This is a really good question. I presume it may depend on your personal circumstances and reasons surrounding your decision to ctb. For years I had hope but was not concurrently suicidal. I just went through A LOT of things that tested my resilience and my being. I may have had a passing thought, but came to understand it as an extreme fight or flight response after some traumatic experiences in my childhood and abuse/manipulation as an adult.
Just when I thought things couldn't "get worse" for me they did. It literally seemed like something evil was conspiring against any strength that I had left. But even after an attempt earlier this year I found "hope" and it was so strong that I drowned myself in my beliefs and dreams so that I would not succumb to the pain. I prayed harder than I ever have in my life and believed more than I ever have, but it literally only continued to get worse ... one incident after the other like I was in some f^cked up drama/thriller movie.
That's when I had enough and lost all hope. It made me come to a harsh reality that no matter how much you pray, help others, give back, give yourself, not even how much you forgive and love the unloveable nothing can save you or help you or protect you. God and my family kept me here before, but they all let me down when I needed them the most and I am one who RARELY asks for help. It's hard not to feel like you deserved it all and difficult to see anymore potential of good in life when all you see is pain and your inefficiencies.
So for me, I've finally stopped kidding myself to put it bluntly. I was always ahead of my time, my mind thinks so rapidly, optimistically and abstractly, but I'll never be respected or understood because this is the hand that I was dealt. I've seen many others that successfully do and think the way that I do, but for whatever reason I don't get the same respect nor consideration no matter sincere efforts. Like I have "f^ck me over" and "bully me" written on my forehead.
It hurts more to have such sincere hope only to be repeatedly let down. So I hope no more...