

I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
I admire people who have committed suicide or even attempted to do so.

I want to do the same thing as her. I want to commit suicide while jumping

Every day in the world there are many people who commit suicide this way, I admire them... how do they do it???

What I'm thinking here is that my method is going in circles, and just when I was about to use it, the SI caught up with me and completely paralyzed me.

Not everyone who commits suicide or attempts suicide thinks/plans as much as me/ not as informed as we do.
Kids of 12 Years commited suicide

In 2023, I swore to myself that my New Year wishes would be my last. in 2024 the same wishes...I must be dead before the end of June.

I dont change method...i want to end by jumping...
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May 5, 2024
Yeah I admire those who made it too. I tryed to be one of them so many times, and I failed every one of them. How did they do it?????
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I do as well, I so envy those people managed to prevent all future meaningless suffering by voluntarily ending their own existence, those who choose methods like jumping really are so courageous to me as it certainly sounds like such a terrifying method.

For me death truly is the only relief, in an existence so futile and cruel eternal nothingness truly is all that's desirable, I find it such an unnacceptable tragedy how it's so unnecessarily difficult for one to die on their own terms. Access to painless guaranteed death really needs to be a human right, it's hellish to me how people have to struggle so much to die.
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Apr 22, 2024
Life requires a lot of courage too. Those that stay are also admirable. Working through life challenges is also not for the faint hearted. This is not a competition.
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Mi Mi

No One Special
Mar 18, 2024
I admire people who have committed suicide or even attempted to do so.

I want to do the same thing as her. I want to commit suicide while jumping

Every day in the world there are many people who commit suicide this way, I admire them... how do they do it???

What I'm thinking here is that my method is going in circles, and just when I was about to use it, the SI caught up with me and completely paralyzed me.

Not everyone who commits suicide or attempts suicide thinks/plans as much as me/ not as informed as we do.
Kids of 12 Years commited suicide

In 2023, I swore to myself that my New Year wishes would be my last. in 2024 the same wishes...I must be dead before the end of June.

I dont change method...i want to end by jumping...
I envy people who succeed.
It feels like I'm waiting for death to pick me too.
Seems like people don't try as hard or plan as much and they are successful.
So I completely relate.
My date is fast approaching and I'll be devastated if I fail.
I think I'll actually snap.
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love is harder than college entrance exams
Sep 10, 2023
I have to agree with you, the lengths people go to ensure their death is insane. I still think it's tragic to see people pass but I have to applaud people's efforts when I see it. I remember seeing a method on here that was basically strapping yourself down in a diy oxygen depletion chamber and the story of the man who made his own guillotine, like how do people come up with that stuff 😭? It's so wild but it's impressive. I think everyone who's passed by their own hands is the most courageous people out there. People might say that they are weak for not being able to handle the world but I think they're the strongest out of the bunch, defying our natural instinct to stay alive.
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Nov 11, 2023
I admire people too i never could do it myself but i want to
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Life requires a lot of courage too. Those that stay are also admirable. Working through life challenges is also not for the faint hearted. This is not a competition.
Yeah but working through life challenges just leaves you to deal with more problems , more threats of pain suffering danger, more meaningless suffering, more stress, more humiliations, more cringe , more embarassment, old age, diseases, dealing with humans, oppression, boredom, injustice, 1000 other horrible things in life....

While one act of sucessful suicide will solve all my problems instantly and forever, taking a drink of a poison, moving a finger a few centimeters on a trigger of a shotgun and all problems solved forever instantly one moving a finger ever so slightly .....

i have a shotgun . all i am lacking is the courage
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Mar 18, 2024
"envy" puts it lightly. I so wish I had the guts. Anyone who succeeds are heros in my eyes
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Apr 22, 2024
Yeah but working through life challenges just leaves you to deal with more problems , more threats of pain suffering danger, more meaningless suffering, more stress, more humiliations, more cringe , more embarassment, old age, diseases, dealing with humans, oppression, boredom, injustice, 1000 other horrible things in life....

While one act of sucessful suicide will solve all my problems instantly and forever, taking a drink of a poison, moving a finger a few centimeters on a trigger of a shotgun and all problems solved forever instantly one moving a finger ever so slightly .....

