
existing, not living
Jan 23, 2020
Don't bother. I've tried the OTC OD before, you have to take so many pills your gag reflex eventually makes you vomit them all up.


Jan 27, 2020
You wrote : "I might have to turn to sodium nitrite eventually but I'm going to be honest and say I'm extremely on edge and discouraged by the lack of ironclad info about it"

Well, there's a fair bit of info here :
The peaceful pill handbook also has some information.

My thoughts / notes are :

I've read many different accounts of people taking SN, from various sources.
The overall impression I get is that it is fairly peaceful.
I believe there will likely be some discomfort, but I don't believe the discomfort level is too high.
I have heard it described as being like a "bad hangover".
I believe you would go unconscious after about 20 minutes.
However, I can only state what I believe to be true, based on things I have read and things that have been posted by others. I cannot give guarantees.

Overall the method seems reliable. The successful cases heavily outweigh the failed cases.
Most of the failed cases appear to be where people were found or called an ambulance themselves.
So if you take good precautions to not be found, and have a certain amount of determination to undergo some discomfort without calling an ambulance, then the chance of success should be very high. Some members have vomited, but still been successful. In the cases where people vomited it doesn't appear they drank any more SN, yet they still appeared to succeed, although the recommendation is to have a couple of extra glasses ready, and to drink more in the event of vomiting.
Also, what is the chemical composition of stuff like gold polish? What percentage cyanide is it?

There are way cheaper versions but this link is just for reference


Jan 23, 2020
Suicide is essentially a bargaining tool in your quality of life

I agree with this 100%. Imagine if the oppressed people of the world let go of their SI. Folks would revolt en mass and would take down the status quo. If not revolt, then CTB which would hurt monied interests.

I am determined to the live the life I want to live or I CTB.

For me it's a hard balance as I consider myself pragmatic and understand that no life is perfect. But I have set of fair non-negotiables. This matters since to win over my non-negotiables I have to convince other people to help me. If they dont want to help or if I cant get their buy-in, I am eventually going to CTB. Shame really, but for me it's about control and pain. Its about setting my own terms and not just taking whatever the "free market" wants to give me. I am done begging. I am not a pet to be manipulated.
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Jan 27, 2020
I agree with this 100%. Imagine if the oppressed people of the world let go of their SI. Folks would revolt en mass and would take down the status quo. If not revolt, then CTB which would hurt monied interests.

I am determined to the live the life I want to live or I CTB.

For me it's a hard balance as I consider myself pragmatic and understand that no life is perfect. But I have set of fair non-negotiables. This matters since to win over my non-negotiables I have to convince other people to help me. If they dont want to help or if I cant get their buy-in, I am eventually going to CTB. Shame really, but for me it's about control and pain. Its about setting my own terms and not just taking whatever the "free market" wants to give me. I am done begging. I am not a pet to be manipulated.
What does SI mean?

Yeah I think overall I really agree with you

Particularly if non-negotiables could just be my own room somewhere, preferably with the internet and the ability to do stuff

(I understand that sort of modest plea can turn into a jail cell or a room in an asylum which wouldn't be great, either--and I can see some dick in power obliging my demands in that manner)

I like to explore the world (where it doesn't suck), I like having possessions

It would be nice to have friends or be able to learn about science (try to do experiments and stuff to the best of my abilities, try certain drugs more if possible, like DMT or ecstasy) and make some sort of art (probably writing or poetry for me since I'm not great at drawing, but maybe some kind of music), ideally have friends

In a utopia where automated machines did most of the labor, we could do way more than that, and I could have a more ideal life and a family (limit my kids to whatever Malthus-level asshole complaint needs to be met), but I'm just saying above what my bare minimum level of not killing myself would be


Jan 23, 2020
What does SI mean?

Yeah I think overall I really agree with you

Particularly if non-negotiables could just be my own room somewhere, preferably with the internet and the ability to do stuff

(I understand that sort of modest plea can turn into a jail cell or a room in an asylum which wouldn't be great, either--and I can see some dick in power obliging my demands in that manner)

I like to explore the world (where it doesn't suck), I like having possessions

It would be nice to have friends or be able to learn about science (try to do experiments and stuff to the best of my abilities, try certain drugs more if possible, like DMT or ecstasy) and make some sort of art (probably writing or poetry for me since I'm not great at drawing, but maybe some kind of music), ideally have friends

In a utopia where automated machines did most of the labor, we could do way more than that, and I could have a more ideal life and a family (limit my kids to whatever Malthus-level asshole complaint needs to be met), but I'm just saying above what my bare minimum level of not killing myself would be
SI =SURVIVAL INSTINCT the general tendency of humans to avoid situations that result in death.

I dont know if the machines will ever pass on wealth fairly in society. All productivity gains have amassed wealth at the top and the product of such productivity has not moved onto to most people in developed economies. There is opportunity in the developing world but unfortunately opportunity is distributed like wealth which then brings about the same set of problems in worse conditions.

I am afraid UBI would just lead to rampant inflation that erode any gains delivered by UBI.


Jan 27, 2020
SI =SURVIVAL INSTINCT the general tendency of humans to avoid situations that result in death.

I dont know if the machines will ever pass on wealth fairly in society. All productivity gains have amassed wealth at the top and the product of such productivity has not moved onto to most people in developed economies. There is opportunity in the developing world but unfortunately opportunity is distributed like wealth which then brings about the same set of problems in worse conditions.

