

Hello Darkness my old friend
Jul 13, 2020
This is obviously a sensitive issue. And I hope that differing opinions here stay calm.

I don't genuinely think anyone here wants anyone else to die. We're suicidal, not homicidal. I for one feel saddened every time I see a goodbye thread. I respect their decision, and I would never even think of diminishing or invalidating their pain. But I'm still sad. I hate the thought of another person getting absolutely wrecked by life, however that may be.

When it comes to younger people, I do think they have more time on their side to possibly turn things around. That's just a fact. But I also remember how I felt at that age, and so I would again, never try to invalidate what they are feeling. I was 8 years old the first time I remember trying to talk to my mother about how I wanted to die. I'm 35 now, that feeling never went away.

There may be resources here, but it's not hard to find those in many places. What this place does have in abundance however, is people being genuinely supportive, despite their own pain. Which is amazing to me quite frankly. Most of us will likely never actually meet or really know each other, but it's still a place where you can be a little less alone for a while. I wish I'd found it sooner, I really do.

What I'm getting at, is that however old someone is here, I'd much rather they were here talking and being able to be heard, than sitting alone. If they decide that suicide is what they want, I think it likely that they would come to that conclusion with or without this forum. At least here, they can feel accepted somewhere for once. People need that.
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Oct 12, 2022
I'm sorry if this offends you but many people simply want to die and it's nothing to do with you. I get that you want attention by posting something like this but, it's incredibly insensitive judging others for wishing to leave this world, existing isn't an obligation, and there are no "problems" like you are describing with the way that this site is.

Nobody is forced to come on here and nobody is forced to die, you are just bitter because this site isn't pro life enough for you, am I right. It's sad how such judgemental people want to destroy the one place that people can be open about suicide and not always recieve the response of "it gets better!!!", "call a hotline".
You wouldn't like it if people invalidated your wish to die so don't do it to others okay. This type of pro life drivel reminds me of why I wish to leave this world so much, it's cringe honestly, like I'm 22 and I wish I left when I was way younger as it would have prevented so much suffering. But anyway bye bye OP.

FuneralCry's wisdom and compassion is always an inspiration to me.

While I'm older, I agree that this intensely personal choice transcends age. As with a person of any age, I'm happy to see the support and compassion of people here who bring hope and reminders that there will always be a next bus and to take one's time before making any profound decision.

One thought -- perhaps there can be a private message board or area for younger people to discuss issues and feelings without having older, potentially judgmental people like OP who make things more difficult, not less. If there are members with experience with younger people, they could help guide some of the discussions. That's not in any way to be disrespectful, it's just that having a safe, loving place for younger members to talk privately and openly could be a benefit to share feelings, ideas and opinions. Just a humble idea.
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Feb 15, 2023
Not sure what you consider "young" but you're judging very broadly right now. I'm not against encouraging people to live nessisarily, especially when they are on the fence, but you just did what every other mf does, and just ignore REAL ISSUES HAPPENING because what?
I've had chronic pain that started when I was 15 or 16. Don't get me wrong, I was suicidal before that, but yeah, the chronic pain at 16 didn't help. It didn't get better, only worse.
I'm still "younger" 24, but I'm in constant pain every day all day. Tell me how I'm too young and stupid at 16 to understand that I'm in pain and I will have this pain every single day for the rest of my life. Tell me how I didn't understand that the pain would get worse and worse. Because I did.
Yeah, maybe I'm one of those young people who think they should die a violent death. You don't know what I've done either. Maybe I r@ped a kid; in that case, you'd probably give me my violent death I so wish for.
You make a lot of assumptions just because someone is young. You're looking at them like they are stupid. "You're too young" I've heard that from my parents invalidating me, telling me my issues aren't real, my doctors tell me "you're too young to be in pain" as they ignore me and let me struggle in pain for years and years. Why? My only guess what they're actually saying is I'm too young to deserve help. šŸ˜‚
Stop gatekeeping people. I'm glad you didn't reply this crap to anyone's posts, you'd be forcing them into the noose faster. FN Cabbage
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I just want to be completely forgotten
Feb 20, 2023
Most of the time CTB is not the right answer for physically healthy, somewhat good looking young individuals.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It's something I REALLY struggle with because I have been suicidal since age 10. Still- I'm even more concerned by the thought that it's not just young adults on here but that some might be minors. I DEEPLY sympathise with all the young adults on here struggling- like I say- I've been somewhere similar at least. It does concern me though- that- by it's very nature- this place is VERY pessimistic. I don't think it's necessarily the best place to hear balanced opinions. For the most part- we don't have very good things to say about life and growing up.

I don't know- I think hope is important if there's any chance of recovery and not many of us have that ourselves to be able to share it. Maybe the young adults here really are dead set on ending it- and that's their right- just as much as it is ours. I just wonder if there aren't at the very least- more options open to them that maybe they are just in too dark of a place to see- and we're there as well- so- it's not like we can really 'help'.

