

Dec 4, 2020
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Dec 17, 2020
Fear of not existing? Does this mean my fear of dying? My fear of not living anymore?

For me, right now, 0. I'd rather not exist right now. The sooner I can bite the bullet the sooner I can leave this brand of hell.
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Mar 22, 2020
I think it went from 10 to 0!
I just don't care anymore about anything so, I think not existing will be great! I mean, we won't even realize it!
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One day we shall be free from this mortal coil.
Jul 16, 2019

Don't really care.
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Nov 26, 2020
I want to not exist so 0
Dying itself is higher because I'm not so tough. Maybe 8-9.
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Oct 5, 2020
2 only because idk what will happen after I'm gone
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
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Dec 13, 2020
0 - once I no longer exist I don't have the sensation or knowledge that I ever existed, never mind that I now don't exist.

So there is nothing to fear. ignorance is bliss.
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Our tainted history is playing on repeat
Jul 26, 2020
Now it's sooner than ever i think it's 9 or 8
I know not existing is way better than existing, that's why i want to ctb in the first place but when i think about it .. specially when i'm alone and sad .. it's just scary and dreary
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
I have nothing to lose so 0 fear.

for me it's more regrets for not having the things accomplished according to my desires,

I rate it 8/10 for regrets.
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Mar 23, 2019
1...maybe a 2. I don't see what there is to fear. I'm willing to bet All the fear is here ;-)
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Goodnight and always remember that’s life
Nov 5, 2019
0 Im mostly scared about what it takes to get there.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
0, if I don't exist then I won't exactly be able to care about it.
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Oct 12, 2020
Fear of not existing 0, because I don't like myself and that's what I want.
Fear of dying things change, because I have never been "so close to death" as these last weeks. If you add to that the survival instinct I would say 7.
The problem that the fact of not existing brings pain to third parties...that's what bothers me the most right now.
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Sep 30, 2020
A solid 9.
I am seeing how much I have to lose and it worries me.
I wish I could be in as much pain as the rest of you guys are, not be scared to take the jump.
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Jan 20, 2020
0 we can't feel being nonexistent, so there is nothing to fear. I fear the the possibility that isn't what comes after, so I fear further existence.
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
0. I wish I was never born. Non existence seems really great! :heart:
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Aug 27, 2020
0. Once you lose consciousness, the fear of not existing dies with you.
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
i'm afraid of the process of dying
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Dec 13, 2020
i'm afraid of the process of dying
I think this is the big stumbling block for most of us.

I'm starting to imagine it as one of those trials the ancients had to do in myths - or a bit like on Indiana Jones where he had to take a leap of faith and step into the abyss - where it was a stone bridge camouflaged so it looked like a straight drop down.

You have to find the faith or the power to take the trial to get to the golden fleece.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
0—being dead is not the problem.
10–getting dead. That's the problem.
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
Definitely 0. It has always been 0 and it'll always be 0 no matter what. Why would 'i' be "scared" or whatever that means of not 'existing' lol? To NOT exist/NOT be anything AT ALL is precisely the ONLY 'thing' 'I' WANT (and wish/desire/seek or whatever tf those 'verbs' mean lol)/WANT TO WANT, and it's NOT "bEcAuSe eXiStInG cAuSeS 'sUfFeRiNg' aNd 'pAiN'" NOR "bEcAuSe 'i' 'hAtE' 'mYsElF'" NOR """"bEcAuSe 'lIfE'/'tHe wOrLd'/'eXiStEnCe'/'pLanET eArTh' and or whatever tf iS "bAd" aNd oR wHaTeVeR oThEr ""nEgAtIvE"" 'wAy'/bEcAuSe oF tHe wAy|hOw 'lIfE'|'tHe wOrlD'|'pLanEt eArtH'|'cOnScIoUSneSs'|'ExIsTeNcE' and or whatever the damn fck Is bUt iF iT wAs aNotHeR|a DiFfErEnT wAy I wOuLd wAnT tO eXiSt"""" NOR because of absolutely ANY other single damn reason in general existent or not/possible or not at all lol. Its basically just NOT because of any reason at all unlike the case of literally everyone/anyone else in general whether it's pro life or not, suicidal or not etc and even "nihilists"/"antinatalists"/"efilists" or whatever that is, they also have their 'reasons' (basically everyone in general except me lol and im proud and I dont have any "problem" with that lol and i dont care if 'people' dont 'believe'/'understand'/'comprehend' this/that this is possible and that there doesn't have to be any fucking damn reason at all, just because no one will ever believe/understand this DOESNT mean that it's impossible and it's not gonna 'change' anything lmfao I simply just dont and that's it and I dont give a fck what people 'think'/'say', Im glad I disabled notifs so I dont have to read any assumptions :pfff:) and i dont have any "reasons" at all, why do I have to in the first place? Lol. Im NEITHER a "nihilist" nor "antinatalist" nor "efilist" nor anything like that lol I don't give a sht if 'life'/'existence' and or whatever tf is """""meaningless""""" or """"""meaningful"""""" or however tf. I. Just. Don't. Want. To. And. Simply. Never. Will. Literally. No. Matter. What. That's. It.

