
Jun 25, 2018
I have no access to benzos and think it is likely that my psychiatrist would not give me benzos having wanted sleeping pills in the past, I've only received zopiclone in really small amounts. So how horrible would the suffering be without them? Is there also anyway to speed up the process? All I've seen is by using alcohol and Tagamet alongside it and can only have about, if everything goes to plan, fourteen hours for this to work.
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Reactions: Vincent Moraes, dano6533 and anna
Vincent Moraes

Vincent Moraes

Jul 20, 2018
I'm really interested in this answer. I've just got some 8 grams of Amitriptyline and I can soon get some 450g of diazepam, which I think should be enough to be sedated through the process. But we never know, it would be good having some idea on what might happen if I wake up in middle of it... Also, I would like to know the best way to take the anti emetics. PPH mentioned 60mg of meto 40 minutes before taking Amitriptyline, but Ive seen some other opinions about this.

A good question also is how to be 48h alone without any disturb. I'm thinking about a Hotel, but I'm not really sure if someone won't just enter the room to clean up and see my body with convultions or something like that and call the emergency. that would be lame


Le mort joyeux
Jul 11, 2018
Its supposed to give you a heart attack isnt it? So I would assume is not very pleasant without the benzos


May 25, 2018
Seems like a very slow method with a huge chance of being found before you die to me
El Topo

El Topo

Apr 21, 2018
I have no access to benzos and think it is likely that my psychiatrist would not give me benzos having wanted sleeping pills in the past, I've only received zopiclone in really small amounts. So how horrible would the suffering be without them? Is there also anyway to speed up the process? All I've seen is by using alcohol and Tagamet alongside it and can only have about, if everything goes to plan, fourteen hours for this to work.

According to the book Guide to a Humane Self-Chosen Death, the only 4 drugs that reliably cause death are barbiturates, opiates, tricyclic antidepressants, and chloroquine. However, if you OD on amitriptyline without taking a large of a long-acting benzo beforehand, the death will be painful and disturbing.