
Jan 27, 2020
I bought a gun (rifle) to shoot myself about 3 years ago but my mom caught me as I was sneaking it out (to go to a wooded area a few miles from my town)--my reasons are the same existentially as many other people's--

But lo and behold I had two weeks in the psych ward and more importantly, now that (modern day) I'm thinking I should kill myself again, there's a risk I'd go back to a psych ward for a very long time if I tried to buy a gun (the way the doctors phrased it was vague), and there are many reasons why that would make my existence permanently unpleasant

Anyway, I tried to do a "partial hanging" last night but it was absolutely excruciating and my survival instincts kicked in way too much and that is not at all the way I want to die (the whole point of death is supposed to be it's a release from suffering)

I don't want to have excruciating stomach agony from ODing on Tylenol and I also most certainly don't want to survive the attempt and end up in the psych ward

Is it legit that Tylenol overdosing could painlessly kill me? I'd probably do it at a hotel but get there early and make sure I had a late checkout

If Tylenol couldn't, could any other OTC drug?
Okay so it would apparently be agony, fuck that

Is there anything I could legally get my hands on to painlessly and definitely kill me? I wish cyanide wasn't banned

I wish I could get a gun

I can't carbon monoxide myself as I don't have my own car or garage

Otherwise it's jump in front of a train, and that's a huge shock to a lot of the parties involved, and jumping off a really high bridge seems unnecessarily-terrifying
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Dec 27, 2019
DO NOT attempt to OD on any drug containing paracetamol/acetaminophen: it will destroy your liver and leave you in agony before it comes close to killing you.

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Jan 24, 2020
Don't. Tylenol is not a reliable way to kill yourself, as well the death comes about through liver death. This is one of the worst ways to die and takes weeks. You could very well be left alive but with a severely damaged liver.
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Jan 1, 2020
Unless you're a time traveler and happen to find a cyanide tampered bottle of Tylenol in 1982, then no. Don't bother with any OTC medications, if they could kill you easily they wouldn't be widely available.
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Dec 31, 2019
Forget all the urban myths. There really isn't a way to ctb with otc meds. If it were that simple, there'd be dead people everywhere, both on purpose and accidentally.

Welcome. Read while you're here. You're unlikely to find this much helpful info anywhere else.

And trust us on the Tylenol. It won't work and it may leave you stuck with a life full of pain and regret. Adding alcohol only makes the pain and damage worse.
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Dec 20, 2019
I've asked myself the same thing!! But ofcourse I know that even if I take the Tylenol, I'll purge until they all come up. Yes, I would do something impulsive like that and freak out after it's done and would ask to be taken to a hospital for help with getting it out of my system :pfff: I want to ctb, but I'm dumb af and have no chances.


Jan 27, 2020
Forget all the urban myths. There really isn't a way to ctb with otc meds. If it were that simple, there'd be dead people everywhere, both on purpose and accidentally.

Welcome. Read while you're here. You're unlikely to find this much helpful info anywhere else.

And trust us on the Tylenol. It won't work and it may leave you stuck with a life full of pain and regret. Adding alcohol only makes the pain and damage worse.
Can you legally get any euthanasia drugs?
Forget all the urban myths. There really isn't a way to ctb with otc meds. If it were that simple, there'd be dead people everywhere, both on purpose and accidentally.

Welcome. Read while you're here. You're unlikely to find this much helpful info anywhere else.

And trust us on the Tylenol. It won't work and it may leave you stuck with a life full of pain and regret. Adding alcohol only makes the pain and damage worse.
Can you get any euthanasia drugs legally? Can sodium nitrite (which you can apparently buy on Amazon) actually kill you and do so painlessly?

The fact that there are a few states with right-to-die doctors and Switzerland has that one place that helps kill you really helps me to underline how sick and evil most of the rest of the world is

Like I have no prospects in life really, I fuck up most of the jobs I have--in America you are not guaranteed a job or a welfare check, which I'd be more fine with if they didn't also make it illegal to kill yourself

Or I've got to do it some gruesome, unpleasant way like hanging myself, instead of just blissing out peacefully in a bed to the afterlife

I can't buy a gun anymore realistically, at least not for another 2 or 3 years, without risking being thrown into a mental hospital

It's just a really fucked up situation that I'm despairing at, but in a modern society much like ours, I could just be like "okay, peace"

At least America you can still buy a gun

I have no fucking clue what the British and Australians would do

This is so senseless
Can you legally get any euthanasia drugs?

