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Aug 14, 2018
Similar things may have been posted before, as what I'm going to say is quite a popular opinion. I'm only sharing this with you guys to satisfy my biological/psychological need to exchange information regarding myself with other members of my species.

I can't stand how hypocritical society is when it comes to "life is valuable" s##t. People will literally leave you to starve on the streets without hesitation if you don't have a job and therefore can't make a rich bastard richer* and yet when you mention not having a place in the world and wanting to ctb the very same people will pretend to suddenly care about you, and I'm pretty sure many of them have convinced themselves that what they're doing is not in fact merely pretending, but actually caring. They'll start giving you a speech everyone has seen a million times on social media about how life is intrinsically valuable and has to be preserved or whatever. When it comes to paying actual importance to living things though they will simply determine the worth of the human being in question by the amount of profit he/she can make them, and they'll be fine to throw away the rest, and tell and enforce them to remain alive so they they can relieve their conscience. It seems that letting people live in agony is ethical but allowing them to ctb by their very choice is unacceptable.

*I know there are fields of work such as scientific research where you don't work for a rich bastard but you're still working for society in general which despite being far more innocent, still is more or less a form of serving others. Even if it's not, people who work in those fields are very rare anyway.
(I want to clarify here that I have mad respect for those who dedicate their lives to science, what I'm criticizing here is that no matter how innocent your working field is, it is the system that society operates on that makes it pragmatist nonetheless.)
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Aug 5, 2018
Don't blame the system. Blame those who support and created the system: the people
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
It wasn't always this way, but there are very evil people behind pushing a system like this. It's been a gradual process. Making abortion legal was a big step in the devaluation of human life. Destruction of moral education, replacing private charity with government controlled handouts. It used to be that equality of opportunity in the US was what made it so great, but gradually the shift to attempt to make everyone equal even if that means reducing opportunity for the average person. The political class doesn't want a well educated population because it threatens their power. This agenda is being carried out in other countries as well. If they succeed, we will be going back to the dark ages, there will be a ruling class and the slave class and no inbetween or ability to improve or move out of poverty.
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Nov 25, 2018
the very same people will pretend to suddenly care about you, and I'm pretty sure many of them have convinced themselves that what they're doing is not in fact merely pretending, but actually caring.
They are given protocols or algorithms for how to interact with suicidals. According to these protocols, they are supposed to say they "care". For an example, make a web search for "afsp when someone is at risk". Step 3 says: "Tell them you care about them"
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Making abortion legal was a big step in the devaluation of human life. Destruction of moral education, replacing private charity with government controlled handouts.

Amazed at how we got from the opening post to this absurdly reactionary crap with just one post in-between. Final Escape certainly doesn't fuck about.
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There's a difference between existing and living.
Sep 3, 2018
Don't blame the system. Blame those who support and created the system: the people
The 'people' as in any person without a voice on such matters didn't create this. It's indoctrination force fed to us constantly in a recurring cycle of people who only want to be comfortable. Some people would like to try to change how shit works but it's never good enough because human nature ruins anything good down the line. Every Renaissance of thought slowly degrades and what's left is a brief moment of clarity that each systematic indoctrination is down right backwards. People try to be good until it affects their survival and that's what the system creates is to block us from having any influence while we just trying to survive until we can't. By the time you'd want to change anything about this fucked up world it'll all be in vain cause Nature isn't is dictated by ideas but survival. The real 'people' behind all this insatiable greed know this and won't stop until they get what they want and by then it'll be too late for any average person to do anything about it besides either accepting and 'support' the system or ultimately killing themselves since they took the only control we have. Nothing we can do at this point besides letting history cycle through.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Amazed at how we got from the opening post to this absurdly reactionary crap with just one post in-between. Final Escape certainly doesn't fuck about.
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Sep 10, 2018
Very true. If humans are sooo valuable, how come I can't sell a part of me for money? A million euros for a finger, sounds about right.

I especially hate how poor people are the first to reject money offerings while rich never offer their money. A long time ago when I had money I gave my poor friend 50 bucks so she could buy new shoes because her old ones had broken. She got almost angry and gave me a long speech on how I shouldn't offer money for her because I need the money more than she does. Meanwhile a person with a million bucks would have said "You're giving me only 50 bucks?! I demand at least 500!"

Also, I especially hate all the people I meet all the time, who know that I'm depressed because I'm lonely and poor and don't have a car, yet they never introduce me to possible friends or ask me if it would be okay for them to be my friend, or buy me a 10€ bus ticket, or give me a ride. Then they will wonder why I roped, and come to the conclusion that it wasn't THEIR fault, it was purely only MY fault.

Today's people are idiots that only do good deeds when the state orders them to. They are machines who are incapable of individual thought. It wasn't always like that. Back in the day a hundred and fifty years ago, if someone's house burned down, their neighbors would build a new house for them for free, and if someone was hungry, they would gift them a cow or a chicken. Doctors were friends with their patients and regularly invited their patients for a dinner visit. If you said to the doctor "I don't have money to pay for the service", the doctor would answer "You can build a table, right? Just build me a new table, no need for coins".
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Pastel demon
Dec 8, 2018
That pro-life, hakuna matata systems was influenced by Christianity. Supposedly, our lives owes to god Yawveh.
Also, on recent times, it's a business. There's a lot of "Coaching" conferences, books and another stuff for promoting a bright-looking of life, and a lot of people used that for profit or even to manipulate others into their organizations or sects.
I'm tired about that hypocrisy too. We have the right to die, to feel miserable, to feel sadness. We can't suppress the "Negative" feelings or ignore them on an eternal entertainment or amusement.
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Oct 8, 2018
There's a lot of "Coaching" conferences, books and another stuff for promoting a bright-looking of life, and a lot of people used that for profit or even to manipulate others into their organizations or sects.

This gets overlooked often.The "self-help" industry is benefiting from the current situation.
In the words of Rust Cohle:
"The ontological fallacy of expecting a light at the end of the tunnel, well, that's what the preacher sells.
Same as a shrink.
See, the preacher, he encourages your capacity for illusion.
Then he tells you it's a fucking virtue.
Always a buck to be had doing that."
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