@lonelyuglyguy44 @Darkmoon Queen @Dr Iron Arc @orangepotato
Here's a revolutionary idea - people could try dating within their friggin' league!
I'm fairly attractive, but I'm traumatized, so I got myself a traumatized bf! I can have dirty brief encounters with fairly hot "normal" guys, but I can't &
don't even want to trick them into dating me. I might be fucked up, but that doesn't mean I have to be delusional as well. If you want a decent relationship, don't pretend you're something you aren't or you'll fuck yourself over big time. Duh.
Btw, it's simply impossible that no short women are interested in short men. WTF is a tiny female with an average tiny female's orifices supposed to do with an average tall guy's dick??

I don't give a shit about height, I honestly don't. Short masculine guys are very hot because they usually have something to prove & they try much harder to impress with their skills. I simply had to share that with you