I am afraid UBI would just lead to rampant inflation that erode any gains delivered by UBI.
I'm afraid of UBI leading to inflation also

I'd much prefer a way where agricultural machines grow the food, drones deliver it, and maybe even those automated kitchens could prepare it (or some other automated food processing system could)

Same with clothes and shelter and other basic necessities

Once those are taken care of, we can move on to automating the production of less "survivally" things (like 3D printers provide a glimpse of how easy this could theoretically be)

I don't actually care as much about the equal distribution of resources so much as I do about providing everyone a high quality of life (as high as possible, and hopefully even continuously improving, although I think if you want a more ascetic lifestyle you should be able to have that somehow)

However, forces like "capitalism" and "communism" are much bigger than me and I don't know which could provide the best quality of life/minimum and hopefully nonexistent slavery/work in the end

It will probably be some synthesis of the two, although that being said the wrong type of synthesis of each's qualities could make the world even more of a living hell than it already is

I just want the elimination of work wherever possible, and to allow people to improve standard of living just by devoting their time to inventing things (and just exploring art and science and being with family/friends/loved ones, lazing around, maybe exploring and being active too when they choose to)--

The worst part about inflation is that it makes savings get really fucked up, so you can't free yourself from slavery by relying in that--particularly the elderly (ignore hyperinflation which just makes the money uncountable and makes money more imaginary/worthless than it already is)


Jan 23, 2020
I'm afraid of UBI leading to inflation also

I'd much prefer a way where agricultural machines grow the food, drones deliver it, and maybe even those automated kitchens could prepare it (or some other automated food processing system could)

Same with clothes and shelter and other basic necessities

Once those are taken care of, we can move on to automating the production of less "survivally" things (like 3D printers provide a glimpse of how easy this could theoretically be)

I don't actually care as much about the equal distribution of resources so much as I do about providing everyone a high quality of life (as high as possible, and hopefully even continuously improving, although I think if you want a more ascetic lifestyle you should be able to have that somehow)

However, forces like "capitalism" and "communism" are much bigger than me and I don't know which could provide the best quality of life/minimum and hopefully nonexistent slavery/work in the end

It will probably be some synthesis of the two, although that being said the wrong type of synthesis of each's qualities could make the world even more of a living hell than it already is

I just want the elimination of work wherever possible, and to allow people to improve standard of living just by devoting their time to inventing things (and just exploring art and science and being with family/friends/loved ones, lazing around, maybe exploring and being active too when they choose to)--

The worst part about inflation is that it makes savings get really fucked up, so you can't free yourself from slavery by relying in that--particularly the elderly (ignore hyperinflation which just makes the money uncountable and makes money more imaginary/worthless than it already is)

I think a lot of pain that people faced is in a lack of access to what others have regardless of where they stand on Maslow's hierarchy. That statement would lead you to think I am a commie. I dont think I am, but you never know.

From the current situation automating the production and distribution of essentials seems very good, but that will place even more emphasis on non-essentials on people. Biological imperative is to fornicate, so we all have to adorn ourselves like peacocks. Market dynamics exist at all levels.


Not gone yet but soon
Jan 14, 2020
Also, what is the chemical composition of stuff like gold polish? What percentage cyanide is it?

There are way cheaper versions but this link is just for reference
I know the stuff that was used in my shop had enough cyanide in it that I could smell it. This is when I discovered I could smell it. The labels should have a breakdown on it I would think.
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Jan 27, 2020
I think a lot of pain that people faced is in a lack of access to what others have regardless of where they stand on Maslow's hierarchy. That statement would lead you to think I am a commie. I dont think I am, but you never know.

From the current situation automating the production and distribution of essentials seems very good, but that will place even more emphasis on non-essentials on people. Biological imperative is to fornicate, so we all have to adorn ourselves like peacocks. Market dynamics exist at all levels.
I disagree with a lot of what you're saying

I agree the biological drive is immense and wanting to attract a girl as a wife is an enormous drive, but I think standard of living is more important

Plus, if you were completely autonomous from others (other humans at least) to get your needs, then you could just go off into a discreet corner of the earth and be pretty happy, you wouldn't even see other people who had more than you, and maybe you could hang out with friends in a similar situation

Plus, girls are not attracted to wealth alone. Things like (perceived) intelligence or attractiveness or strength are important

Obviously attraction to a wealthy guy is an aspect of the whole dynamic but the greater reality is that girls don't want their children to starve or be homeless, or not to be able to get medicine if they're sick

I think it's hard though because I find entertainment to be extremely important (including increasing your scientific knowledge or learning about history or psychology or philosophy or something), but a lot of things sort of blur the line, like girls really enjoy shopping as a form of entertainment, or eating, and those technically fall under the food and shelter needs

I also thinking working generally sucks (not necessarily devoting all your time to something challenging or productive, just being a slave and doing something degrading or bone-grinding or exhausting, especially day in and day out, when you can never choose to take a break or just not come in)

I think it's tough also because there should be and is a universal drive to have progressively nicer things, but not necessarily nicer than others (for instance, videogames and televisions have gotten way better, and I don't think that was so much of a "Keeping Up With The Joneses" thing as it was a "God I wish this thing wasn't so blurry" or "I wish there was something better to watch"--one being a more mechanical improvement, the other being an artistic improvement)

Plus there's something cool about having your own hideout with it's own rules and setup (hence why kids had treehouse forts and hippies had communes, until the former gets too old and has to work and the latter runs out of money or finds farming way too hard)

Idk, I actually think there's something to be said about your argument both biologically and socially, but I also don't think that misery is purely based on economic inequality

