being also a person who'd describe themselves as one who has spent years "looking for hope in many things" i've realized that i wasn't really searching at all, just waiting for something to circumstantially come my way. like a discarded scrap of highway litter waiting to be picked up and placed by some hypothetical good samaritan. i need to actively search, to actively give a damn. a hoot and a hollar ffs. i need to go full shaman mode and forsake a certain lot which comprises my life, taking and not giving. heap 'a shit i tell you. i need personally to attempt a scrape of the barrel, there's sure to be at least something waiting— that's hope for you. and all these people, these retail clerks, phone scammers, spammers, city planners, bureaucrats, addicts, homeless, they all had a dream. all of them. up in smoke. and i'd like to believe they all still have a dream yet to find, a dream which hasnt even crossed their minds yet. we're all in routines and don't bother to 'find' things while we're in them. i don't know… i'm resolute in my dying by my hands but i sure as shit want to exhaust whatever that's in me. i don't want to die like these teens here having spent my sole life being abused and watching anime. fuck that.
and in my eyes all treatments and procedures are worth a shot as long as they don't strip out of you what you hold dearest. research everything. try not to look at things from top or bottom, left or right, they say it's the most difficult to look things squarely in the middle. maybe it's all carrots on a stick.