I'm sorry about your situation.
I can understand how you feel. Earlier, I solidly considered myself as transwoman. This happened for 7 years. And it seemed that nothing could shake my confidence that I was a woman. As does belonging to a transwoman community. As well as to the lgbt community.
Then, I first met a transwomans... more precisely, they themselves asked to come into my life, to be friends...
A lot of bad things happened. For many years... I was cruelly betrayed by my own kind. I was tormented by my own kind. Since the end of 2018, when all this began - it became painful for me to associate myself with transwomans, womans. And with every MtF friend who betrayed me, deceived me, it got worse. Now I have almost completely lost my internal connection with transwomans, lgbt. This is worse, painful than when my own mother betrayed me.
I lost myself.