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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
The first time I got covid was a couple months ago, it was the super mild variant that many people aren't even aware they've picked up. Even then, I was still pretty sick (horrible headache) for a few days relative to my peers who didn't even notice they had it. Thanks, dogshit immune system.

Because of how severe my IBS is, I became so constipated last week (and my laxative wasn't working) that I completely lost my ability to piss due to blockage and ended up developing a bladder infection. Got a 3 day course of antibiotics then after about a week of the infection starting to clear up started feeling like there was a stabbing pain in my skull, and spiked an absurdly high fever.

I thought the infection must have spread, because the symptoms I've had the past 4 days genuinely made me feel like I was dying. I can't get up and down stairs, I can't eat anything, I can't taste anything, the fever was so bad that I started hallucinating and feeling delirious, pain started reaching 8/10 levels to the point where I was crying and have been taking huge doses of codeine for days because nothing eases the pain.

I would stick my legs under scalding hot water and my skin would be a ghostly pale color despite the fact that I've been sweating through my clothes constantly and unable to sleep due to the fever and pain. Thought the infection had spread to kidneys or something but lo and behold, I took a bunch of covid tests and that's what's fucked me up like this.

Can't watch videos or play games or anything because the motion and light gives me a migraine, can only use my phone rn thanks to heavy dose of painkillers. Everyone else I know barely had any symptoms from covid regardless of if they took vaccines or not, so I am genuinely stumped why I'm getting messed about so bad by it. I'm also worried it's gonna permanently make my ME/CFS and pain worse.

If you had cockvid how bad was it for you? Did you have any after effects, especially if you already have some form of chronic illness?
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Jul 31, 2022
i never got the virus but i got the clot shots and i am super suicidal so i was hoping it would give me myocarditis but i am still alive so now i have to get sn
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Oct 19, 2021
I had the vaccine and both boosters and then I finally got the virus around august 10th, and it was a little worse than a cold but not as bad as the flu for three days- sneezing, coughing especially, plus nausea, headaches, and just feeling rundown- symptoms mostly gone after three days, completely gone after five days except for coughing a few times a day for maybe a week longer, but I tested negative around ten days and probably would have sooner if i would have checked.
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I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
I got it a while ago. I don't fully remember it. But it was awful. I had the same strand that you had - the milder one.

The first day, it wasn't so bad. I just felt tired. I woke up, and day two was horrible. I couldn't breathe well, coughing and sneezing, eyes were rivery (not watery, RIVERY), I had a splitting headache (which wouldn't subside until a week later). I was fortunate enough to have a mother and a maid take care of me, so I didn't have to move that much. It was still awful though. I couldn't find it in me to eat, even though I could still taste. Sleeping was horrible. I don't remember why, but I remember sleeping terribly for that entire week. Which is ironic, considering how exhausted I was.

I can't remember much else, other than somewhere along the line, I developed a horrible back pain. Whenever I would eat, I would feel this horrible bloating feeling where there'd be a sharp stabbing pain - for days. Again, I'd have a headache, and all those to her symptoms above. I would feel very drowsy and delirious, so I wouldn't be able to walk, or do much of anything. Inability to focus on anything. I constantly felt out of it. Pain medications didn't do shit.

Even after I got over that mountain hill, I'd still feel a serious sense of fatigue for a week. Looking back, it was much, much milder than your experience, @KuriGohan&Kamehameha . What you went through sounds like hell. I'm so sorry.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
I'm so sorry you're going through this :(

I caught coronavirus in March while in Europe. Probably the BA.2 variant, I spent a few days maskless at a conference. I was vaccinated 3 times but the last shot was in October, five months before. I had the main symptoms for about 2 weeks. About a week of fever, and I tested positive for I think 12-14 days. Because I was alone in a different country, the situation was much more stressful. I couldn't eat much regular food from the hotel restaurant & had to figure out how to order groceries so I could get shakes, light snacks, tea, LOTS of tissues, etc. Keeping myself hydrated and providing nutrition was very important. My heart rate was elevated the whole time, the coughing and sneezing was miserable. I took acetaminophen for the fever at night so I could sleep better. I had to drive to another city while still covid positive, and then wait 5 days before I would be allowed to return to my home country, and then had to deal with ~18 hours of travel to get back.

My main physical illness is gastroparesis, I struggle to eat enough and covid wiped out my appetite. I was able to manage my digestive symptoms while sick with a mostly liquid diet, and didn't lose any weight. I think the food in the country I was in was healthier than what I had at home, so that probably helped too.

After I stopped testing positive, I continued to have minor respiratory symptoms for about 2 weeks, and the fatigue lasted for about a month. I had PTSD symptoms for about 2-3 months, part of me still felt like she was stuck in that hotel room, still in an unfamiliar country. I was worried I wasn't going to get my full physical health back but I eased back into things & consider myself to have fully recovered at this point.

