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Apr 8, 2020
I am in love with a 55 year old male work colleague and he hurt me. I really thought he was a nice guy. in the beginning he pursued me most men never do that to me. I loved how he was always helping me when I had problems at work. He always came running if I mentioned a problem at work and I loved the nice things he always said me. He used to even tell his weekend plans and even messaged me on his day off from work. He reciprocated my compliments I gave him.We were also friends who looked out for each other during difficult times as time went on I didn't even notice his age anymore. I fell for him

One day he just changed he stopped chasing me, no longer accepting my compliments i gave him, becoming more more distant and last week when I asked him what his weekend plans were he didn't answer my question. I began to have this suspicion he was married or involved with another woman.

I found out this week he has gf who is 30 years OLDER than me and her kids are their 20s. He has been on and off with her for 20 years and started chasing after me when his relationship with her failed . In our conversation he said I should find a man my own age and even said he can't date a 25 year old because he "can't keep up". That comment hurt so much. He is not even ashamed of his behaviour. All this happened when i came back from travelling.

I really thought I found someone and finally things were going to work out.
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Jan 17, 2023
in 10 years he's gonna be a saggy arthitic prune and you will be blooming! and his comment about ''he cant keep up'' means he has take viagra to get a stiffy. it will hurt, then it will fade, then you will think 'what did i see in him. coming from a 54yr man
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Oct 2, 2022
In a way, he might be looking out for you. He's 30 years older and he knows he's on and off with another woman. It's not a recipe for an easy connection. He might care about you and want what's best for you. What's best might not be him given the circumstances.

It always hurts to fall and have to let go though. I'm sorry that happened. It's unfortunate he acted selfishly in diving into the heavy flirtation when he knew from the start it wasn't right.
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The Songs of Distant Earth.
Sep 18, 2022
Older men shouldn't be trying to go after significantly younger women. You're 25. You can do a lot better.
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don't want it

Dec 14, 2022
I think the age difference is too big, maybe 10 years seems like the limit to me
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Dec 15, 2021
I really thought I found someone and finally things were going to work out
Sorry for the situation. He's been with someone else and hasn't told you, that's the problem.

About the comments, there is no reason to disrespect anyone when it is not a situation that you know at all.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
You dodged a bullet, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. You don't want to waste any of your youth on an old guy who's flirting with the 25 year old at work when he's already off and on with someone.
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Memento mori
Dec 12, 2020
I was exactly in the same situation as for age difference at my 25. He was also 55. But looking like 45 and handsome (when he was young he was like Alain Delon).
The most big love of my life....
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Jan 6, 2023
i'm sorry you had to experience this! age gap or not, that switch up can be really disorienting. having been involved with people at work before too, i also know how awful it can be to have to see them every day after that, like you get no relief or space after being hurt. be gentle with yourself! he won't be the last <3
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Apr 8, 2020
in 10 years he's gonna be a saggy arthitic prune and you will be blooming! and his comment about ''he cant keep up'' means he has take viagra to get a stiffy. it will hurt, then it will fade, then you will think 'what did i see in him. coming from a 54yr man

@Iukas19 ROFL this comment has absolutely killed me, I am in stitches please stop your too funny šŸ¤£

I thought being in a relationship with a 55 year old man would be so much easier than dating a man my own age. I was attracted to him because he lived by himself( at the time I met him), he is childless, both his parents are no longer alive and his estranged from his younger brother( poor relationship with his brother). I believed he had no baggage.

I learnt the man is very stupid that is how I caught his lying arse and hand in the cookie jar. The truth only came out because I caught him.
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Jun 26, 2020
Humm, my post might be unique, coming from a 66 guy but here it goes. I hate to say this but the guy sounds like a huge jerk.

Now again I am 66, almost 67 and I would have no problem dating someone younger than me, I would be totally upfront and lay it on the line with the person and with that said, he was not thinking of you very much as he should have from the get-go been totally honest and upfront.

