It didn't affect me for the first 30 minutes, but as soon as I hit that half hour mark, I got pretty dizzy and it felt quite nice actually. Something I'd probably compare it to would be nicotine. I didn't get sick or throw up or anything like that. Any noises I could hear kinda sounded like they were coming from behind a barrier, like I was underwater or something. after about an hour, I couldn't think straight, everything was very confusing to me, and I seemed to be unable to remember anything. At this point, my vision was incredibly blurry, but I still didn't necessarily feel sick. I started feeling tired and exhausted, and my heart rate was slowing down. My suggestion would be to take 4 grams (double my dose) and then just go to sleep. I could've gone to sleep (and I probably would have) if my parents hadn't taken me to the ER. I think it would be a peaceful way to go. The overall experience was a lot like extreme exhaustion. When I was finally able to lie on a bed, it was the most comfy I'd ever been. I passed out a few times and had no dreams or nightmares. It was just like a warm darkness. Would definitely recommend ctb with it, but I wouldn't recommend failing. If you survive, it'll fuck you up. If you plan to ctb with Trazodone, you gotta do it right or your whole body will be sore as fuck.