Can you get any euthanasia drugs legally? Can sodium nitrite (which you can apparently buy on Amazon) actually kill you and do so painlessly?

The fact that there are a few states with right-to-die doctors and Switzerland has that one place that helps kill you really helps me to underline how sick and evil most of the rest of the world is

Like I have no prospects in life really, I fuck up most of the jobs I have--in America you are not guaranteed a job or a welfare check, which I'd be more fine with if they didn't also make it illegal to kill yourself

Or I've got to do it some gruesome, unpleasant way like hanging myself, instead of just blissing out peacefully in a bed to the afterlife

I can't buy a gun anymore realistically, at least not for another 2 or 3 years, without risking being thrown into a mental hospital

It's just a really fucked up situation that I'm despairing at, but in a modern society much like ours, I could just be like "okay, peace"

At least America you can still buy a gun

I have no fucking clue what the British and Australians would do

This is so senseless

Suicide is essentially a bargaining tool in your quality of life
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Self Saboteur
Jan 15, 2020
I see a lot of people talk about SN being painless and peaceful. I've also seen some people say "yeah some stomach discomfort and your skin turning blue is normal" that tells me you're being starved of oxygen, which wouldn't feel too good because of cell death and all of that, no? . Seeing you turn blue would also freak you out would it not? Idk I know some other poisons that essentially do the same thing (don't allow oxygen to be carried across the cells) and are painful, so why isn't this?


Jan 27, 2020
I see a lot of people talk about SN being painless and peaceful. I've also seen some people say "yeah some stomach discomfort and your skin turning blue is normal" that tells me you're being starved of oxygen, which wouldn't feel too good because of cell death and all of that, no? . Seeing you turn blue would also freak you out would it not? Idk I know some other poisons that essentially do the same thing (don't allow oxygen to be carried across the cells) and are painful, so why isn't this?

I guess my overall point is that there are plenty of anesthetics and drugs like ecstasy that make you feel good or put you to sleep to numb your pain, and there are also drugs like heroin that allegedly can kill you blissfully in an overdose, so there's not one drug in all of chemistry anyone on this website could recommend?

Like for this site to recommend brutal and ineffective ways of suicide, but not recommend a simple and painless drug, is to me extremely sinister


Jan 24, 2020
I guess my overall point is that there are plenty of anesthetics and drugs like ecstasy that make you feel good or put you to sleep to numb your pain, and there are also drugs like heroin that allegedly can kill you blissfully in an overdose, so there's not one drug in all of chemistry anyone on this website could recommend?

Like for this site to recommend brutal and ineffective ways of suicide, but not recommend a simple and painless drug, is to me extremely sinister

Nembutal, secobarbital.
BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
Take it from someone who did this overdose, don't do it.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
@NotWhatIExpected, I'm sorry you're contemplating such things, but since you are, please understand that of course people here can list drugs that could kill you without apparent pain, but that would only help if there were reliable sources for them. But since those drugs are very hard for most people to get ahold of, we talk about more methods that are more accessible.

No one here is "recommend[ing] brutal and ineffective ways of suicide". People here discuss the best methods they can get. If I had access to pharmaceutical-grade nembutal, fentanyl or other such drugs, I'd certainly use them.

But I don't, so SN is what I plan to use. You can read here about how it works. Or not. Your choice.
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Dec 4, 2019
I see a lot of people talk about SN being painless and peaceful. I've also seen some people say "yeah some stomach discomfort and your skin turning blue is normal" that tells me you're being starved of oxygen, which wouldn't feel too good because of cell death and all of that, no? . Seeing you turn blue would also freak you out would it not? Idk I know some other poisons that essentially do the same thing (don't allow oxygen to be carried across the cells) and are painful, so why isn't this?
I don't know about how truly painful sn may or may not be, but I made myself watch multiple videos with people shooting themselves in the head, and hanging themselves. I can guarantee neither of those look like a good way to go. Some of that shit is straight-up nightmare fuel.

Sorry you're hurting OP.
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Jan 27, 2020
@NotWhatIExpected, I'm sorry you're contemplating such things, but since you are, please understand that of course people here can list drugs that could kill you without apparent pain, but that would only help if there were reliable sources for them. But since those drugs are very hard for most people to get ahold of, we talk about more methods that are more accessible.

No one here is "recommend[ing] brutal and ineffective ways of suicide". People here discuss the best methods they can get. If I had access to pharmaceutical-grade nembutal, fentanyl or other such drugs, I'd certainly use them.