I would dater someone younger than me, no problem, BUT I would be crystal clear about everything. NO mind games or anything of that nature ever.

My heart breaks for you as you work through this, and I care about you and I send you lots of hugs and kindness.

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Jan 17, 2023
So not only is he a saggy prune with limp dick but also a lying piece of shit. If you caught him that means he's being doing it for a long time. Probably from most of the start. Don't you dare CTB for that TURD!. At least get a good reason. Pain over a split up is only tempory (true first time i was dumped i was depressed for 2 years, i was such a miserable git .All i thought about every second was my pain. It passed (eventually, seemed like for ever) Have had more serious relationships since (girls ive loved more) but never felt that kind of pain. 15 years later i hooked up with her again but not very emotional, we did have good sex for a while but it felt quite empty and we got bored of each other
In a way, he might be looking out for you. He's 30 years older and he knows he's on and off with another woman. It's not a recipe for an easy connection. He might care about you and want what's best for you. What's best might not be him given the circumstances.

It always hurts to fall and have to let go though. I'm sorry that happened. It's unfortunate he acted selfishly in diving into the heavy flirtation when he knew from the start it wasn't right.
NO WAY! he was a lying cheat. Lying cheats don't ''look after younger girls'' They just use them. I'm a man I know!
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Apr 8, 2020
I was exactly in the same situation as for age difference at my 25. He was also 55. But looking like 45 and handsome (when he was young he was like Alain Delon).
The most big love of my life....
@Jarni virtual hug šŸ«‚ oh my god I can soooo relate to this. I first met him at an office day my workplace organised. We all work from home. He is tall, laid back, healthy glow and lovely green eyes. He noticeable grey hairs overlapping his dark colour hair but still I didn't find an issue. He looks like he is in 40s. I was wearing purple lipstick, purple lacy dress and was interacting with other people in the workplace.

I ended up going on a walk with him outside and we had fun exploring the city before we went back to the office. The next day he emailed me morning time and said good morning and said he was looking forward to seeing me around. After that he kept messaging me and talking about looking forward to meeting again because we both remote work. We live in the same city but we are very far apart. He always looking out for me and caring for my wellbeing I loved how a guy took an interest in me most men all my life ignored me and for once someone saw me.
i'm sorry you had to experience this! age gap or not, that switch up can be really disorienting. having been involved with people at work before too, i also know how awful it can be to have to see them every day after that, like you get no relief or space after being hurt. be gentle with yourself! he won't be the last <3
@sigh333 Thanks šŸ˜Š the good news is we both work from home and nearly the entire workforce does so I don't have to see everyday except for the monday morning Microsoft Teams meetings organised by our line manager.

I have decided to start life again. Yesterday at work I made the effort to make new friends at work and getting to know people because before previously I talked to colleagues but I only talked more to the man. I have decided NO MORE contact with him unless it is work related. Keep relations civil as we still work in the same department
So not only is he a saggy prune with limp dick but also a lying piece of shit. If you caught him that means he's being doing it for a long time. Probably from most of the start. Don't you dare CTB for that TURD!. At least get a good reason. Pain over a split up is only tempory (true first time i was dumped i was depressed for 2 years, i was such a miserable git .All i thought about every second was my pain. It passed (eventually, seemed like for ever) Have had more serious relationships since (girls ive loved more) but never felt that kind of pain. 15 years later i hooked up with her again but not very emotional, we did have good sex for a while but it felt quite empty and we got bored of each other

NO WAY! he was a lying cheat. Lying cheats don't ''look after younger girls'' They just use them. I'm a man I know!
@lukas19 This is how I caught him all it took was a Microsoft Teams phone call. The plan was to get him to come to me and I started a causal normal conservation about work and normal stuff in our lives. I was so calm and relaxed throughout that is how I extracted information out of him and caught him. I made sure he was relaxed as possible. I charmed him by saying " enough about me tell me about how you are doing you been going through a lot lately " I made feel him important and good about himself that is how I got him relaxed and off guard.

