Sad Avocado
Those things I've never said
- May 27, 2023
- 206
Personally I first started considering it at 17 years old, now I'm almost 19.
This really hurts to see :( I just added a younger option on the poll.10- I think your poll could do with starting younger if still possible. There are plenty of people here who have had ideation since early childhood.
Hey it has been a while since I've heard from you, how are you doing?15-16
I miss too the illusion of the young years when you thought that life is great and the world is a good place to live in.14 it came with the teenage hormones before then life was heaven on earth
Ignorance is truly bliss the more you know the duller the world gets I miss back when I was naïve happy boy the world was so magical and exciting.I miss too the illusion of the young years when you thought that life is great and the world is a good place to live in.
I have been considering since I was 8 years old. It has only been getting worse. It has been a decade, no change for the better.
For me it was like something big switched at 12 and then I was never the same
OK so the first time I really actually considered doing it, beyond just depressive thoughts with no intent at all, was 15.
I can't remember exactly the first time I thought dying would be nice in theory, or the first time I questioned living, but I would've been 10-12 most likely. Having autism / ADHD and anxiety as a result of it early on in life, plus a toxic parent who later became abusive, it didn't take long before I started questioning things.
first thoughts around 12 but didn't attempt till 20
For me it was between 18 and 19, i voted 19
I was 7, but that age isn't represented on the poll. The very day I heard about suicide on the news, I tried it. And I have never stopped trying. And I will never stop trying. I will succeed at it if it's the last thing I do.
It will be the last thing I do.
same it just gets more and more unbearable every yearHonestly, since elementary school age. It gets worse every year that goes by