
Sep 6, 2018
SERIOUSLY!! "Suicide prevention"? What a joke. You would think they would want to prevent just IRRATIONAL suicide. I think how you do that is for every country to have a "Dignitas" (and I know I've said that before but it's definitely still true). If they did this, this would help those that had problems that could be fixed get what they need, and those that don't could be assisted in passing peacefully. Everyone seems to be too stupid to figure out that this "suicide prevention" does more harm than good because when you don't provide this service ,people are still going to try it through their own means and usually fail and do serious damage and make things much worse. If you put someone in a psychiatric hospital, the only thing they will do is lie and say they feel much better about their situation and try it again as soon as they get out. They are also more likely to try it for a situation that could actually get fixed if they don't know that because doctors don't want to listen to them and they know that not only is the dignitas service not provided but is are also these "prevention" nutcases you want to see someone be alive no matter what. You would think more people would understand that there are some situations (even if they are not lethal themselves) where death IS much better than being alive. They say "think of how your family would feel". Have they ever thought that maybe the problem (s) cause you to be a burden to your family if it is causing them to have to care for you and don't really want to see you suffer in this severity for the rest of the days of your life? (And only each person can tell you for themselves whether their situation is tolerable to them or not and we can't tell somebody that they have to change their perspective about something). There is WAY too much red tape around assisted suicide. I understand that family members of people who have committed suicide are extremely hurt, but I think this is how you can prevent IRRATIONAL suicide or from someone committed suicide when they have a problem that can be fixed. Another way to prevent these scenarios is to look at the way people are treated inside some of these psychiatric hospitals and ANY enclosed setting. (I have been to one before and can tell you based on my personal experience and my viewpoint was determined not to be skewed because I talked about it with my psychologist I was seeing at the time). And not all situations to go inside any kind of enclosed environment even if there is no type of abuse going on in there). And people should also take a look at availability of QUALITY healthcare services to all people and quality of life as well as how they treat others if they want to prevent suicide in situations where there's a better option. COMMON FUCKING SENSE!!!!
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"If a battle cannot be won, do not fight it."
May 31, 2018
I suspect that the only time suicide will be "accepted" is when civilization collapses and more companies from the private sector try to profit off of it. But nothing will save this broken system, not even our deaths.
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