It all came out because I asked him more about his holiday plans in the conversation. He told me he was going away on February to Spain. He is white British and British men are very notorious for going to Spain to have sex, partying, embrassing themselves especially when there is football games. This is how I got very suspicious.

I asked him who is going with because he lives by himself, estranged from his brother and his friends are all busy with their spouses and children. He told me he was going with a woman lets call her K .Then the interrogation began.

I asked him calmly who is K? He told me she is his girlfriend

I asked calmly him how long has this been going for then I asked why did he spend Christmas by all himself instead of it at her house. It was clear he found me when he was no longer with her. I asked multiple questions about

He was even struggling to answer my questions especially why his has been on and off with his girlfriend for 20 years. The call at one point cut then phoned me again saying he customer came on the call and he needed to deal with it which was why the call cut. Bullsh*t he cut the line himself because he couldn't cope with my questions šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜­
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Hello people ā¤ļø
Aug 28, 2022
Honestly you need to see it all as a good thing! Find someone younger!
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Apr 8, 2020
Humm, my post might be unique, coming from a 66 guy but here it goes. I hate to say this but the guy sounds like a huge jerk.

Now again I am 66, almost 67 and I would have no problem dating someone younger than me, I would be totally upfront and lay it on the line with the person and with that said, he was not thinking of you very much as he should have from the get-go been totally honest and upfront.

I would dater someone younger than me, no problem, BUT I would be crystal clear about everything. NO mind games or anything of that nature ever.

My heart breaks for you as you work through this, and I care about you and I send you lots of hugs and kindness.

@whywere I admit I was so disappointed he was not honest from the beginning about his complex relationship status. The truth only came out because I caught him.

At first I thought I was being crazy and overthinking things but it was those changes and little details in his behaviour towards me made me feel like something was going on. I just kept having this bad feeling so I went to go find out what he has been doing lately and that is how I caught him.

The way he talks about his gf it is clear that he sees her a comfortable and safe option option who can give him the life he wants. She is in his age group, property owner who has properties aboard, settled career and he knew her throughout his life as they were friends with things in common whereas i want to travel, have a career, marry, still live with my mother.

I never stood a chance. I can't compete with a 55 year old woman. All I have is my youth but his gf can satisfy him in ways I never can.
Older men shouldn't be trying to go after significantly younger women. You're 25. You can do a lot better.
@AerialBoundaries I loved the attention, appreciation and kindness he showed me in the beginning. I felt special for once because all my life guys rejected and ignored me while all the other women my age got to experience male attention, appreciation and love.

The worst thing was I caught him that is how the truth came out.

The plan was to get him to come to me and I started a causal normal conservation about work and normal stuff in our lives. I was so calm and relaxed throughout that is how I extracted information out of him and caught him. I made sure he was relaxed as possible. I charmed him by saying " enough about me tell me about how you are doing you been going through a lot lately " I made feel him important and good about himself that is how I got him relaxed and off guard.

It all came out because I asked him more about his holiday plans in the conversation. He told me he was going away on February to Spain. He is white British and British men are very notorious for going to Spain to have sex, partying, embrassing themselves especially when there is football games. This is how I got very suspicious.

I asked him who is going with because he lives by himself, estranged from his brother and his friends are all busy with their spouses and children. He told me he was going with a woman lets call her K .Then the interrogation began.

