

Dec 19, 2021
Well, we made it to 9:30 before a blow up. My sister has been driving me nuts, but i have been holding my tongue. (Even when she insisted we go around the table and say our respective "highlights" and "lowlights" of the year. I said I wanted to pass and she said no you have to, and so did my mother, so I played along and pretended to be normal).

Then, it started. It was innocent enough. My mom was telling my niece about my first cousins who live across the country, and she said they were my niece's second cousins. I said no, they are her first cousins once removed. My mom disagreed, so I took to google. I found the answer and started explaining what I found to my mom. My dad didn't understand it, so I explained again.

As I was speaking, my sister suddenly shrieked in exasperation, "who cares?! What a stupid thing to google and talk about!! Why are you googling this? (My niece) will never meet these people.This is so stupid why are we even talking about this??!!!"

My sister and I have a lot of history, so I just left the room rather than engage. I really wanted to scream "you know what? I didnt want to spend the whole night talking about your wedding, and then sharing my "highlight and lowlight of the year". FFS, I was in a psych hospital for 5 months of the year, how do you think my year was? But I went with it. Would it kill you to listen to something you don't care about for 5 minutes?"

But I knew that would only make it worse, so I just retreated into another room. THEN, I could hear my Dad asking her about what happened, and I could hear her imitating me (in a very unflattering manner...there's no way I actually sound like that), and going on and ON about how stupid I was being.

Now I see she's sent an "apology" text, so I suppose I should let it go, and get back out there. Now we are watching a movie, and I'll have to avoid rolling my eyes during my sister's usual deluge of opinions about the film,the actors, the director, and whatever else pops into her arrogant little head.

On the scale of fights we've had, and horrible things we've said to each other, this doesn't even rate. (Not at all). But for some reason she just gets under my skin more than anyone else.

Rant over. Thanks for listening. I'll go back out there and put on my fake smile for two more hours...I think I can do it.


Sexually Challenged
Nov 9, 2020
She sounds like a shitcunt just like one of my cousins. people like that are the reason serial killers exist.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Some people can be very frustrating to have to be around. Personally, I cannot stand most people. I would much rather be alone. I wish you the best.
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