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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
While Fixthe26 and others are waging war against the site with lies and manipulations, I noticed that there is a very human and compassionate tendency to want to soften one's defenses against a grieving parent. Meanwhile, they just keep throwing punches anywhere they choose. They don't see our struggles as sacred. They don't show honor to even a portion of the membership, nor do they acknowledge how many of us have posted to show them compassion, even defend them when one of our own is crossing the line, such as outright blaming them for their children's deaths when we have no idea what went on in those personal relationships and situations.

One can defend themselves, fight clean when being fought against, and do both with dignity and honor. One can also choose to not respond to provocation. Likewise, one does not have to sit back and allow someone to throw and smear shit all over them just because the one doing it is grieving. It's not just shit, they're throwing shit with rocks and arrows inside. They're aiming to hurt. They want us to be covered in toxicity and take it in our pores. They aim to intimidate, even the weakest of us, not just the site owners, forgetting that their own children were members they would have intimidated, which is an act to control, not to help. They fight like the ends justify the means, and so they unethically fight what they present as a moral war.

I encourage each of us, should you want to be encouraged, to not be a victim. They play mind games, and it's so easy to be persuaded to lower one's guard and then get painfully wounded for it. So if you want such encouragement, I offer you three tools.

The first tool is the Manipulation Tactics thread, which you can use to evaluate their rhetoric and how they respond in conversations.

The second tool is to notice when you're scared or have anxiety. They want us to be afraid that the site will be shut down, that our posts will be screenshotted, that we will be outed, etc. Fear is a powerful tool that shuts down reasoning and sets off the fight, flight, freeze or tend-and-befriend response. As soon as you recognize you're in a fear-based state, you can quickly reengage the calmer, more rational right side of your brain by asking yourself the question: "What could I do about this?" It will get you back into a problem-solving mode in the right brain, and out of an emotionally heightened mode in the left brain, amygdala, or limbic portion of the brain.

The third tool is the following list from notes I took from George Simon's book In Sheep's Clothing. They're some of the weaknesses a manipulator can exploit which can result in one being victimized. If you can recognize these things about yourself and how they motivate responses that either keep you from protecting yourself or get you provoked to act out, then you can better take care of yourself and not get caught up in the manipulations:

1.NAIVETÉ. You may be one of those individuals who finds it too hard to accept the notion that there really are people as cunning, devious, and ruthless as your gut tells you the manipulator in your life is. That is, you may even be prone to engage in "neurotic" denial. If you are, even when you're confronted with abundant evidence you're dealing with a ruthless conniver, you may refuse to believe it, reluctantly accepting reality only after being victimized too often.

2.OVER-CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. Ask yourself if you're one of those people who is much harder on themselves that anybody else. You might be the kind of person who is too willing to give a would-be manipulator the benefit of the doubt (such as a grieving parent). When they do something to hurt you, you may be too ready to see their side of things and too willing to blame yourself or hold back when they go on the attack and throw you on the defensive. If you have extremely high ethics, they may take advantage of that. For example, they may tell you something false about someone else because you never divulge private conversations, when in fact you may need to talk to that other person to verify what you've been told so that you don't harbor false beliefs or prejudices. An extreme example is having a rigid ethic to never lie, but if a murderer wants to know if your children are at home, the safest and wisest response is to lie.

3.LOW SELF-CONFIDENCE. You may be one of those persons who is overly self-doubting, or chronically unsure of your right to pursue your legitimate wants and needs. You may lack confidence about your ability to face conflicts directly and resolve them effectively. If so, you're likely to prematurely quit asserting yourself and also likely to go on the defensive too easily when challenged by an aggressive personality.

4.OVER-INTELLECTUALIZATION. You may be one of those persons who tries too hard to understand. If you're also one who assumes that people only do hurtful things when there's some legitimate, understandable reason, you might delude yourself into believing that uncovering and understanding all the reasons for a manipulator's behavior will be sufficient to make things different. Sometimes, by being overly focused on the possible reasons for a behavior, you may inadvertently excuse it. Other times, you might get so wrapped up in trying to understand what's going on that you forget that someone is merely fighting to gain advantage over you and that you should be devoting your time and energy to taking necessary steps to protect and empower yourself. If you over-intellectualize, you'll likely have trouble accepting the simple philosophy that there are people in this world who fight underhandedly, and for no other purpose than to get what they want.

5.EMOTIONAL DEPENDENCY. You may have submissive personality characteristics rooted in deep fears of independence and autonomy. If so, you might be attracted to the more confident-appearing, independent, aggressive personalities in the first place. After becoming involved in a relationship with them, you may also tend to let such people run over you out of fear that if you stand up to them you may be "abandoned" altogether. The more emotionally dependent you are on someone, the more vulnerable you are to being exploited and manipulated by them.
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Jul 14, 2020
when you're scared or have anxiety. They want us to be afraid that the site will be shut down, that our posts will be screenshotted, that we will be outed, etc. Fear is a powerful tool that shuts down reasoning and sets off the fight, flight, freeze or tend-and-befriend response
This is one of the main effects that their crusade is having on me.
This site has helped me in my darkest time, and they are out to destroy it, which is making me feel even more scared, anxious, and helpless.
Their attacks, threats, gaslighting, lack of compassion, and dehumanization of this site's members causes me deep distress and anxiety.
I'm sure they don't care though, as I've never read anything which the fixthe26 people have written that comes across as caring, understanding or compassionate.