I asked him calmly who is K? He told me she is his girlfriend

I asked calmly him how long has this been going for then I asked why did he spend Christmas by all himself instead of it at her house. It was clear he found me when he was no longer with her. I asked multiple questions

He was even struggling to answer my questions especially why his has been on and off with his girlfriend for 20 years. The call at one point cut then phoned me again saying he customer came on the call and he needed to deal with it which was why the call cut. Bullsh*t he cut the line himself because he couldn't cope with my questions šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜­
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Jan 17, 2023
Wow you sounded so much better in your latest post. You saying ''I have decided to start life again. Yesterday at work I made the effort to make new friends at work and getting to know people.........'' Brought a smile to my face. That's it, live your life and I promise you your feeling will wane (might take time and self discipline) but will happen, just don't in a moment of lonliness fall for his BS no matter what sob story he constructs, he's a serial liar, has been and always will be and will probably will see you as an easy target (he knows you have/had feelings and use that as a weapon against you) to boost his self esteem (then he'll drop you again when it suits him) leaving you messed up.
P.S. not all Brits like soccer.


Apr 15, 2022
Sounds like he's letting you off the hook with a clean break. I have no problem with the age thing. People are attracted to whom they're attracted. I don't know what you have in common with him, though, since you're from different generations, but he's made his decision clear, so take whatever time you need to get over him and move on, hopefully with someone closer to your own age.
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May 26, 2022
You are in a vulnerable position. Your brain barely finished developing at 25. You are here because you are mentally instable like everyone here. He of course took advantage of that. He saw you as a en easy option and a viable victim for his collection. People that age that seek younger usually have done that with a lot of others. You are not unique for him neither the mother of his kids. In your state you wanted to feel safe understood and loved. He knew it so he fake it. You gotta move on.
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Apr 8, 2020
Honestly you need to see it all as a good thing! Find someone younger!
@jodes2 in a werid way I am kind of glad it happened and I don't even envy his gf because I am 30 years than her and it is clear he sees her as the comfortable and safe option.

In a conversation the way the man talked to about his gf it is clear that he sees her a comfortable and safe option option who can give him the life he wants. She is in his age group, property owner who has properties aboard, settled career and he knew her throughout his life as they were friends with things in common whereas i want to travel, have a career, marry, still live with my mother.

I never stood a chance. I can't compete with a 55 year old woman. All I have is my youth but his gf can satisfy him in ways I never can.

I have decided to start life again. Yesterday at work I made the effort to make new friends at work and getting to know people because before previously I talked to colleagues but I only talked more to the man. I have decided to focus more on improving my life as I spent so much time getting to know him and distracted by my feelings for him.
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Hello people ā¤ļø
Aug 28, 2022
@jodes2 in a werid way I am kind of glad it happened and I don't even envy his gf because I am 30 years than her and it is clear he sees her as the comfortable and safe option.

In a conversation the way the man talked to about his gf it is clear that he sees her a comfortable and safe option option who can give him the life he wants. She is in his age group, property owner who has properties aboard, settled career and he knew her throughout his life as they were friends with things in common whereas i want to travel, have a career, marry, still live with my mother.

I never stood a chance. I can't compete with a 55 year old woman. All I have is my youth but his gf can satisfy him in ways I never can.

I have decided to start life again. Yesterday at work I made the effort to make new friends at work and getting to know people because before previously I talked to colleagues but I only talked more to the man. I have decided to focus more on improving my life as I spent so much time getting to know him and distracted by my feelings for him.
I'm really pleased! You can do so much better ā¤ļø


Apr 8, 2020
You are in a vulnerable position. Your brain barely finished developing at 25. You are here because you are mentally instable like everyone here. He of course took advantage of that. He saw you as a en easy option and a viable victim for his collection. People that age that seek younger usually have done that with a lot of others. You are not unique for him neither the mother of his kids. In your state you wanted to feel safe understood and loved. He knew it so he fake it. You gotta move on.
@hellispink those children are not even his kids. Those kids are from the woman's previous relationship. He never was interested in getting married and having children, he told me he spent his 20s and 30s enjoying himself with numerous women. He met this woman in a pub then they became friends and after that the on/off relationships continued throughout the years.