I'd imagine people adrift at sea or dying of starvation in the wilderness probably kill themselves, as might people trapped on a sinking ship

Plus people who are really sick generally want to die and that's a huge part of the euthanasia/assisted suicide movement in itself

I think also priests and monks are an exception to that (if not a particularly healthy one) and Buddhist thought about the alleviation of suffering might be, also

There's also the cliche of a girl falling for a rugged adventurer (despite the possible miseries that adventures, especially in older times, may have carried) or a carefree bohemian artist (ditto there's also a million problems with the realities of risking homelessness and stuff by doing that)

I think also for me fear of certain conditions in the past tends to be a pretty deep and primal thing

No joke though, I was thinking the other day with fear after attempting to hang myself

People have apparently been using cyanide and other relatively-fast poisons "since antiquity" though so maybe some got that

Nevertheless I think our main base, primal fear is being a slave, forced to do literally whatever you're told, with no means to a way out or suicide, that seems to bond us, and once that condition is met we can squabble over the other details, which to me aren't as important

For me it's the feeling of having no way out that is terrible, no escape from your fate

You're probably right that the market and inequality are like an eternal presence though

I just think regardless that the standard of living should be constantly and enormously increased, and we can periodically check back on simulations of times of older technology, like an Amish community or the show Westworld (cool idea if pretty flawed show)

I'd also say that working, particularly at something you don't like or that you fundamentally disagree with, is shitty and I'd like to decrease work as much as possible (unless people legitimately like their jobs but then there's the old saying "if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life"--so it wouldn't necessarily count as work)

I think also avoidance from pain is a similarly huge drive so that would explain a desire not to starve or be baked in the heat or be worked into exhaustion or death

I think I just fundamentally like knowing that there's an escape though

Even outside of economic things

I'd like to be able to die even if I was the last person in the world if I ran into a dangerous enough situation or a low enough quality of life

I might find the whole thing too creepy or lonely though at some point, even obviously without the danger of living in ruins, possibly among wild animals or something

Like for me there's an element of fear too, like if you encountered a giant spider or cockroach you'd probably want to die in that situation (although maybe your deeper fear really is the Communist interpretation of it, and I'd be afraid that the giant spider would be perpetually better off than me hot a more marketable worker, fucking all the hot girls)

Dude I keep on wanting to poke holes in your theory (it still doesn't explain why we'd want to kill ourselves to escape great pain even from the physical world itself) but literally every time I'm about to think of something a counter-argument pops up

Idk if I like or dislike the feeling
I think a lot of pain that people faced is in a lack of access to what others have regardless of where they stand on Maslow's hierarchy. That statement would lead you to think I am a commie. I dont think I am, but you never know.

From the current situation automating the production and distribution of essentials seems very good, but that will place even more emphasis on non-essentials on people. Biological imperative is to fornicate, so we all have to adorn ourselves like peacocks. Market dynamics exist at all levels.
I think your argument denies a lot of the hardship of physical pain though, in and of itself

Like wanting to die because of a toothache you can't fix (especially if it's like a Castaway-type deal) or a bad sickness (with vomiting, not to get into the throwing up blood that comes with a severe enough sickness)

This is a tricky topic

Fear of failure is bad one, too

Although I guess failure is often linked to other people's success

I don't know if I hate what you're saying, it's just a very different way of thinking for me that I'm not entirely familiar with and therefore feels a little uncomfortable

Communism is a scary and tricky game though

I've never liked the way it handled a lot of things

Something was always very sinister about it

Something felt deeply wrong with it

Maybe it's the permanence

The lack of escape from within that system

The being told you're wrong no matter what (in many cases)

The rejection of who you originally were/are

The constant being around others

The inauthenticity of much of how it felt

The embracing of the mundane and terrible

The love of work

The fear that you were always having a trick played on you

The stress of always being critiqued and watched and evaluated (capitalism has that too with jobs, holy shit)

Communism is scary
I disagree with a lot of what you're saying

I agree the biological drive is immense and wanting to attract a girl as a wife is an enormous drive, but I think standard of living is more important

Plus, if you were completely autonomous from others (other humans at least) to get your needs, then you could just go off into a discreet corner of the earth and be pretty happy, you wouldn't even see other people who had more than you, and maybe you could hang out with friends in a similar situation

Plus, girls are not attracted to wealth alone. Things like (perceived) intelligence or attractiveness or strength are important

Obviously attraction to a wealthy guy is an aspect of the whole dynamic but the greater reality is that girls don't want their children to starve or be homeless, or not to be able to get medicine if they're sick

I think it's hard though because I find entertainment to be extremely important (including increasing your scientific knowledge or learning about history or psychology or philosophy or something), but a lot of things sort of blur the line, like girls really enjoy shopping as a form of entertainment, or eating, and those technically fall under the food and shelter needs

I also thinking working generally sucks (not necessarily devoting all your time to something challenging or productive, just being a slave and doing something degrading or bone-grinding or exhausting, especially day in and day out, when you can never choose to take a break or just not come in)

I think it's tough also because there should be and is a universal drive to have progressively nicer things, but not necessarily nicer than others (for instance, videogames and televisions have gotten way better, and I don't think that was so much of a "Keeping Up With The Joneses" thing as it was a "God I wish this thing wasn't so blurry" or "I wish there was something better to watch"--one being a more mechanical improvement, the other being an artistic improvement)

Plus there's something cool about having your own hideout with it's own rules and setup (hence why kids had treehouse forts and hippies had communes, until the former gets too old and has to work and the latter runs out of money or finds farming way too hard)