I don't want to get covid again, but I feel like I'll be able to handle it if I do. I don't think the Omicron variants are actually less severe once someone is infected - the variants are much more infectious, a lot more healthy vaccinated people caught Omicron compared to earlier variants, so there have been a lot more mild cases.
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Sep 1, 2022
Covid was really rough for me
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
I only got fever a first, but it never went away not matter how many pills I take. I only went to get checked after I can't breathe properly. That was after a week.

I'm fairly healthy but I didnt have the vaccine that time so Covid hit hard. I was constantly burning up but having chills, vomitting and diarrhea.

My recovery was pretty slow, took 2weeks. But still I feel like a whole month has passed before I can breathe normally tho.

I think my heart took a hit too. I've been having chest pains after what happened idk.
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Aug 12, 2022
I caught it at work in march 2020 and was literally bedbound for 5 weeks but wasn't hospitalised
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Not sure, but think I had two or three different strains or whatever it's called. No vaxx (based), so got a lil shook by the first one (basically like any other illness that catches, stuffed nose, laying in bed, stuff like that). IIRC, I got long covid from it for some amount of months, but I can't really remember (would obviously not have affected my life at all). Second came with lesser symptoms (Omicron, I think), third I'm not even sure if it was actually covid, very mild. I didn't have a good sense of smell before the whole thing, and I guess it went from 10% to 0%, lol. Don't need that shit, anyway. I can smell strong stuff or things that are very close, tho. I am actually sick with something now, I'm guessing it's not covid, but it could be.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Mine was so mild that I questioned whether I should even test myself. I had one day of weakness/fatigue and a very mild sore throat for the remainder. No change in taste or smell. I believe I caught Omicron. Symptoms lasted about 4-5 days. Tested positive for several days after. No lingering symptoms.
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Jul 14, 2022
my covid was shocking not that bad. Since i work in a hospital, around the time in 2020 when Covid was at it's peak I honestly expected myself to get sick with it at some point and surprise, surprise i did. I was unable to move my legs for.. 5-ish hours and then i had a very sore throat and horrible headaches for the next 3 days but other than that i was perfectly fine. Maybe i had some issue with breathing but i wouldn't know cuz' i already have lung issues.
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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
I had encephalopathy (not my first one), which also resulted in a fever, and the symptoms of my heart condition worsened. The former felt like torture (as it always does).
Treated it all myself. I wasn't diagnosed personally (I have no access to healthcare), yet those I live with were.
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Lost all, lost everything
Sep 15, 2022
I got the lethal injection and it funked me up so now I have to kill myself.
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Mar 6, 2022
I've had it twice. Both times I felt like death. I have never felt that bad in my whole life. The second time was earlier this year and I have ongoing fatigue, headaches, dizziness and muscle/joint pain. Most days I feel like shit. My husband got it the same time I did and he has some cardiac and fatigue issues that haven't gone away.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I think i had it 3 times. First time was a month of shit and it took a bit of time to fully shake the residual stuff then about 6 months later I gor it again and it was horrible but not as bad as the first time. About a month later I got really sick again and it seemed to keep subsiding and then coming back on an almost weekly basis. It flip flopped like that for ages and really messed me up. I've never been the same since then and have been uncertain as to whether what happened was a result of covid or an accidental poisoning that may have occurred. Either way I have all these neurological symptoms and as like @Skathon I have encephalopathy but getting the doctors to hear it is hard work. They thought I was a hypochondriac from the start (I have no history to suggest this btw) and that's essentially informed their approach to my treatment since then. So on top of experiencing the worst thing of my life and becoming suicidal as a result I've also had to face stigma from the people who claim to be there to help. It's been the perfect shit storm.

Many people have been left in a mess due to covid OP so it's no surprise you feel the way you do. Hope you pass through it quickly. I guess I'd say force yourself to eat a bit even when you don't want it. Drink warm drinks and honey and try to get some electrolytes so your body has ehat it need to keep up the fight. All that sweating calls for it. I wish I'd have used some electrolytes. Don't take things to stop the fevers unless they get dangerously high. The fever serves a function so its better to let it do its job where possible. The discomfort is worth it. I should say I'm not a doctor. I'm repeating things a doctor said but take them with some discrepancy. I'll say this though, I didn't call anyone when I was slurring my words, walking like Mr Soft and having visual disturbances. I really fucking wish I had as it would have been undeniable and I'd have received treatment. If you find yourself going that way make that call to emergency services no matter how inconvenient it feels. I really messed up by neglecting to do that. I guess I just thought it would pass and things would get better at the time.
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Sep 16, 2022
I had it twice, but it wasn't too bad. The only symptoms I had were a slight cold and loss of taste for a few days.


404: Reason to live not found
Jul 17, 2022
So far, I haven't had this one. Probably helped by the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere on acreage. I did, however, have the other one in the mid 00s, called SARS-CoV-1. This current one is called SARS-CoV-2 aka CoVID. I was pretty sick and became an asthmatic. I wasn't an asthmatic before this. Permanent damage to my lungs and chronic fatigue. Never fully recovered from it.
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New Member
Sep 14, 2022
COVID last year made me very ill. Worse than I was before, with chronic illness. I basically never recovered from it, gained a new lifelong disability and never will have my previous life back.
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