I don't """hate""" 'myself' or whatever tf "hate"/"dislike" means nor absolutely anyone else in general at all 'whatever'/'however'/'whoever' the fuck it is lol i simply just dont fucking care lol, I don't have """"lOw sElf-EsTeEm"""" nor """"sElF hAtReD"""" or whatever the fuck that means nor absolutely any other """"negative"""" thing like that lmao I just simply DONT care lol, i don't want to 'have'/'be'/'do' etc etc ANYTHING """""positive"""""/"""""good"""'" nor any other fucking thing like that/in general at all, why the f*ck do I have to? just because 'I' 'was' 'born'/'exist'/'am' 'something'|'someone'? That's the f*cking question :pfff:
And I couldnt care any damn less if 'existence'/'life' and or whatever other 'thing'/'place'/type of 'thing'/type of 'place' and or whatever tf is """suffering"""/"""pain""" or not. I dont f*cking 'care' and NEVER at all will if whatever/any 'thing' (whatever fcking 'thing' as 'example', anything/everything, whatever tf) is any/whatever """"""""positive"""""""" 'way'/'thing'/type of 'thing'/'place'/type of 'place' blah blah NOR if it's any/whatever """""""""""""negative""""""""""""""" 'way'/'thing'/type of 'thing'/'place'/type of 'place' blah blah etc whatever tf. I just dont understand why do I f*cking have to yes or yes uNlEsS i dOnT bEcAuSe oF a ReAsOn/rEaSoNs. why do i have to 'want'/'care' 'about'/'have' "interest" 'in'|'for'|'about' etcetc blah blah and or whatever tf 'things'/'something' yes or fcking yes? Lol, just because 'i' had no damn 'choice' but to 'exist'//'be'/'become' 'something'/'someone' DOESN'T mean i forcedly/necessarily have to 'want'/'care about'/be "interested" in etcetc 'life'/'things'/'existence'/'the world'/'planet earth' blah blah etc and or whatever other 'thing'/type of 'thing' lol. And again, I dont 'say' 'this' because of a reason, there's absolutely NO reason at all, has never been and simply NEVER will. Why can't i simply just DONT want any damn single thing at all and that's it, WITHOUT it being because of ANY damn reason at all? Well, apparently 'according' to "humans"/"people" that "isn't" possible and I'll NEVER understand why :pfff:
So no, it's not because of ANY reason at all in general, I simply just DONT and that's it and dont 'ask' because i wont give you any "explanations"/"reasons" nor anything else like that because there simply isn't/aren't any, lol. It's NOT the "consequence" of absolutely anything at all, there's no "explanation" for that, I simply just don't want to exist/don't want to 'experience' etc anything at all whatever|however tf it is etc/don't 'want'|don't give a shit about etc absolutely ANYTHING of any type/way etc, whatever|however tf it is etc and THAT'S. IT. if I told a """reason why""" I'd be lying and it'd basically an invention because the truth is that, it's literally simply just not because of a reason, whether it's believed/understood/comprehended or not.