Idk, I actually think there's something to be said about your argument both biologically and socially, but I also don't think that misery is purely based on economic inequality

I'd imagine people adrift at sea or dying of starvation in the wilderness probably kill themselves, as might people trapped on a sinking ship

Plus people who are really sick generally want to die and that's a huge part of the euthanasia/assisted suicide movement in itself

I think also priests and monks are an exception to that (if not a particularly healthy one) and Buddhist thought about the alleviation of suffering might be, also

There's also the cliche of a girl falling for a rugged adventurer (despite the possible miseries that adventures, especially in older times, may have carried) or a carefree bohemian artist (ditto there's also a million problems with the realities of risking homelessness and stuff by doing that)

I think also for me fear of certain conditions in the past tends to be a pretty deep and primal thing

No joke though, I was thinking the other day with fear after attempting to hang myself

People have apparently been using cyanide and other relatively-fast poisons "since antiquity" though so maybe some got that

Nevertheless I think our main base, primal fear is being a slave, forced to do literally whatever you're told, with no means to a way out or suicide, that seems to bond us, and once that condition is met we can squabble over the other details, which to me aren't as important

For me it's the feeling of having no way out that is terrible, no escape from your fate

You're probably right that the market and inequality are like an eternal presence though

I just think regardless that the standard of living should be constantly and enormously increased, and we can periodically check back on simulations of times of older technology, like an Amish community or the show Westworld (cool idea if pretty flawed show)

I'd also say that working, particularly at something you don't like or that you fundamentally disagree with, is shitty and I'd like to decrease work as much as possible (unless people legitimately like their jobs but then there's the old saying "if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life"--so it wouldn't necessarily count as work)

I think also avoidance from pain is a similarly huge drive so that would explain a desire not to starve or be baked in the heat or be worked into exhaustion or death

I think I just fundamentally like knowing that there's an escape though

Even outside of economic things

I'd like to be able to die even if I was the last person in the world if I ran into a dangerous enough situation or a low enough quality of life

I might find the whole thing too creepy or lonely though at some point, even obviously without the danger of living in ruins, possibly among wild animals or something

Like for me there's an element of fear too, like if you encountered a giant spider or cockroach you'd probably want to die in that situation (although maybe your deeper fear really is the Communist interpretation of it, and I'd be afraid that the giant spider would be perpetually better off than me hot a more marketable worker, fucking all the hot girls)

Dude I keep on wanting to poke holes in your theory (it still doesn't explain why we'd want to kill ourselves to escape great pain even from the physical world itself) but literally every time I'm about to think of something a counter-argument pops up

Idk if I like or dislike the feeling

I think your argument denies a lot of the hardship of physical pain though, in and of itself

Like wanting to die because of a toothache you can't fix (especially if it's like a Castaway-type deal) or a bad sickness (with vomiting, not to get into the throwing up blood that comes with a severe enough sickness)

This is a tricky topic

Fear of failure is bad one, too

Although I guess failure is often linked to other people's success

I don't know if I hate what you're saying, it's just a very different way of thinking for me that I'm not entirely familiar with and therefore feels a little uncomfortable

Communism is a scary and tricky game though

I've never liked the way it handled a lot of things

Something was always very sinister about it

Something felt deeply wrong with it

Maybe it's the permanence

The lack of escape from within that system

The being told you're wrong no matter what (in many cases)

The rejection of who you originally were/are

The constant being around others

The inauthenticity of much of how it felt

The embracing of the mundane and terrible

The love of work

The fear that you were always having a trick played on you

The stress of always being critiqued and watched and evaluated (capitalism has that too with jobs, holy shit)

Communism is scary
You gave me a lot to think about, man
I think a lot of pain that people faced is in a lack of access to what others have regardless of where they stand on Maslow's hierarchy. That statement would lead you to think I am a commie. I dont think I am, but you never know.

From the current situation automating the production and distribution of essentials seems very good, but that will place even more emphasis on non-essentials on people. Biological imperative is to fornicate, so we all have to adorn ourselves like peacocks. Market dynamics exist at all levels.
I think your argument denies a lot of the hardship of physical pain though, in and of itself

Like wanting to die because of a toothache you can't fix (especially if it's like a Castaway-type deal) or a bad sickness (with vomiting, not to get into the throwing up blood that comes with a severe enough sickness)

This is a tricky topic

Fear of failure is bad one, too

Although I guess failure is often linked to other people's success

I don't know if I hate what you're saying, it's just a very different way of thinking for me that I'm not entirely familiar with and therefore feels a little uncomfortable

Communism is a scary and tricky game though

I've never liked the way it handled a lot of things

Something was always very sinister about it

Something felt deeply wrong with it

Maybe it's the permanence

The lack of escape from within that system

The being told you're wrong no matter what (in many cases)

The rejection of who you originally were/are

The constant being around others

The inauthenticity of much of how it felt

The embracing of the mundane and terrible

The love of work

The fear that you were always having a trick played on you

The stress of always being critiqued and watched and evaluated (capitalism has that too with jobs, holy shit)

Communism is scary

I think a lot of pain that people faced is in a lack of access to what others have regardless of where they stand on Maslow's hierarchy. That statement would lead you to think I am a commie. I dont think I am, but you never know.

From the current situation automating the production and distribution of essentials seems very good, but that will place even more emphasis on non-essentials on people. Biological imperative is to fornicate, so we all have to adorn ourselves like peacocks. Market dynamics exist at all levels.
My post got deleted that I tried to attach at the end

You gave me a lot to think about, man

What if Communism rejected you, though? What if you were treated as an outcast or a criminal or an insane person?

