Dear Tanks2122,
I really do feel for you. I am a mum and I have two children who are both teenagers. I love them and care for them deeply - that is why I am still here. But that doesn't mean that suicidal ideation disappears and it is something that I have to fight all the time.
My father's younger sister ended her life when both her children were under the age of 5 - this was in the 1970s. One of her daughter's ended her life in the 1990s. The remaining daughter who is in her early 50s struggle.with severe depression and I know that she also is holding her life together for the sake of her children - she always says that her life is perfect in every way, but the ending of her mum's and sister's lives always haunts her - despite having a "happy life filled with love and warmth".
It is a battle - a constant battle. Demons are hard to fight and to stay grounded is a challenge. The sacrifice expected of parents is a lot - and despite all the love we have for our children, the pain can be so overwhelming and can end up clouding our judgement and take us down the route of trying to end our lives - speaking from lived experience where I do end up taking overdoses, find myself at the top of mountains and cliff ends in dissociative states, come to my senses (parental instinct and the nurturing instinct is extremely strong) and retreat. The battle can be lonely if there is no support or if we are to depend on the run of the mill state support (in my case, NHS England, which is incapable of meeting my accessibility needs hence there is a risk of me dying one day if I am unable to safely bring myself back). If you find that you don't have reliable services to reach out to, perhaps you can reach out to a charity or private health care to keep you safe and supported.
Only you can make the decision as to how you take your life forward as none of us can feel and live your pain. But I would like you to really look into the eyes of your two year old, look at the innocence that baby holds and ask yourself - whose life and happiness is precious? It is an unforgiving, harsh question that as a stranger I am asking of you - but as a mum to another parent, this is worth looking at. I do this every single day and somehow I have managed to stay alive.
Please use this space to vent and talk, share your burden and pains - or another safe space and this might just help make a difference to that hard border that you facing right now.
I am extremely sorry if I have guilt tripped you, put you in second position as right now you are the person who is suffering or hurt you in any way - but everyone who has voiced their feelings on this chat are speaking on behalf of a two year old who is not able to speak for themself.
Sending you lots of wishes. Take care.