The only person I've clearly told about it is my now-ex. I downplayed how often the thoughts were, and swore that I could never actually go through with it, though, because the idea scared them.
Some others might suspect it from me being a little more loose-lipped when drunk/high. The most direct I've gotten is telling someone I called a hotline once (I didn't specify, but what else do you call a hotline for?).
My parents asked if I'm depressed a few months ago, but I denied it. I don't want them and their views involved.
I stopped having any use for Discord after I got broken up with and isolated from the friend group I shared with my ex, but I don't want to delete my account, so I just left a link in my profile on how to help someone who opens up about being suicidal - treatment I wish I could have received. Partially out of the desire to leave something good behind, partially as a little cry for help that won't draw shame or too much attention, I suppose. I strongly doubt anyone will see it, but it's a 'might as well' sort of thing.