What would happen then?

That's an insanely lonely and possibly scary and torturous life
I think a lot of pain that people faced is in a lack of access to what others have regardless of where they stand on Maslow's hierarchy. That statement would lead you to think I am a commie. I dont think I am, but you never know.

From the current situation automating the production and distribution of essentials seems very good, but that will place even more emphasis on non-essentials on people. Biological imperative is to fornicate, so we all have to adorn ourselves like peacocks. Market dynamics exist at all levels.
This whole website is kind of creepy to me

I guess it should be

I don't dislike our conversations though

I feel a camaraderie

I feel like I'm going to be rejected in the outside world being super pro-communist though

Plus I still have to go to work (not now but soon)

What will happen if I'm a communist-at-heart when I start going in?

I'm surprised I'm being so open and naive in my speech right now

I feel like I'm high but I'm not

(Wish I was, but I might have to pass a drug test soon)

I don't like that Communism generally rejected drugs, either

I love drugs

Haven't done a good deal of them but they're very cool overall (some seem pretty eh, particularly if you're the only one doing it in a given society and get treated like a leper or a maniac for it--which often you might legitimately be acting like

But that's more if not everyone is on the same type of drug)
Last edited:


Jan 23, 2020
You gave me a lot to process. I am going to need 48 hours to respond in earnest.


Jan 27, 2020
I disagree with a lot of what you're saying

I agree the biological drive is immense and wanting to attract a girl as a wife is an enormous drive, but I think standard of living is more important

Plus, if you were completely autonomous from others (other humans at least) to get your needs, then you could just go off into a discreet corner of the earth and be pretty happy, you wouldn't even see other people who had more than you, and maybe you could hang out with friends in a similar situation

Plus, girls are not attracted to wealth alone. Things like (perceived) intelligence or attractiveness or strength are important

Obviously attraction to a wealthy guy is an aspect of the whole dynamic but the greater reality is that girls don't want their children to starve or be homeless, or not to be able to get medicine if they're sick

I think it's hard though because I find entertainment to be extremely important (including increasing your scientific knowledge or learning about history or psychology or philosophy or something), but a lot of things sort of blur the line, like girls really enjoy shopping as a form of entertainment, or eating, and those technically fall under the food and shelter needs

I also thinking working generally sucks (not necessarily devoting all your time to something challenging or productive, just being a slave and doing something degrading or bone-grinding or exhausting, especially day in and day out, when you can never choose to take a break or just not come in)

I think it's tough also because there should be and is a universal drive to have progressively nicer things, but not necessarily nicer than others (for instance, videogames and televisions have gotten way better, and I don't think that was so much of a "Keeping Up With The Joneses" thing as it was a "God I wish this thing wasn't so blurry" or "I wish there was something better to watch"--one being a more mechanical improvement, the other being an artistic improvement)

Plus there's something cool about having your own hideout with it's own rules and setup (hence why kids had treehouse forts and hippies had communes, until the former gets too old and has to work and the latter runs out of money or finds farming way too hard)

Idk, I actually think there's something to be said about your argument both biologically and socially, but I also don't think that misery is purely based on economic inequality

I'd imagine people adrift at sea or dying of starvation in the wilderness probably kill themselves, as might people trapped on a sinking ship

Plus people who are really sick generally want to die and that's a huge part of the euthanasia/assisted suicide movement in itself

I think also priests and monks are an exception to that (if not a particularly healthy one) and Buddhist thought about the alleviation of suffering might be, also

There's also the cliche of a girl falling for a rugged adventurer (despite the possible miseries that adventures, especially in older times, may have carried) or a carefree bohemian artist (ditto there's also a million problems with the realities of risking homelessness and stuff by doing that)

I think also for me fear of certain conditions in the past tends to be a pretty deep and primal thing

No joke though, I was thinking the other day with fear after attempting to hang myself

People have apparently been using cyanide and other relatively-fast poisons "since antiquity" though so maybe some got that

Nevertheless I think our main base, primal fear is being a slave, forced to do literally whatever you're told, with no means to a way out or suicide, that seems to bond us, and once that condition is met we can squabble over the other details, which to me aren't as important

For me it's the feeling of having no way out that is terrible, no escape from your fate

You're probably right that the market and inequality are like an eternal presence though

I just think regardless that the standard of living should be constantly and enormously increased, and we can periodically check back on simulations of times of older technology, like an Amish community or the show Westworld (cool idea if pretty flawed show)

I'd also say that working, particularly at something you don't like or that you fundamentally disagree with, is shitty and I'd like to decrease work as much as possible (unless people legitimately like their jobs but then there's the old saying "if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life"--so it wouldn't necessarily count as work)

I think also avoidance from pain is a similarly huge drive so that would explain a desire not to starve or be baked in the heat or be worked into exhaustion or death

I think I just fundamentally like knowing that there's an escape though

Even outside of economic things

I'd like to be able to die even if I was the last person in the world if I ran into a dangerous enough situation or a low enough quality of life

I might find the whole thing too creepy or lonely though at some point, even obviously without the danger of living in ruins, possibly among wild animals or something

Like for me there's an element of fear too, like if you encountered a giant spider or cockroach you'd probably want to die in that situation (although maybe your deeper fear really is the Communist interpretation of it, and I'd be afraid that the giant spider would be perpetually better off than me hot a more marketable worker, fucking all the hot girls)