When I asked him why he is on and off with his gf for 20 years he couldn't even answer the question. It was not even a difficult question. His answer was: "it is complicated"
Wow you sounded so much better in your latest post. You saying ''I have decided to start life again. Yesterday at work I made the effort to make new friends at work and getting to know people.........'' Brought a smile to my face. That's it, live your life and I promise you your feeling will wane (might take time and self discipline) but will happen, just don't in a moment of lonliness fall for his BS no matter what sob story he constructs, he's a serial liar, has been and always will be and will probably will see you as an easy target (he knows you have/had feelings and use that as a weapon against you) to boost his self esteem (then he'll drop you again when it suits him) leaving you messed up.
P.S. not all Brits like soccer.
@Iukas19 At the time I met him my life was going so well, so brilliantly. I went travelling to Venice in October then when I came back to the from my trip I got a job interview which a major housing corporation then he came along

I loved the attention, appreciation and kindness he showed me in the beginning. I felt special for once because all my life guys rejected and ignored me while all the other women my age got to experience male attention, appreciation and love.I finally believed i was going to get male love and appreciation i sought all my life.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I am in love with a 55 year old male work colleague and he hurt me. I really thought he was a nice guy. in the beginning he pursued me most men never do that to me. I loved how he was always helping me when I had problems at work. He always came running if I mentioned a problem at work and I loved the nice things he always said me. He used to even tell his weekend plans and even messaged me on his day off from work. He reciprocated my compliments I gave him.We were also friends who looked out for each other during difficult times as time went on I didn't even notice his age anymore. I fell for him

One day he just changed he stopped chasing me, no longer accepting my compliments i gave him, becoming more more distant and last week when I asked him what his weekend plans were he didn't answer my question. I began to have this suspicion he was married or involved with another woman.

I found out this week he has gf who is 30 years OLDER than me and her kids are their 20s. He has been on and off with her for 20 years and started chasing after me when his relationship with her failed . In our conversation he said I should find a man my own age and even said he can't date a 25 year old because he "can't keep up". That comment hurt so much. He is not even ashamed of his behaviour. All this happened when i came back from travelling.

I really thought I found someone and finally things were going to work out.
Work romances are a bad idea in general in my opinion. When I used to work in big corpos I'd have to deal with stuff like this on a daily basis, but I refused to get involved with anyone at my work places because if it doesn't work out or if you fight, it will make work become awkward and uncomfortable.
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We just want to go home early.
Feb 17, 2020
Was a fatherly figure somewhat absent when you grew up? Just wild guess no offense or disrespect in anyway. Sometimes we chase what we lacked in the early ages. We are all driven to recreate the dynamic of our first wound, so we can change the ending. He was nice to you not because of him, but because of you, girl! You deserve to be treated nicely. Get used to people treating you nicely and have so much love and compassion for yourself! I promise you it will pass. I know from my own experience. You can talk to me if you need someone to talk to. Wish you well and sending you love and light :)
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Jul 10, 2022
@FireFox even though this is a situation that sucks, you should actually be proud with the way that you handled this, because sometimes when we are attracted to people and we get hurt we tend to get a little crazy, fall off the deep end get really depressed and do stupid things to try and heal our pain. I noticed you said that you can't give something a 55-year-old cant. An older person would probably be jealous they can't give something a younger person can and would probably be jealous of a younger women. He clearly wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Your youth is a positive, not a negative (make the most of it!)

That woman is tied down now, whereas you have your whole future ahead of you, which I know is said maybe too frequently, but you have the opportunity to create your own life and your future.

Don't allow an older person to ruin your self-esteem. I think you showed great strength here. I think you'll bounce back very well.
Chalk this up to a learning experience.

It's his loss.
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Jan 17, 2023
@Iukas19 ROFL this comment has absolutely killed me, I am in stitches please stop your too funny šŸ¤£

I thought being in a relationship with a 55 year old man would be so much easier than dating a man my own age. I was attracted to him because he lived by himself( at the time I met him), he is childless, both his parents are no longer alive and his estranged from his younger brother( poor relationship with his brother). I believed he had no baggage.

