

Aug 29, 2024
Back in 2008 I had tested out my "exit bag" way to ctb...I remember feeling so at peace that I had found my out and the test felt so comforting. I remembered that feeling today and feel like I can prepare that again and go.

There is nothing I want here in life anymore.

My psychologist today made a special appointment for me. She normally doesn't have visits on Monday and she made an exception because she knows I am in a bad place (too put it mildly). She normally isn't even in her office on Monday's. She said I can't find a reason to stay because I am too unstable and not thinking right. I said I've been looking for decades, in my thinking brain, and I already found staying won't work. We are at an impasse...she is asking me to try to stabilize more first before I can find a reason to stay and try. I said I need a reason to stay in order to even think even trying her idea is worthwhile. I am not always sure why she is still putting up with me or why I am still going to her if I'm ready to go. I really care about her and don't want make things hard for her or get her I trouble if I do end my life.

How do you try when you see nothing worth trying for? She wants me to stabilize and my task is to try to think about trying. I don't even know what stabilizing looks like.

We use medical conditions to describe where my danger is: like stable, serious, critical but stable, critical, and grave condition. I am hovering near "grave condition". I told her if my means to go were ready, I would go.

We meet 2 and sometimes 3 times a week. We have email check-ins between sessions. And if I am really bad, I can text her or if I am about to end my life I am supposed to call her cell phone directly. I thinks she is getting worn down. She has admitted this is hard for her, because this is hard stuff but she wants to do right by me, she says. She tells me she cares about me very much. I had to text her Sunday night. I asked her to just tell me not to kill myself. She did. Then she said she'd figure out something about meeting as soon as possible. That led her to giving me a special appointment Monday.

We have worked together since January 2014, ten years and like 8 months. We have been through some shit together. She was part of my life.and the first person I officially came out as transgender to. I lost a father and she lost her mother. We are both near 50 years old.

Despite all that, she is still just my therapist and I can't have the affection connection that I have needed and never got from age 4 onward. I see the things my inner child has sought since I was 4. The quality of her love and care is what I need. But logically, I can't get it from her. I can't just go for a walk with her or have a meal or just stop by her house. I understand why. But the child in me does not understand it. The need is pure and foundational. It is like I am dying of thirst and she is the water I need to survive. But it is out of reach. Story of my life. Love and belongingness are always out of reach.

She is still my safe space and she sacrifices a lot to help me. I do know she genuinely cares, but in the big picture I don't belong with her in the sense I am only in her life because I pay her. (She doesn't get paid enough to deal with my drama and neediness.) Until I accomplish my death, she is my only respite in the war that is my life, a safe house.

I am essentially still alive for her because I don't want to hurt her, but I am in a place where that is becoming not good enough. I am here because I have to be, not because I want to be.
  • Hugs
Reactions: landslide2, whywere and Forever Sleep

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
She sounds like she does really want to help you which is nice but must also must make it emotionally difficult for you. I don't think I'd want anymore tethers here.

Can she describe what she means by 'stable'? Do you suppose they think someone can even be 'stable' and have suicidal thoughts at the same time? Is that the 'critical but stable' stage?

But yeah, I sympathise. How do we work towards living when we don't actually want to live? Surely, you need to have some faith/ desire in the goal in order to put in the effort to reach it.


Oct 10, 2023
My psychologist has said I am stable even though I have told her I have plans and are close to taking my life. But that is because of a difficult situation I am in that I cannot escape from and a severe lack of options. Perhaps your psychologist thinks you are too depressed and it is affecting your ability to think logically and clearly or perhaps she feels quilty for not being able to have helped you. The fact that you called her tell you not to kill yourself, suggests that you don't really want to do it. The difficulty is that she clearly wants to help you but the relationship between patient and psychologist appears to have crossed some boundaries, at least on your part and that it very difficult for you both.


Aug 29, 2024
After 10 plus years with her it's tricky not to have a slightly different relationship. She is very, very good at her boundaries. Emotionally, I have trouble with boundaries but have since I was very young. At least I have a strong need that caused by repeated trauma and abandonment.

I do not want to die. So you're correct in that I don't want to do it. But I also don't want to be here. I wish it was different. But there is nothing I want in this life.

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