Dude I keep on wanting to poke holes in your theory (it still doesn't explain why we'd want to kill ourselves to escape great pain even from the physical world itself) but literally every time I'm about to think of something a counter-argument pops up

Idk if I like or dislike the feeling

I think your argument denies a lot of the hardship of physical pain though, in and of itself

Like wanting to die because of a toothache you can't fix (especially if it's like a Castaway-type deal) or a bad sickness (with vomiting, not to get into the throwing up blood that comes with a severe enough sickness)

This is a tricky topic

Fear of failure is bad one, too

Although I guess failure is often linked to other people's success

I don't know if I hate what you're saying, it's just a very different way of thinking for me that I'm not entirely familiar with and therefore feels a little uncomfortable

Communism is a scary and tricky game though

I've never liked the way it handled a lot of things

Something was always very sinister about it

Something felt deeply wrong with it

Maybe it's the permanence

The lack of escape from within that system

The being told you're wrong no matter what (in many cases)

The rejection of who you originally were/are

The constant being around others

The inauthenticity of much of how it felt

The embracing of the mundane and terrible

The love of work

The fear that you were always having a trick played on you

The stress of always being critiqued and watched and evaluated (capitalism has that too with jobs, holy shit)

Communism is scary

You gave me a lot to think about, man

I think your argument denies a lot of the hardship of physical pain though, in and of itself

Like wanting to die because of a toothache you can't fix (especially if it's like a Castaway-type deal) or a bad sickness (with vomiting, not to get into the throwing up blood that comes with a severe enough sickness)

This is a tricky topic

Fear of failure is bad one, too

Although I guess failure is often linked to other people's success

I don't know if I hate what you're saying, it's just a very different way of thinking for me that I'm not entirely familiar with and therefore feels a little uncomfortable

Communism is a scary and tricky game though

I've never liked the way it handled a lot of things

Something was always very sinister about it

Something felt deeply wrong with it

Maybe it's the permanence

The lack of escape from within that system

The being told you're wrong no matter what (in many cases)

The rejection of who you originally were/are

The constant being around others

The inauthenticity of much of how it felt

The embracing of the mundane and terrible

The love of work

The fear that you were always having a trick played on you

The stress of always being critiqued and watched and evaluated (capitalism has that too with jobs, holy shit)

Communism is scary

My post got deleted that I tried to attach at the end

You gave me a lot to think about, man

What if Communism rejected you, though? What if you were treated as an outcast or a criminal or an insane person?

What would happen then?

That's an insanely lonely and possibly scary and torturous life

This whole website is kind of creepy to me

I guess it should be

I don't dislike our conversations though

I feel a camaraderie

I feel like I'm going to be rejected in the outside world being super pro-communist though

Plus I still have to go to work (not now but soon)

What will happen if I'm a communist-at-heart when I start going in?

I'm surprised I'm being so open and naive in my speech right now

I feel like I'm high but I'm not

(Wish I was, but I might have to pass a drug test soon)

I don't like that Communism generally rejected drugs, either

I love drugs

Haven't done a good deal of them but they're very cool overall (some seem pretty eh, particularly if you're the only one doing it in a given society and get treated like a leper or a maniac for it--which often you might legitimately be acting like

But that's more if not everyone is on the same type of drug)
You wrote : "I might have to turn to sodium nitrite eventually but I'm going to be honest and say I'm extremely on edge and discouraged by the lack of ironclad info about it"

Well, there's a fair bit of info here :
The peaceful pill handbook also has some information.

My thoughts / notes are :

I've read many different accounts of people taking SN, from various sources.
The overall impression I get is that it is fairly peaceful.
I believe there will likely be some discomfort, but I don't believe the discomfort level is too high.
I have heard it described as being like a "bad hangover".
I believe you would go unconscious after about 20 minutes.
However, I can only state what I believe to be true, based on things I have read and things that have been posted by others. I cannot give guarantees.

Overall the method seems reliable. The successful cases heavily outweigh the failed cases.
Most of the failed cases appear to be where people were found or called an ambulance themselves.
So if you take good precautions to not be found, and have a certain amount of determination to undergo some discomfort without calling an ambulance, then the chance of success should be very high. Some members have vomited, but still been successful. In the cases where people vomited it doesn't appear they drank any more SN, yet they still appeared to succeed, although the recommendation is to have a couple of extra glasses ready, and to drink more in the event of vomiting.
I looked into SN more and feel better about it

The taking 20 mins to lose consciousness and the vomiting you just mentioned seem kind of scary though

I guess also it depends how bad of a hangover it is (in the context of how much it scares me)

I'll take an anti-emetic

I wish Nembutal was legal

Or number of drugs which would painlessly end a lot of this (with prescriptions it seems like a good deal are kind of legal)
You wrote : "I might have to turn to sodium nitrite eventually but I'm going to be honest and say I'm extremely on edge and discouraged by the lack of ironclad info about it"

Well, there's a fair bit of info here :
The peaceful pill handbook also has some information.

My thoughts / notes are :

I've read many different accounts of people taking SN, from various sources.
The overall impression I get is that it is fairly peaceful.
I believe there will likely be some discomfort, but I don't believe the discomfort level is too high.
I have heard it described as being like a "bad hangover".
I believe you would go unconscious after about 20 minutes.
However, I can only state what I believe to be true, based on things I have read and things that have been posted by others. I cannot give guarantees.