I learnt the man is very stupid that is how I caught his lying arse and hand in the cookie jar. The truth only came out because I caught him.
You sound lovely (not for me i cant but i like bitches) let me know if after responses how (mentally) you are thinking/feeling? You are too vulnerable. Please respond. xxx
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Feb 6, 2020
I had almost the exact same experience.. not such a large age gap but he's still much older than me. In my case he was my boss, not married, just a horrible person. He pursued me for a while, it was very confusing as he was my boss, we even ended up dating. Then as soon as he got what he wanted he became horrible to me at work. I'm over it now but the increased suicidal thoughts have remained. I've also lost hope that I'll ever date or go near another man again, which is very disappointing. I hope karma shows up for him.

I'm sorry to hear of your situation. I don't know how anyone can take advantage of someone else like that and for what? They should really try dating apps instead of seeking out colleagues at work.
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Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
OP, has this guy ever actually went out with you on dates?
Have you ever had sex?
Or was this all in your head?
Of course you don't have to answer.

But to bury this guy for acting very responsibly is just not fair.
You fell in love because you idealized him.
If he had used you and then dumped you, then OK... but from your posts, it seems that never really happened.

It is NOT that you cannot keep up with a 55-yo woman, it's the other way around, and you will understand this when you get older.
His arguments were very realistic and benevolent.
He protected you, probably knowing you were vulnerable.


Nov 12, 2021
Sorry you went through this. Age difference can be a challenge for all sorts of reasons, but love can be a challenge no matter what - you are young and might certainly have an opportunity to find the right personā€¦ I hope you doā€¦


Wanting to Sleep for Eternity
Feb 3, 2023
OP, you were groomed by that man. Swayed and played until he didnt feel the need for you anymore. You were/are in a very vunerable position and he took advantage of that weak spot, purposfully or not. However, he was right to say you should date people your age. Theres a pretty big age gap between you and that man and are in very different parts of life. And it was very wrong of him tk even think of egging you on for a relationship. And lets be honest, even if you never knew about his marriage status do you think he wouldnt cheat on you the same way he did to his wife, behind your back as well? I think you dodged the bullet, the man sounds snakey anyways. Best of luck to you and hope youre well. šŸ«‚
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Apr 8, 2020
Was a fatherly figure somewhat absent when you grew up? Just wild guess no offense or disrespect in anyway. Sometimes we chase what we lacked in the early ages. We are all driven to recreate the dynamic of our first wound, so we can change the ending. He was nice to you not because of him, but because of you, girl! You deserve to be treated nicely. Get used to people treating you nicely and have so much love and compassion for yourself! I promise you it will pass. I know from my own experience. You can talk to me if you need someone to talk to. Wish you well and sending you love and light :)
@LadyApple I grew up with no father. He left my mother for another woman to start a new life with. He knows I exist and does not even care. All my life I have been that girl now woman who was always ignored, overlooked, unappreciated and humiliated by guys while all the girls and women got to experience real male love and appreciation. Then finally one guy turns up being so nice and caring towards me.

In beginning I loved how he was always messaging me and remembering things I said in previous conversations. When I told him my throat was sore in a conversation the next day at work he asked how I was feeling. It was just those things I loved. For once in my life I was no longer that invisible woman and it felt soooo great. I finally thought I will finally find someone who will love me.

I am attracted to men my age group and also older men depending on their personality and how well they clean up their appearance.
Work romances are a bad idea in general in my opinion. When I used to work in big corpos I'd have to deal with stuff like this on a daily basis, but I refused to get involved with anyone at my work places because if it doesn't work out or if you fight, it will make work become awkward and uncomfortable.
@Iionetta12 100% true right now things at work are now awkward between me and him. After our conversation when I found out he is back with his girlfriend I stopped talking to him at work and avoided him it is easy to do since we both work from home. Then 2 days later he messages me for a meeting asking for help about his cases.

