a bigger benefit =).

Again, I am speaking from a moms perspective here. My son was about 5 or close to it than, my boyfriends 2 boys were 5 and 3. It was a really really broke christmas time. I felt like a total failure that these kids might wake up to nothing. I made flyers on an old back than not to old commodore computer I bought at salvation army. This was before internet right when it came out I think. It was looking like these 3 boys were not going to have anything for christmas. So I made those flyers and went door to door for work. I have a picture of our big christmas tree filled half way up in all directions of gifts for these 3 kids. That was what began my cleaning business. I ended up with so much work- and gave those 3 kids a huge christmas. I was rubbing pennies together to feed these 3kids and ended up with a monster christmas. As moms we do whatever we have to for our kids- and don't regret it one bit. Times when I had to get creative to find work to take care of my kids were some of the best times I can remember. Your mom & dad loves you and doesn't regret one bit doing what she has to to make sure you are getting whatever doctor or medicine you need. "love really does survive any degree of separation from a person" LOVE is the most important thing in the world. At least to me it is. I would take love over being the richest person in the world. You can't buy love. It isn't easy to find. You saying thank you mom or dad, giving them a hug is what makes them happy=) it makes every bit of what they do worth it to them. I remember my last hug from my son. How it felt here is a man (25) who loves his mom hugging me. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. I wish I could have kept hugging him and kept him here.
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Apr 1, 2020
I really feel for you @ghostspace, I have spent over 10k in private therapists and my insurer likely the same..
Did the ketamine treatment help?

And Happy Birthday for tomorrow !!
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
I really feel for you @ghostspace, I have spent over 10k in private therapists and my insurer likely the same..
Did the ketamine treatment help?

And Happy Birthday for tomorrow !!
Thank you!!!!! Oh my god I feel so sorry for our broke bank accounts and broken brains. If you're also in the US, our health system is insanity.

The ketamine worked for me as long as I got it every month. I was an outlier, most of their patients only needed 6 treatments and a lot went into remission with just that. I really hated the feeling of it when I was on it, it felt horrible and scary, but the neurological effects were definitely worth it!
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Apr 1, 2020
Thank you!!!!! Oh my god I feel so sorry for our broke bank accounts and broken brains. If you're also in the US, our health system is insanity.

The ketamine worked for me as long as I got it every month. I was an outlier, most of their patients only needed 6 treatments and a lot went into remission with just that. I really hated the feeling of it when I was on it, it felt horrible and scary, but the neurological effects were definitely worth it!
I'm in NL, but mental health care here is kind of non-existent... This is why I went private. And I'm bummed that I cannot access ketamine... I'm happy for you that it helped you!
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No kill like overkill
Jul 30, 2020
I'm with OP. surgeries that were totally not my fault cost thousands and thousands and thousands out of pocket for me

and didn't work well and left me in agonizing pain: no big deal, I have a gun and a date :-)

I defy any LEOs reading this to come find me and keep me alive, it's within arm's reach 100% of the time
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Feb 14, 2019
Well this post really high me hard. The US is such a messed up county.. absolutely atrocious health care.. I hate it here. I was kicked off my parents insurance at age 26 and I can't work (because I'm disabled) but I can't get any disability or government assistance so I get literally no help. It's seriously one of the reasons I want to ctb. The sad sad choices in this country are go in debt, suffer, or die. It's absolutely fucked up I can get many things to ctb with in this country but not one ounce of help because I have no money to "get help, or just go to therapy" like all of the prolifers say.
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Our tainted history is playing on repeat
Jul 26, 2020
I swear to god people who fucked us up should pay for our therapy
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
I swear to god people who fucked us up should pay for our therapy
RIGHT?! I know there's no way in reality this would work or be ethical but 'you break it, you buy it' is such a big mood here.

u ruin my life, u pay for my therapy.

Well this post really high me hard. The US is such a messed up county.. absolutely atrocious health care.. I hate it here. I was kicked off my parents insurance at age 26 and I can't work (because I'm disabled) but I can't get any disability or government assistance so I get literally no help. It's seriously one of the reasons I want to ctb. The sad sad choices in this country are go in debt, suffer, or die. It's absolutely fucked up I can get many things to ctb with in this country but not one ounce of help because I have no money to "get help, or just go to therapy" like all of the prolifers say.
oh man. we're in the same boat, fuck the US and their pathetic excuse for a healthcare system. I can blow my head off with a semi-automatic but can't get affordable therapy or treatment.
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The cup of life has been poisoned forever.
Sep 26, 2020
Go on Medicaid. All your therapy will be free


Aug 22, 2020
I swear to god people who fucked us up should pay for our therapy

My GP basically suggested this to me recently!
1) that would require me to have a conversation with that person
2) that would require me to tell that person that I was having therapy (which is none of their damn business!)
3) that person completely denies all the damage that they caused.


Our tainted history is playing on repeat
Jul 26, 2020
My GP basically suggested this to me recently!
1) that would require me to have a conversation with that person
2) that would require me to tell that person that I was having therapy (which is none of their damn business!)
3) that person completely denies all the damage that they caused.

I said that out of anger, of course life is not that fair.
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The cup of life has been poisoned forever.
Sep 26, 2020
I can't afford medicade and it wouldn't actually cover my therapy.
Medicaid is free. It's for poor people. I have it and can see all kinds of specialists.


ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
Medicaid is free. It's for poor people. I have it and can see all kinds of specialists.
Not exactly. It would deduct an amount from my disability check that I cannot afford to lose. It doesn't cover my current mental providers and therapists or any of my other doctors. My current insurance does cover all of that past the deductible without any copays.

My therapists do not accept insurance, period, but I'm not at all comfortable with switching as I'm extremely vulnerable right now.


The cup of life has been poisoned forever.
Sep 26, 2020
Not exactly. It would deduct an amount from my disability check that I cannot afford to lose. It doesn't cover my current mental providers and therapists or any of my other doctors. My current insurance does cover all of that past the deductible without any copays.

My therapists do not accept insurance, period, but I'm not at all comfortable with switching as I'm extremely vulnerable right now.
I'm on disability and Medicaid goes with it. Yeah certain therapists, etc don't take my insurance but others do.


ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
I'm on disability and Medicaid goes with it. Yeah certain therapists, etc don't take my insurance but others do.
It might be a different kind of disability. Medicaid does not go with mine and would cost me. I know all about it and find the whole situation quite frustrating. I'm glad it works out for you, though.


Feb 14, 2019
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