Overall the method seems reliable. The successful cases heavily outweigh the failed cases.
Most of the failed cases appear to be where people were found or called an ambulance themselves.
So if you take good precautions to not be found, and have a certain amount of determination to undergo some discomfort without calling an ambulance, then the chance of success should be very high. Some members have vomited, but still been successful. In the cases where people vomited it doesn't appear they drank any more SN, yet they still appeared to succeed, although the recommendation is to have a couple of extra glasses ready, and to drink more in the event of vomiting.
I guess also the difference for me vs. hanging is that theoretically there's a lot less for me to do in the SN case, besides try no to throw up too much

So it's less of a fight

I feel bad if I throw up on a hotel room bed

Maybe I'll put lots of towels down or keep a bucket by me
Re-reading that long reply of mine today, my final verdict is that I don't want to associate my suicide with a Communist rebellion

I want work to disappear, and for suffering to disappear, but I'm also afraid of the whole Jonestown thing taking away from a perfectly valid movement that, more importantly, enough people of all social classes can embrace (the significance of that is that peaceful suicide drugs hopefully won't face as much banning pressure for that reason)

My regard for the plight of the average "lower-end" worker, being sort of one myself, is very high, and I hope that if any person low enough on the totem pole wants peaceful pills, the widespread societal acceptance of them can enable that

I just feel like the constant appeal to "rise up by suicide" is a very dangerous game that might not be worth it

I really hope machines and automation do everything though and that everyone is provided with basic supplies (and hopefully eventually non-basic) and no one has to work anymore unless for some reason they really want to

I really just want everybody to be cool with the idea of recognizing that if you don't have a great alternative way out, it's very comforting and reassuring to have a peaceful and quick means of suicide

I don't want anyone to be in pain anymore

I don't want to jeopardize a way of accomplishing that
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Jan 27, 2020
Just to reiterate in case some poor soul gets a glimpse and a wrong idea--don't try the Tylenol method apparently, as it's supposedly agony


Jan 23, 2020
Yes. Tylenol will fry your liver.
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Nov 20, 2019
Is it legit that Tylenol overdosing could painlessly kill me? I'd probably do it at a hotel but get there early and make sure I had a late checkout

If Tylenol couldn't, could any other OTC drug?
Okay so it would apparently be agony, fuck that

Is there anything I could legally get my hands on to painlessly and definitely kill me? I wish cyanide wasn't banned
Let's not forget about the one OTC OD-able, Benadryl/Sleepeze (Diphenhydramine).

Not necessarily the most peaceful but combined with strong short and long acting benzo's and following the recipe in website. I am not saying that it is the best way to CTB but it is definitely doable but carries many side effects that can cause issues but can be solved with benzo's and being in a somewhat isolated environment

There are multiple accounts of people doing it successfully, but there are also MANY accounts of people taking very minor doses thinking it would be fatal but just making them trip. It is a very dose-dependent drug so if going this route research it thoroughly and I've posted plently of information.

I'm in no means encouraging you to harm yourself, just answering the question you asked. If getting better is an option then it should be considered but this decision is entirely your choice.
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Jan 27, 2020
Let's not forget about the one OTC OD-able, Benadryl/Sleepeze (Diphenhydramine).

Not necessarily the most peaceful but combined with strong short and long acting benzo's and following the recipe in website. I am not saying that it is the best way to CTB but it is definitely doable but carries many side effects that can cause issues but can be solved with benzo's and being in a somewhat isolated environment

There are multiple accounts of people doing it successfully, but there are also MANY accounts of people taking very minor doses thinking it would be fatal but just making them trip. It is a very dose-dependent drug so if going this route research it thoroughly and I've posted plently of information.

I'm in no means encouraging you to harm yourself, just answering the question you asked. If getting better is an option then it should be considered but this decision is entirely your choice.
Yeah I think I decided against OTC drugs, thank you though

For me my main fear (a main fear, at least), is that if I find a drug that works it can be taken away from me somehow and I really wouldn't like that

Like I could have years of self-assurance only to get muddled up somewhere and be in a really bad situation that I have no exit from

Then I could just advocate for suicide in general, so that it's given as a way out, but for me personally that might not even be helpful for the movement and might again lead to my suicide method being taken away

It's just a weird feeling

Hanging seems pretty universally accessible (not totally though), but I found that to be very painful and not something I enjoyed--and even if I did have no problem with hanging, it's pretty tricky to pull off, especially in a restricted situation (aka the time when you would need a suicide method the most)

For me I just find it ironic that society is the thing that's preventing me from killing myself, but I'd also probably be more "productive" in its eyes if I had the reassurance and confidence of a method of suicide when I wanted to

That said, it's depressing and for me a little paralyzing to think of how "if society prevents me from killing myself, it also originally provided most of the methods"

Natural, somewhat fast poisons like belladonna from what I hear can apparently be pretty terrible (I think the guy Derek Humphry said that), and I'm not sure if hemlock is much better

You could hang yourself in many time periods but I also recently learned how painful that can be (I guess you could try to rig it so that you jumped from a high tree with a long rope and broke your neck or died instantaneously otherwise)

I guess if you lived near a cliff, jumping off of it would be probably your best means of killing yourself painlessly (although it seems frightening, and idk how you'd inherently know how high a fall was too high a fall)

I don't really like talking or thinking about suicide in history because it kind of depresses me after a while


Jan 27, 2020
Thank you very much

This is a canister of carbon monoxide, https://www.instrumentdepot.com/100...KdUQAvD_BwE&osCsid=qdshqrk3qb1h3sgmbdd21q2uk3

Could I just open the cap and sniff it? Or would I need to buy some sort of mask? And where would I buy that?