But I don't, so SN is what I plan to use. You can read here about how it works. Or not. Your choice.
Okay can you link me some info on SN then and show me how to safely use it?

What is the drug like? How effective is it? How safe is it? How long would the process of dying take for me?

That's exactly what I want to do as well, I mean obviously if I could overdose on the heavenly drug in the universe I'd prefer to do that, but I'll settle for what's possible

Being able to use a gun would be good, too but that's out of my hands right now

And yes I've seen people reference cutting their wrists and throats, which are brutal and ineffective means
I don't know about how truly painful sn may or may not be, but I made myself watch multiple videos with people shooting themselves in the head, and hanging themselves. I can guarantee neither of those look like a good way to go. Some of that shit is straight-up nightmare fuel.

Sorry you're hurting OP.
Thank you

No I disagree, shooting yourself in the head, while messy and kinda sad, seems quick and reliable as shit

Like blinking an eye

Hanging yourself seems fucking disgusting and brutal, much more so than I originally would have thought (not that I thought it looked very nice to begin with)


Dec 4, 2019
Again, so sorry you're hurting. Here we at least totally understand the absurdity of being made to trudge through a life that is ripping you apart bit by bit. Lots of us are good listeners, and really have been there.

Have you found the resources section? For my first few weeks, i just lurked and read... it helped me understand stuff and expanded my thinking on a lot of topics. I hope you find some answers one way or another.
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Dec 27, 2019
@NotWhatIExpected this has a few methods you can consider:



Here's Tom with the weather
Jan 25, 2020
Take it from someone who did this overdose, don't do it.

I tried this on impulse once with a bottle of Tylenol and a bottle of Jack Daniels. All it got me was the drunkest night of my life lol. I suppose I should glad I didn't suffer the worst side-effects.
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Dec 31, 2019

You need to read. There is a ton of information here but we are not going to give you personal, one-on-one tutoring in the art of taking your own life. If there was a magic, painless and peaceful pill, this board would be empty now. There isn't. Only you can decide what level of discomfort, pain or uncertainty you can live with.

This is a pro-choice web site. We believe that everyone has the right to choose to end their life. We have also seen that quick, impulsive decisions rarely end well.

You have been here less than a day. Please take some time to learn and decide what is right for you. In the meantime, you can talk to us about your life and your choice if you like. We're very good listeners.
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Sep 9, 2019
Tylenol overdose can lead to a horrible, slow death from liver failure. For those who survive there can be permanent liver damage and associated complications. Liver failure is a particularly nasty way to go.


Jan 27, 2020
Again, so sorry you're hurting. Here we at least totally understand the absurdity of being made to trudge through a life that is ripping you apart bit by bit. Lots of us are good listeners, and really have been there.

Have you found the resources section? For my first few weeks, i just lurked and read... it helped me understand stuff and expanded my thinking on a lot of topics. I hope you find some answers one way or another.

I just want an instantaneous and painless death
Tylenol overdose can lead to a horrible, slow death from liver failure. For those who survive there can be permanent liver damage and associated complications. Liver failure is a particularly nasty way to go.
Any poisons I can get instead? I assume you can't just buy cyanide?
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Jan 15, 2020
Sadly apparently not.
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Jan 27, 2020

You need to read. There is a ton of information here but we are not going to give you personal, one-on-one tutoring in the art of taking your own life. If there was a magic, painless and peaceful pill, this board would be empty now. There isn't. Only you can decide what level of discomfort, pain or uncertainty you can live with.

This is a pro-choice web site. We believe that everyone has the right to choose to end their life. We have also seen that quick, impulsive decisions rarely end well.

You have been here less than a day. Please take some time to learn and decide what is right for you. In the meantime, you can talk to us about your life and your choice if you like. We're very good listeners.

"If there was a magic, painless and peaceful pill, this board would be empty now. There isn't."

The pill you're thinking of is called a cyanide capsule, or a bullet

Neither are always very accessible though
Again, so sorry you're hurting. Here we at least totally understand the absurdity of being made to trudge through a life that is ripping you apart bit by bit. Lots of us are good listeners, and really have been there.

Have you found the resources section? For my first few weeks, i just lurked and read... it helped me understand stuff and expanded my thinking on a lot of topics. I hope you find some answers one way or another.

