I agree with this, sometimes they refuse to begin with but with a little bit (or a lot!) of persistence and perseverance you might persuade him to change his mind. Worth a try, you've nothing to lose!
Tell him your migraines have been bad enough to make you vomit regularly and you can't carry on like this, and you tried metoclopramide in the past and found it helpful. Tell him you are unable to keep down your other meds because of the vomiting.... he then has a duty to help as it would be negligent to send you back out the door believing you're not absorbing your medication
Edit: Now THAT'S some wonderful BS being shovelled in the poor doctor's direction
Hi Friend
Thanks I Tried You Chatting With My Doctor Sent A Similar Request Online Hopefully When He Contacts Me I Just Hopefully Just Say Same Thing And hopefully get a Rx for Meto
Thanks For Your Help Advice & Support

I Am Here For You Too
Peace & Hugs
Unfortunately meto is your best bet. Each person's body handles SN differently. In the end we are consuming poison, so vomiting isn't surprising. Having back up drinks ready is another tactic. You Just need as much saturation as possible before it comes back out.
Oh, and look for online pharmacies some will sell meto with no prescription.
Hi Friend
Thank You For Replying & Your Help & Advice I Will Definitely Have 2nd 3rd Glasses Ready But I'm Trying my hardest to get Meto
I'm Here For You Too

Peace & Hugs
Hi Friend
I'm diabetic but I was definitely planning on drinking it on an empty stomach
Thank You For Your Help & Advice
I'm Here For You Too

Peace & Hugs
She's trying to, as stated in the post. Please be more considerate.
Hi Friend
Thanks For Your Support I'm In A Very Bad Place Right Now :(
I Am Here For You Too

Peace & Hugs
Yeah you're quite insensitive.
Hi Friend
Thank You For The Support
I Am Here For You Too

Peace & Hugs
Try online medical advice. I don't know what it looks like in UK
Hi Friend
Thank You For Your Advice & Help
I Am Here For You Too

Peace & Hugs
No you need to be caring and considerate to someone who's CTB. Not throwing them to the front of the bus just like that. No offence taken .
Hi Friend
Thank You For The Kind & Understanding Words ctb is a hard decision for all of us and we are here to support each other and our choices but some methods even for me are very new & I am not in a good place right now so I need all the help & support I can get :(
I Am Here For You Too

Peace & Hugs
No you need to be caring and considerate to someone who's CTB. Not throwing them to the front of the bus just like that. No offence taken .
Hi Friend
Thank You For The Kind & Understanding Words ctb is a hard decision for all of us and we are here to support each other and our choices but some methods even for me are very new & I am not a good place right now so I need all the help & support I can get :(
I Am Here For You Too

Peace & Hugs
Stop the wonderful poetic BS and get meto.
Hi Friend
How Did You Know I'm A Writer and I do write poetry
We all have bad dark days mine are with me now sorry if I stressed you out it was not my purpose:(
I have bpd bipolar disorder anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder so writing is all I know :(