i have a shotgun . all i am lacking is the courage
You could have just posted this without quoting and responding me. I despise people on this forum that generalize their experience, and make it universal, evangelising their opinion. You could have wrote "working through life challenges leaves ME" but instead you talked in the name of everyone, humanity. There is another person on this forum that does that all the time and I despise her for it too. You had no reason to respond to my post unless your intention is evangelising, making your condition universal instead of personal. Own your own experience and allow other experiences the validity they deserve. I see you have been on here half a decade. I guess moving your finger half a centimeter is not that easy for you. And yet here you are giving general universal advice without using peronal pronouns "me, I, my life, my suffering, my pain". If generalizing, universalizing and evangelizing your experience helps you, good for you. I own my own experience, my life, my pain and thankfully I have no issues with courage so I will not be here half a decade. There was no reason to respond to my post unless you are one of those individuals that feels that the entire universe revolves around them, every post, every opinion, every statement is about them, they are the sun of solar system, and whatever is happening to them is happening, should happen to everyone. Not "my life sucks" but "Life sucks". I am sorry to say that you are not that important. We are all here to give our opinion, our perspective, our life, our pain. Making your life sound universal is self-centered, blind, unaware and controlling. Do me a favor and put me on ignore as I don't want you to respond any of my future messages
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May 23, 2024
They are an inspiration.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I also admire them. Unfortunately, even though I want to ctb, I'll probably never attempt due to my fear of failure and the consequences of it. I'll be forced to live out the rest of my life because it's the lesser of two evils. I don't want to take on any risk. I want to die though as I see nothing worth living about adulthood. I don't want to become a slave to society and work my life away. If euthanasia were legal and there was a painless and guaranteed way to die, I'd be the first in line to take it
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I admire them as well. I envy them. I wish that it were me... that I could be the one to kill myself successfully. I hope that one day I can kill myself to permanently escape the horrors caused by reality. Reality is too exhausting to deal with and I'd rather be dead
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An angel who wants to go home..
May 29, 2024
Yeah.. I wish I was one of them, who successfully did it and found their peace. And not just a person with a failed attempt.
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You are just my love
May 21, 2024
For a long time I was fairly politically active (well, active online, so that doesn't really count), but part of that was viewing things like suicide as a failure of society and a failure of that person to engage in society "properly". That it's because of, well, I won't get into the actually politics, so never mind that part. But basically, I was denying people experiencing life in the way they wanted to. Regardless of whatever social or societal pressures may be acting upon you, I don't think it should be my right to say that someone is wrong to want to die, and is wrong to do it. I don't think there's a right way to choose to live. And one way to live is to die. And I admire the people who make that choice. I myself am extremely terrified by the concept of "non-existence". It just doesn't make sense to me. How can there be nothing, that doesn't make sense. And so I've been stuck running in circles on the edge so to speak, and the idea of nothingness scares me. I hope I can one day reconcile that.


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
For a long time I was fairly politically active (well, active online, so that doesn't really count), but part of that was viewing things like suicide as a failure of society and a failure of that person to engage in society "properly". That it's because of, well, I won't get into the actually politics, so never mind that part. But basically, I was denying people experiencing life in the way they wanted to. Regardless of whatever social or societal pressures may be acting upon you, I don't think it should be my right to say that someone is wrong to want to die, and is wrong to do it. I don't think there's a right way to choose to live. And one way to live is to die. And I admire the people who make that choice. I myself am extremely terrified by the concept of "non-existence". It just doesn't make sense to me. How can there be nothing, that doesn't make sense. And so I've been stuck running in circles on the edge so to speak, and the idea of nothingness scares me. I hope I can one day reconcile that.
What if I never wanted to engage in society at all? I don't want to have to participate in or contribute to society. It's not fair that I have to participate in society just because I'm alive. I never even chose to be born anyways
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
I think lots of suicide are impulsive
Je les admire aussi. Je les envie. J'aurais aimé que ce soit moi... que je sois celui qui réussisse à me suicider. J'espère qu'un jour je pourrai me suicider pour échapper définitivement aux horreurs causées par la réalité. La réalité est trop épuisante à gérer et je préfère être mort
Love your name.good chance
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Jun 7, 2024
I think lots of suicide are impulsive
Yeah, sometimes I think about celebrities who have killed themselves impulsively after bad news. Like Anthony Bourdain after finding out he was cheated on or Alexander McQueen after the death of his mother. Both hanged themselves impulsively. And it's really curious to think that some people on this site have been practicing for months how to hang themselves the right way and these two persons did it impulsively and correctly. It's strange how that works.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Yeah, sometimes I think about celebrities who have killed themselves impulsively after bad news. Like Anthony Bourdain after finding out he was cheated on or Alexander McQueen after the death of his mother. Both hanged themselves impulsively. And it's really curious to think that some people on this site have been practicing for months how to hang themselves the right way and these two persons did it impulsively and correctly. It's strange how that works.
Exactly...or kids killed themselves impulsivetely in their room in Afternoon...


May 24, 2024
I admire those who did it rationally. Those who thought things through and decided that dying was preferible to existing without dignity (due to poor health, extreme poverty, abuse, etc). Those who did it on a whim, because of a break up for ex... not so much. No doubt this has to do with my own values, no offense meant, but it's what it is for me.
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New Member
Jun 11, 2024
I know how difficult it can be to commit to doing it, we could do it on the same day if you wanted? But only if you know for a fact you can't get better. I just wouldn't be able to on the 13th but rather a few days after.


Jun 6, 2024
Wow, these people really spoke what was on my mind. Yes, people who have committed suicide in any form are very admirable and I would say inspirational. Same goes to the people who continue to keep living, such will-to-live is truly envious.

Sometimes I hope someone murders me instead, just so that the paralyzing fear of SI would disappear, if I was planning to CTB.
I admire those who did it rationally. Those who thought things through and decided that dying was preferible to existing without dignity (due to poor health, extreme poverty, abuse, etc). Those who did it on a whim, because of a break up for ex... not so much. No doubt this has to do with my own values, no offense meant, but it's what it is for me.
I think the same aswell!


What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
Most were broken, same as most of the rest of us here. Nothing to admire or put up on a pedestal. I very much hope that if my mental health slips enough that I die by suicide, people don't sit at their keyboards romancing the notion that what I did is somehow inspirational. Just no.


🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Is he gone? He said the 13th

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