The philosophy of suicide I've already talked about much of my life

I wish I just knew of better methods

Like I feel pretty heartbroken and betrayed after reading about, in some places, how "peaceful" hanging yourself can be
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Jun 1, 2019
There is a resources section which has already been linked, I suggest you read some of it. There is a Wiki, you might read that. There is a search facility, you might like to use it. Dont expect other members to do all the leg work for you. This whole forum is a wealth of information if you but look for it.
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Oct 28, 2019
For SN, it would be a good idea to take a look at Stan's guide :

For general reference, you might also want to refer to the peaceful pill handbook :

Note : As always, please note that I strongly encourage you to seek help with whatever is troubling you. With the right help things can improve. There are many sources of help if you look and reach out. Please seek assistance in any and every way possible. You alone must decide upon your actions and take full responsibility for them, and you should always favour seeking help and keeping out of harm's way.


Jan 27, 2020
For SN, it would be a good idea to take a look at Stan's guide :

For general reference, you might also want to refer to the peaceful pill handbook :

Note : As always, please note that I strongly encourage you to seek help with whatever is troubling you. With the right help things can improve. There are many sources of help if you look and reach out. Please seek assistance in any and every way possible. You alone must decide upon your actions and take full responsibility for them, and you should always favour seeking help and keeping out of harm's way.
Thank you very much

This is a canister of carbon monoxide, https://www.instrumentdepot.com/100...KdUQAvD_BwE&osCsid=qdshqrk3qb1h3sgmbdd21q2uk3

Could I just open the cap and sniff it? Or would I need to buy some sort of mask? And where would I buy that?

This is a gold plating solution, http://vi.raptor.ebaydesc.com/ws/eB...0&pm=1&ds=0&t=1571781768000&ver=0&cspheader=1, would I die painlessly if I just drank enough of it? It's cyanide-based

I might have to turn to sodium nitrite eventually but I'm going to be honest and say I'm extremely on edge and discouraged by the lack of ironclad info about it

Not allowing people to die, and making them risk potentially agonizing deaths and botched attempts in the process of it, is so evil in my opinion

Like it would be one thing if they made the world a super pleasurable, enjoyable place for you but for the most part the ability for everyone to have a pleasurable life is constantly rejected by those at the head of society

Like making a system where someone has no choice but to become homeless in some situation, and making it essentially illegal or impossible for them to kill themselves, is to me beyond cruel

Or they could also work an awful job with brutal hours, only to not have much money or a family or even a place to stay after decades of it all, which I essentially find enforces a form of horrible slavery

No I think if whoever is in charge wanted slaves that bad they should just try to automate everything so that only unfeeling machines did it
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Oct 28, 2019
Thank you very much

This is a canister of carbon monoxide, https://www.instrumentdepot.com/100...KdUQAvD_BwE&osCsid=qdshqrk3qb1h3sgmbdd21q2uk3

Could I just open the cap and sniff it? Or would I need to buy some sort of mask? And where would I buy that?

This is a gold plating solution, http://vi.raptor.ebaydesc.com/ws/eB...0&pm=1&ds=0&t=1571781768000&ver=0&cspheader=1, would I die painlessly if I just drank enough of it?
Sorry, I have no idea. I would need to research it in detail.
I suggest trying to do some research, unless anyone else can offer some input ?
Try using the search and advanced search functions on this site.
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Jan 20, 2020
I know others have said it, but it can't be said enough.... please for the love of god don't do otc od. It will hurt like hell, you'll be very ill, you'll destroy your liver, and you'll very likely live
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Oct 28, 2019
You wrote : "I might have to turn to sodium nitrite eventually but I'm going to be honest and say I'm extremely on edge and discouraged by the lack of ironclad info about it"

Well, there's a fair bit of info here :
The peaceful pill handbook also has some information.

My thoughts / notes are :

I've read many different accounts of people taking SN, from various sources.
The overall impression I get is that it is fairly peaceful.
I believe there will likely be some discomfort, but I don't believe the discomfort level is too high.
I have heard it described as being like a "bad hangover".
I believe you would go unconscious after about 20 minutes.
However, I can only state what I believe to be true, based on things I have read and things that have been posted by others. I cannot give guarantees.

Overall the method seems reliable. The successful cases heavily outweigh the failed cases.
Most of the failed cases appear to be where people were found or called an ambulance themselves.
So if you take good precautions to not be found, and have a certain amount of determination to undergo some discomfort without calling an ambulance, then the chance of success should be very high. Some members have vomited, but still been successful. In the cases where people vomited it doesn't appear they drank any more SN, yet they still appeared to succeed, although the recommendation is to have a couple of extra glasses ready, and to drink more in the event of vomiting.

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