What I would REALLY like to know is- just how many have found this place via the Tantacrul video.
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
At the age when people get the license to kill others (become soldiers) nobody should blame them for killing themselves.
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Oct 1, 2022
young people are very intelligent !

when society learns to accept that all suffering is valid, it will make true progress
invalidating any reasons results in deep unhappiness and extreme frustration - it will result in suicide

current system is swiping all existential turmoil under the carpet, and apply ineffective bandaid 'solutions'
this system is broken and laughable - it's simply pathetic: we know how to hide behind the finger
it knows how to hide the most profound problem in life - suffering: life is sublime, so think happy thoughts
society is in perpetual denial and it's proud to pretend that pain doesn't exist

it doesn't understand that removing peaceful methods will only result in horror and tragedy

but it will continue to pat itself on the back stubbornly - well done society - be proud!
let's continue on this sanctimonious path of ignorance - it will solve all problems in life - it's very 'healthy'
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Feb 21, 2023
It seems there are a LOT of young people on this site who want to end their lives due to, what they deem in their still-forming brains/minds, situations and resultant feelings they deem inescapable. I will have no part of this. I am older and have severe physical impairments, and I have done years of thoughtful, rational analysis about my situation. This is my second incarnation on this site and there are some fine folks here. But there are some serious problems.

It seems that any attempt to dissuade young folks from extinguishing their lives is verboten and ascribes to one the moniker "pro-life". As someone who has lived and despaired and rejoiced and more for nearly six decades, I view much of the expressed angst on this site as normal adolescence and college-age turmoil about finding one's way in the world and how one fits into it. It ain't easy. Esp. now with how fucked up the world is. BUT, to just sit by and be nonjudgmental about young people killing themselves due to mental anguish is untenable for me, a complete deal-breaker.

The pro-life assholes ignore people who are physically beset with horrible pain and neurological and degenerative issue of all ages. Those people, regardless of age, have my deepest sympathies, and I wholly endorse their search for a final remedy to rid themselves of their torture.

But for teen angst and growing pains that go along with it? And for others to simply, limply, feebly attempt to offer alternate (non-death) options or none at all and when having done so, to be frowned upon or cast as a "pro-life" zealot, is all so horribly wrong.

Also, the lack of robust countering to the homicidal folks and completely psychotic folks who wish to kill themselves in the most violent ways possible...that's a far cry from a right to a peaceful exit.

Hence I am dissolving my account as I cannot be a part of such.
In the epochs that have long since passed us, the youth had such great lust and longing for a myriad of great causes. To conquer the world, to see the ends of the earth, to earn glory and be renowned across the realms wide and far, to defend their homeland and to live eternally in song and dance. Now, we have nothing to die for. Just as winning in a competition is worth it only due to the possibility and pain of defeat, life is only worth the heft of its death.

What's the point in living until your eighties, having achieved little of note, seen scarce that inspires, and dying in your bed with nothing but vain, weak relationships to hold as your sole possessions?
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Jun 13, 2021
Adults often invalidate and write-off 'angsty' feelings and questions coming from teenagers because they know they have no answers to them and becoming an 'adult' seems to mean dismissing and forgetting them altogether. Most adults have zero awareness, they just perpetuate the myth that they know better because they lived longer.

Awareness can come at any age and at some point a teen is able to understand that it is them who is taking on all the life risks as they continue to live - you cannot force anybody to do that against their wishes, because if something bad happens - it is them who will have to go through it. At first the bio-parents impose these risks on the unconsenting child, but later it will be up to the person to decide whether to keep risking or not.

You can be young and already understand the absurdity of being an animal, all the risks.. with awareness comes stress, anxiety, depression and there's also illnesses, disabilities, plus other humans that can cause additional suffering. It is not an obligation to enjoy being alive on this disgusting planet fertilized by billions of rotting corpses.

I find death unfair and suicides sad, no one should go through that - why I don't support creating unconsenting individuals in the first place when they're at peace in non-existence.
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Deranged Psychonaut
Mar 21, 2023
As the forum rules, no one should be here unless they are 18 years or older.

By the age of 18 I had already attempted suicide more times than I can count, here I am 11 years later. I had never even heard of this site until last night.

It is not my place to encourage or discourage what other people choose. That is what freedom of choice is about right? We are all supposed to have free will, right?

What i find disturbing is that you can join the military and go die for your country by age 18, but you can't legally have an alcoholic beverage until age 21?

Land of the free my ass

What society deems as acceptable and unacceptable is just corrupt and does not make sense to me.

Nobody alive ever asked to be born and brought into existence, if a person wants to die that should be their right by the very nature of existence.
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Mar 23, 2018
As the forum rules, no one should be here unless they are 18 years or older.

By the age of 18 I had already attempted suicide more times than I can count, here I am 11 years later. I had never even heard of this site until last night.

It is not my place to encourage or discourage what other people choose. That is what freedom of choice is about right? We are all supposed to have free will, right?

What i find disturbing is that you can join the military and go die for your country by age 18, but you can't legally have an alcoholic beverage until age 21?

Land of the free my ass

What society deems as acceptable and unacceptable is just corrupt and does not make sense to me.

Nobody alive ever asked to be born and brought into existence, if a person wants to die that should be their right by the very nature of existence.
Sorry for your pain.
We should all have the right to end it if we choose.

You can drink alcohol if you are 18 and in the military.:wink:
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In the state of shock of what happened
Apr 30, 2022
Young people are here because the older people are already gone.
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Jan 8, 2023
OP, as an older person, surely you understand that the living circumstances of most people are continuing to deteriorate exponentially. Don't judge someone for their age.
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