The fact that they are out to shut this website down, especially using their manipulation and dishonesty, is actually having the effect of making me more suicidal. I feel I may as well get it over and done with before they succeed.
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
They want us to be afraid that the site will be shut down, that our posts will be screenshotted, that we will be outed, etc. Fear is a powerful tool that shuts down reasoning and sets off the fight, flight, freeze or tend-and-befriend response

Yeah, i just voted to the poll before reading this. It's quite on point. I've only been here for 2 days so it'll be a shame if it gets taken down.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I'm sure they don't care though, as I've never read anything which the fixthe26 people have written that comes across as caring, understanding or compassionate.

The fact that they are out to shut this website down, especially using their manipulation and dishonesty, is actually having the effect of making me more suicidal. I feel I may as well get it over and done with before they succeed.

This reminds me that abuse is about power and entitlement. They really are seeking to dominate, and they think they are in a privileged position to treat site members as they are. I thought @Simba was going to have a meltdown months ago -- they themselves targeted a member with autism, projection much?

I hope, if it's what you wish for yourself, that you reclaim your power from them.

Thank your for your response, it makes me glad I made the effort to post.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
You made me think of one of the parents I spoke to on twitter. I actually started to feel bad for them, as I could see the sadness and distress in their posts after a while. She said we could talk to her if we ever needed to. Ended up agreeing with someone else from here, that they were just a grieving parent who thought they were doing the right thing. That same parent ended up blocking the both of us, and continued to keep up lying about stuff. Hard to keep feeling for them after that.

With that, this helps. I was in a seriously dark place earlier after being subjected to abuse and harassment by many of them all day...
I'm probably gonna go back to keeping a lower profile on twitter at this point because of so,
because I was wrong when I thought I could mentally and emotionally handle their onslaughts.
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au revoir
Jun 13, 2019
@ThisIsFine Can you consider deleting your Twitter? It's hard seeing you suffering. :aw:
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
@ThisIsFine Can you consider deleting your Twitter? It's hard seeing you suffering. :aw:

I'm most likely going to stop going there. But might keep the account up just so the posts don't get deleted.

For me at least, I know it's not a healthy thing to be doing. They claim they care about suicidal people, but they don't.
I could never imagine calling someone like any of us, the things they did to me. I'm not the only one they attacked of course.
I just can't handle it as well as some. The sh*t some of the people there said to me...ugh makes me upset that humanity can be so hypocritical and cruel.

I honestly just can't fathom it.
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Jul 14, 2020
Wow, I'm a bit shocked. I had no idea his cousin wrote that on fixthe26. I spoke to him quite a bit, and his cousin's version of events doesn't exactly match what he told me, or what he told others here.

He was set to be sentenced in october, and he was convinced that he would get 16 years in jail. I'm not sure why his cousin is putting out a different narrative.
He certainly never mentioned rehab.

I'm confused, and sad, as he was my friend for the brief time we knew each other.
This site wasn't 'giving him instructions'. He wanted to ctb, and he sought out information himself and asked questions to other members, to which he got some answers.

I just don't feel it's right that his cousin is using his name for a group that wants this site banned. I don't think he would approve. I spoke to him a lot and read everything he posted (probably around 700 messages in 3 weeks), and he was rational, smart, funny, and empathetic. He was depressed, but not massively depressed, and was able to think through things clearly and offer help to others if they needed it.

His cousin ending with "a site like this...should not be available to anyone" using his name is..well, I'd rather not say what I think of that.
It's telling that his cousin said that her 'sadness turned to anger', as fixthe26 seems fueled on anger. Which is a shame, since as far as I know (and I may be wrong) Shawn M didn't leave the world with any anger. I think he had made peace with himself, and with death.
Pure anger never leads to anything good.
These folks aren't listening now anymore than when their loved ones were alive -- not listening to what they posted, don't listen to what people post on the forum all day every day. They hyperfocus on certain negative aspects, and they hyperbolize or invent more negative aspects and never provide proof
This is exactly right. it's almost as if they willfully don't want to understand, don't want to listen. Perhaps they are afraid of what it may reveal about themselves, or about existence in general. In a way I can't really blame them, as the truth can be a terrifying thing, and the mind will pull out all the stops to protect itself. Perhaps turning their sadness into frustration and anger is a coping mechanism, a powerful one at that.

It is tragic that so may young people feel that they have no other option but to kill themselves, but they are not victims of this site. This site is the end point, the tip of an iceberg, an unexpected sanctuary for so many tired and lost souls.
They, and anyone who feels crushed by the wheels of life, are victims of the brutality of existence on this earth, of its unremitting cruelty and pitilessness.
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Apr 1, 2020
Thank you @GoodPersonEffed
Doubtful that anyone cares, but I just wanted to leave this message here as well.
Ever since the vice / fixthe / twitter / BPG drama I feel like I cannot post anywhere. Bc if I'm attacked and screenshotted and posted on Twitter I know I won't hold my tongue and I might get myself and my partner doxxed. I don't care about me but I care about my family and partner after I'm gone. Now I feel completely silenced and all I do is hide and cry because I'm thinking that my last weeks will be spent in misery.
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