This is a gold plating solution, http://vi.raptor.ebaydesc.com/ws/eB...0&pm=1&ds=0&t=1571781768000&ver=0&cspheader=1, would I die painlessly if I just drank enough of it? It's cyanide-based

I might have to turn to sodium nitrite eventually but I'm going to be honest and say I'm extremely on edge and discouraged by the lack of ironclad info about it

Not allowing people to die, and making them risk potentially agonizing deaths and botched attempts in the process of it, is so evil in my opinion

Like it would be one thing if they made the world a super pleasurable, enjoyable place for you but for the most part the ability for everyone to have a pleasurable life is constantly rejected by those at the head of society

Like making a system where someone has no choice but to become homeless in some situation, and making it essentially illegal or impossible for them to kill themselves, is to me beyond cruel

Or they could also work an awful job with brutal hours, only to not have much money or a family or even a place to stay after decades of it all, which I essentially find enforces a form of horrible slavery

No I think if whoever is in charge wanted slaves that bad they should just try to automate everything so that only unfeeling machines did it
Yeah to reiterate the actual company's website says it's "low cyanide" or 1%, so not a good method


Jan 27, 2020
It feels weird coming back to this one page after everything I've read about suicide now


Oct 28, 2019
Don't bother. I've tried the OTC OD before, you have to take so many pills your gag reflex eventually makes you vomit them all up.
Could you tell us a little about what happened ?
eg What did you take, how much, what was outcome ?


Feb 4, 2020
I bought a gun (rifle) to shoot myself about 3 years ago but my mom caught me as I was sneaking it out (to go to a wooded area a few miles from my town)--my reasons are the same existentially as many other people's--

But lo and behold I had two weeks in the psych ward and more importantly, now that (modern day) I'm thinking I should kill myself again, there's a risk I'd go back to a psych ward for a very long time if I tried to buy a gun (the way the doctors phrased it was vague), and there are many reasons why that would make my existence permanently unpleasant

Anyway, I tried to do a "partial hanging" last night but it was absolutely excruciating and my survival instincts kicked in way too much and that is not at all the way I want to die (the whole point of death is supposed to be it's a release from suffering)

I don't want to have excruciating stomach agony from ODing on Tylenol and I also most certainly don't want to survive the attempt and end up in the psych ward

Is it legit that Tylenol overdosing could painlessly kill me? I'd probably do it at a hotel but get there early and make sure I had a late checkout

If Tylenol couldn't, could any other OTC drug?
Okay so it would apparently be agony, fuck that

Is there anything I could legally get my hands on to painlessly and definitely kill me? I wish cyanide wasn't banned

I wish I could get a gun

I can't carbon monoxide myself as I don't have my own car or garage

Otherwise it's jump in front of a train, and that's a huge shock to a lot of the parties involved, and jumping off a really high bridge seems unnecessarily-terrifying

Pro tip: The only amount of paracetamol/acetaminophen that is guaranteed fatal is a metric tonne, and that's only if it happens to fall on top of you.
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The universe is wonderful.
Feb 23, 2020
Do not overdose on medication or pills. It doesn't work.


Apr 10, 2019
Yeah I think I decided against OTC drugs, thank you though

For me my main fear (a main fear, at least), is that if I find a drug that works it can be taken away from me somehow and I really wouldn't like that

Like I could have years of self-assurance only to get muddled up somewhere and be in a really bad situation that I have no exit from

Then I could just advocate for suicide in general, so that it's given as a way out, but for me personally that might not even be helpful for the movement and might again lead to my suicide method being taken away

It's just a weird feeling

Hanging seems pretty universally accessible (not totally though), but I found that to be very painful and not something I enjoyed--and even if I did have no problem with hanging, it's pretty tricky to pull off, especially in a restricted situation (aka the time when you would need a suicide method the most)

For me I just find it ironic that society is the thing that's preventing me from killing myself, but I'd also probably be more "productive" in its eyes if I had the reassurance and confidence of a method of suicide when I wanted to

That said, it's depressing and for me a little paralyzing to think of how "if society prevents me from killing myself, it also originally provided most of the methods"

Natural, somewhat fast poisons like belladonna from what I hear can apparently be pretty terrible (I think the guy Derek Humphry said that), and I'm not sure if hemlock is much better

You could hang yourself in many time periods but I also recently learned how painful that can be (I guess you could try to rig it so that you jumped from a high tree with a long rope and broke your neck or died instantaneously otherwise)

I guess if you lived near a cliff, jumping off of it would be probably your best means of killing yourself painlessly (although it seems frightening, and idk how you'd inherently know how high a fall was too high a fall)

I don't really like talking or thinking about suicide in history because it kind of depresses me after a while
Sorry I know this is an old thread but I was given belladonna once - the dipshit dosing us tried to "impress" me and my bf at the time by adding extra… we both felt fine for hours and eventually just went to bed.

Woke up the next day in hospital TRIPPING BALLS n freaking out; apparently we were climbing the walls half naked at his elderly parents house n they called an ambulance. I was handled v badly by staff (they didn't tell me I was hallucinating and just pinned me down, as if that would calm anyone) and ended up punching a nurse, biting a security guard and was locked in a guarded room… my bloke at the time was put into an induced coma and I was convinced he was dead. I remember being given a pair of shitflickers (disposable shoes) and being so grateful that I hugged the guard (presumably but the one I bit!), bawled my eyes out and said he was much nicer than my parents :pfff:

No fun at all, don't even remember most of it either which was a complete waste of time.

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