I was shocked because he NEVER asks for my help regarding case work. Anyway I agreed to the meeting and I was dominant throughout. I quicked asked " what help do you need " and I just kept making sure discussion was about the work only. I have now laid boundaries with him telling him if he wants to talk about work then he needs to book a meeting with me and I explained I am very busy with case work.

Currently we are both civil with each other and work relations are good and stable. I am keeping that way. I am now building friendships with other work colleagues because I am now trying to move on and start again.
@FireFox even though this is a situation that sucks, you should actually be proud with the way that you handled this, because sometimes when we are attracted to people and we get hurt we tend to get a little crazy, fall off the deep end get really depressed and do stupid things to try and heal our pain. I noticed you said that you can't give something a 55-year-old cant. An older person would probably be jealous they can't give something a younger person can and would probably be jealous of a younger women. He clearly wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Your youth is a positive, not a negative (make the most of it!)

That woman is tied down now, whereas you have your whole future ahead of you, which I know is said maybe too frequently, but you have the opportunity to create your own life and your future.

Don't allow an older person to ruin your self-esteem. I think you showed great strength here. I think you'll bounce back very well.
Chalk this up to a learning experience.

It's his loss.
@Againstthewind I am trying so hard not to be jealous of his girlfriend who is her in 50s just like him but it is so hard because she can give him the comfortable living he desires and satisfy him whereas I can not because I am 25 years old. I am jealous of a woman in her 50s because I can't compete. The gf owns a property aboard, she has more in common with regarding loss of parents( the man lost his elderly father last year and the woman lost her mother a couple of years ago) whereas both my parents are still alive and they have been friends with each other for over 20 years.

It is upsets me realising she is better than me. I am now trying to move on and start again.
Sorry you went through this. Age difference can be a challenge for all sorts of reasons, but love can be a challenge no matter what - you are young and might certainly have an opportunity to find the right personā€¦ I hope you doā€¦
@Fadeawaaaay Thanks šŸ˜Š it felt sooooo great finally having a guy chase after me, compliment me and caring about me all my all my life I have been that girl now woman who was always ignored, overlooked, unappreciated and humiliated by guys while all the girls and women got to experience real male love and appreciation.

It felt so good no longer being the invisible woman. I thought finally I have met someone and a chance to experience love something which all the other women my age group got to have.

I think now I was born to be rejected and unworthy of male love. I plan to catch the bus in my 30s because I don't want to go through another decade of being single especially at the age group where everyone is married.
You sound lovely (not for me i cant but i like bitches) let me know if after responses how (mentally) you are thinking/feeling? You are too vulnerable. Please respond. xxx
@lukas19 At work I have been now trying build new friendships and it is going very well. This week I bonded with one work colleague in her 20s about travel. Throughout the entire January I was living and remote working in Zambia and my work colleague she went to Mexico in the beginning of January for a holiday. We both shared our travel stories. I came back to the UK on Tuesday

I bonded with another colleague in their 20s and we talked about our case loads and how crazy some of the customers in our cases are. I am making plans for the future I am currently trying to get my drivers license and applying for a masters degree. I plan to do more traveling throughout this year.

The day I came back to the UK that is when I found out he has got back with his girlfriend. He was someone I was so excited to see back and to catch him was a devastating blow. I got suspicious of his behaviour because his behaviour towards me just changed throughout January. I sensed something was not right. He was never going to tell me truth so I set the trap for him when I came back to the UK.

I am trying not to be jealous of his girlfriend who is her in 50s just like him but it is so hard she can give him the comfortable living he desires and satisfy him whereas I can not because I am 25 years old. I am jealous of a woman in her 50s because I can't compete. The gf owns a property aboard, she has more in common with regarding loss of parents( the man lost his elderly father last year and the woman lost her mother a couple of years ago) whereas both my parents are still alive and they have been friends with each other for over 20 years.

It is upsets me realising she is better than me and the one chosen by him.
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