

Aug 17, 2023
These methods are described in the PPH. Unfortunately it is only short and there is hardly any detailed information about it.

Important information: Hydrogen sulfide is explosive! For this reason, to protect other people, it is important to stay in a room where there are no sparks or other things that could cause an explosion. In the book, a car is chosen as the location. I read online that people also did it in their closets.

It is also important for rescue workers, police, etc. to attach a warning sign.

You need hydrochloric acid and calcium sulfide. Both are mixed in a bucket and you're done. It's supposed to happen very quickly until you lose consciousness, but it smells incredibly bad!

Is there more information about this?
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
The main issue with H2S is that's its so fast and deadly that its extremely dangerous to other people.

There is a video on YouTube that a fire department did that shows just how quick h2s is.

You can easily kill innocent people literally in seconds so this method is not really allowed to be discussed in most place.


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
It smells terribly like rotten eggs and you will have very unpleasant symptoms inhaling H2S. Fast, cheap is CO.


Always tired
Sep 8, 2023
id much rather go with CO than that its quick but doesnt seem painless or without agony


Aug 17, 2023
Das Hauptproblem bei H2S besteht darin, dass es so schnell und tödlich ist, dass es für andere Menschen äußerst gefährlich ist.

Auf YouTube gibt es ein Video einer Feuerwehr, das zeigt, wie schnell H2S ist.

Man kann unschuldige Menschen in Sekundenschnelle töten, daher darf diese Methode an den meisten Orten nicht wirklich diskutiert werden.
Besonders gefährlich halte ich die Explosionsgefahr. Das Gas tötet etwas genauso schnell wie Kohlenmonoxid und ist daher für andere Menschen genauso gefährlich.

Beides sollten Sie nur tun, wenn Sie entsprechende Warnhinweise an Türen, Fenstern etc. anbringen, bevor andere Personen den Raum oder das Auto betreten und sich selbst in Gefahr bringen.

Grundsätzlich scheint es sich um eine äußerst schnelle und gute CTB-Methode zu handeln, über die es sich zu diskutieren lohnt. Letzteres sollte auch sicherheitsrelevante Aspekte betreffen.
Es riecht fürchterlich nach faulen Eiern und beim Einatmen von H2S treten sehr unangenehme Symptome auf. Schnell, günstig ist CO.
Wahrscheinlich werden Sie den Geruch gar nicht mehr wahrnehmen.

Eine von einer Website für Ärzte kopierte Information.

"Oberhalb von 250 ppm werden die Geruchsrezeptoren betäubt, so dass weitere Konzentrationssteigerungen schnell immer unbemerkt bleiben." Dies ist eines der größten Gefahrenpotenziale dieses Gases. Oberhalb von 500 ppm kommt es zu Übelkeit, Schwindel und Krämpfen zu Bewusstlosigkeit. Die Lebens- Ein bedrohlicher Zustand wird bei einer Konzentration von 500 ppm nach 30-minütiger Einwirkung erreicht. 1000 ppm sind bereits nach wenigen Minuten lebensbedrohlich. Bei Konzentrationen von 0,1 % (1000 ppm) kommt es nach wenigen Atemzügen zur Bewusstlosigkeit. Bei einer Konzentration von 5000 ppm tritt der Tod nach wenigen Sekunden ein ."

My approach would be:

1. Drive to a quiet, deserted place.

2. Stick warning notices on the window panes

3. Tape the ventilation slots with Gorilla tape

4. Put on gas mask and prepare gas

5. Measure gas concentration and at 3.000 - 5.000 ppm

6. Remove gas mask and breathe in

7. Exit done
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Aug 17, 2023
Sry, i posted in German. I cant eddit the Post above anymore. Here the Post in englisch.

It smells terribly like rotten eggs and you will have very unpleasant symptoms inhaling H2S. Fast, cheap is CO.
You probably won't even notice the smell anymore.

Information copied from a medical website.

"Above 250 ppm, the olfactory receptors are anesthetized, so that further increases in concentration quickly go unnoticed." This is one of the greatest potential dangers of this gas. Above 500 ppm there is nausea, dizziness and cramps leading to loss of consciousness. The life-threatening condition is reached at a concentration of 500 ppm after 30 minutes of exposure. 1000 ppm is life-threatening after just a few minutes. At concentrations of 0.1% (1000 ppm) unconsciousness occurs after a few breaths. At a concentration of 5000 ppm, death occurs after a few seconds."
The main issue with H2S is that's its so fast and deadly that its extremely dangerous to other people.

There is a video on YouTube that a fire department did that shows just how quick h2s is.

You can easily kill innocent people literally in seconds so this method is not really allowed to be discussed in most place.
I think the risk of explosion is particularly dangerous. The gas kills something just as quickly as carbon monoxide and is therefore just as dangerous to other people.

You should only do both if you place appropriate warnings on doors, windows, etc. before other people enter the room or car and put themselves in danger.

Basically, it seems to be an extremely fast and good CTB method that is worth discussing. The latter should also concern safety-relevant aspects.

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