Not existing DOESN'T """"scare"""" me at all, in fact it's all the opposite, I fucking wish i wasn't absolutely ANYTHING at all and that 'i' didn't 'exist' at all for all 'eternity'. It's the ONLY thing I've always wanted/i'll always want and the ONLY thing ive always wanted/I'll always want to want. And I dont say it because of a reason. Nothing "bad" 'happens' to 'me' nor absolutely any other """"negative""""/""""bad"""" 'thing' at all of any type and it's also NOT because of 'how' 'my life' and or 'life' and or 'the world' and or 'existence' and or 'planet earth' and or whatever tf|whatever other 'thing' is lol (I don't give a shit and never will, i couldn't care less 'how' whatever 'thing'/type of 'thing'/'place'/type of 'place' and or whatever the fuck in general is/isn't/can be/could've been blah blah, DONT care, have never cared and never will and it's also not because of any reason at all. I couldn't give any less of a sht if whatever/any 'thing'/'place' blah blah whatever tf is any/whatever """""""positive""""""'' 'way' or if it's whatever/any """"""""""""negative"""""""""""" 'way' and or whatever the fck lol i just simply don't care. That's it. I simply just dont want/don't 'care about' absolutely/literally anything in general whatever however tf it is, whatever 'type' of 'thing' etc it is etc and thats it lol it's not because of any damn 'reason' at all. Ive simply literally just NEVER wanted/dont want and simply NEVER will ANY """"""""positive"""""""" 'thing' at all lol. The 'question' is: "why? Why the fck do I yes or yes have to want 'something'/'things'/""positive"" 'things' etc and or 'care'/'be' "interested" in/about them? Why can't i simply just don't want ABSOLUTELY anything at all and that's it jfc WITHOUT it being because of literally ANY damn reason at all? That's 'something' I just never fucking will 'understand' but well.) NOR because of absolutely/literally/basically other ANY other "reason" in general at all of any type at all about/'related' to ANYTHING.

To not 'exist' AT ALL/not 'be' absolutely anything/anyone/anywhere AT ALL is literally the ONLY (and im glad and don't have any fucking "problem" with that lol just the opposite, it's what i want/what I want to want and that's it. NOTHING more/else at all. I couldn't give any less of a fcking sht 'how' "good"/"great" 'something' is/can be blah blah, I just dont give a damn fcking sht about anything at all I simply just DONT and NEVER will and THATS. BASICALLY. IT. so yeah, I simply just dont want to 'exist' at all and it doesn't """"scare"""" 'me' at all. I fucking wish i didn't exist at all, lol. (And I dont 'say' or whatever the fck "say" means that i dont want to 'exist'/that i want non-existence bEcAusE 'eXiStEnCe'/'lIfE' and or whatever tf iS "sUfFeRiNg" aNd "pAiN" nor because of absolutely ANY other reason at all lmao, Im not ""suffering"" AT ALL in any damn way at all, any type of 'suffering' at all, about absolutely anything, 'my life' is a 'good'/'great' 'life' or whatever tf that means and 'I' 'have it all' blah blah and many other """positive""" crap like that/in general and I couldnt care any less lmao. I dont care if 'existence'/'life' and or whatever the damn fck is """"suffering"""" and """"pain"""" or not and or whatever the fck lol, I simply will never give a damn sht about not only any of 'that' no matter 'how' it is/'what' 'happens'/'what' 'there is'/'what' it is 'about'/'how' it 'works' etcetcetc but absolutely ANY other thing in general at all/anything else in general at all whatever/however it is of absolutely ANY type. I'm not ""scared"" at all of not existing, thats the only i want/I'll ever want (and have NO problem at all, ive never wanted|don't want and never will and never will want to want absolutely ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL no matter 'what'/'how' it is etc) so how tf would it "scare" me? Lol
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New Member
Dec 20, 2020
- 0 -
The absence of guaranteed pain and suffering both physical and mental disproportionately outweighs non-guaranteed things/activities I want.

If I neither have them here and now, nor the ability to get them within reasonable amount of time or at all, the existence is nothing more then the need for keeping the meatsuit: fed / watered / defecated.
Bills paid.

Life is not unique and worthless by itself. You are creating its worth as you gain knowledge / experience / resources.

I would like to share with you my main discoveries about being human.

You either had won some kind of twisted lottery - were born a healthy baby in a wealthy family / first world country and have access to more or less balanced experience from the beginning to the end. OR were born with a disability in poor family in a shithole and got absolutely f*cking obliterated at the start.

English is not my first language so a hope you bear with me.
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
- 0 -
The absence of guaranteed pain and suffering both physical and mental disproportionately outweighs non-guaranteed things/activities I want.

If I neither have them here and now, nor the ability to get them within reasonable amount of time or at all, the existence is nothing more then the need for keeping the meatsuit: fed / watered / defecated.
Bills paid.

Life is not unique and worthless by itself. You are creating its worth as you gain knowledge / experience / resources.

I would like to share with you my main discoveries about being human.

You either had won some kind of twisted lottery - were born a healthy baby in a wealthy family / first world country and have access to more or less balanced experience from the beginning to the end. OR were born with a disability in poor family in a shithole and got absolutely f*cking obliterated at the start.
you're right. very accurate thoughts
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Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Oct 20, 2020
Fear of the process of dying? That's probably a 10.
Fear of missing out on life? 3.6. Not great, not terrible.
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Mar 17, 2018
Just a 3. However, the one fear that holds me back from ctb is hurting some people.
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